27 Chapter 27: Operating: Run out of the core!

"The End"walks to them as they run.

They meet the the hallways, where It leads to "The End"'s room

They meet up as "The End" and the group met

"The End": So You found my individual, How nice.

Guinevere: Give us the gem shards!

"The End": This fast? *giggles*

Ame: Then I call It a clash....

They now clash and "The End" dodged every heroes' skill.

Ame: This is *pants* unfair

"The End": Aww, So unfair. Anyways, You didn't get what You get.

"The End" Goes away. As the castle is going to collapse.

Kagura: Let's go!

They leaves immediately.

Guinevere: We didn't get the gem. *pants*

Valir: We got one

Vale: By sneaking while You attack

Kagura: Nice, Let's go to the portal right away!


Tips: For begginers

-How to avoid Nana's 2nd skill-

It was annoying when You triggers the annoying blue stuff and transforms into that.

So Tip #1! Make sure You're not alone! You can go behind your ally as the blue stuff goes to you

and immediately the ally transforms. Tip# 2 Make sure You have a blink skill. I didn't meant that You will teleport.

Instead, for example Kagura's blue 2nd skill. You should transform as You make that 2nd skill, It should be the right time, If

You succeed, You will never transform!

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