
Chapter Two.

The Enterprise is a three masted, 151 meter long 4th rate frigate built in the terminal island shipyards by the california shipbuilding corporation. she was built with a solid oak hull with embedded iron plates a quarter of an inch thick. She is also equipped with 50 of the new breech loading 25 pounder cannons, firing new high explosive shells that explode on contact. With an average speed of 17 knots, she was one of the fastest and most agile ships of her class. She set sail on the 17th of November 1811. On the 8th of February 1812, she encountered her first prey, a British 3rd rate ship of the line. With shattering broadsides, she ripped apart the British ship and set it on fire. However, during the British ship's only broadside killed the captain and the first mate on the deck. She sailed home on the 20th of February. Since the most senior officers were killed, the crew elected William Harbinger as their new captain. With Harbinger as their new captain, the ship sailed off to the convoy lanes, sinking and burning British ships where they went. Soon a rumor spread about a ship, as swift as a frigate, with guns rivaling a battleships, and fires off shots faster than even the best crew can manage. That ship was none other than the Enterprise. After sailing to New York harbor, they got a message sent from the chief Secretary, and it read:

"There have been reports of British ships attacking our whalers down south, into the Pacific Ocean. We need you to sail down to the south, go into the Pacific, and take down those whalers. If you don't, our economy will suffer dearly and we may lose the war.

Chief Secretary Henry Awkright."

After hearing the message, Harbinger immediately set sail towards the south atlantic, and making the dangerous journey to round cape horn. once into the Pacific, they sailed with a whaler towards the Galapagos, where they hid behind an island, hiding in wait of the British ships. At 10:22 a.m. on the 23rd, they sighted not one, but five British ships, two frigates and three schooners. Silently, she maneuvered to attack.