
Anti-Panick Measures (1)

Tip #1 : Saying the truth is the best way to make the people trust in you, but that not means that you can say all the truth all time, sometimes the truth needs to be fixed to be nicer, and is not something bad, always remember, the truth hurts and the people people tend to deny the things that hurt them, so when you talk about the truth, remember to make it sweeter than it is in real.


Now that the basic measures are ready, I have some time to reflex about the situation.

Okay, recapitulating is something like this, no…?

First I was playing "Ruling Civilizations" during the last day of the game before it stop working, that were 7 days in the game time thanks to the time dilatation, when I was interrupted by an army of Devourers that appeared near to my planet so I dispatch it with my army.

And the leader of that army resulted to be the "Lord of the Devourers" that I supposed to be some kind of special event or final boss of the end of the game in within which I found a kind of red crystal that I will call blood ruby because its color.

I lost the most of my 7 days fighting with the lord and when I returned to Vanaheim I decided to rest the rest of the day and have a party, and after the game ended I was still there.

Then the system forced me to absorb the crystal and then…

I appeared here.

This have no sense, really, In what shit reality is normal to appear in another cosmos completely different to your original just by playing a game?, Because even if that suspicious crystal is a reason why this happened I think is still fault of that game.

Well, now it seems to be my reality, is good, I think, I don't feel so nostalgic about it because my grandmother died 1 year ago, I was so sad because of that and I cried a lot, I still miss her but I know she lived a good life, well, who else than her manages live 268 years with plenty health?

But the point is that without her, I don't feel very nostalgic about my life as…

As who? What was my name in my real world? I, I don't remember it.

The unique name that comes to my mind is mind is my name in the game, I really didn't expend much time in the real world but I don't remember my name, I try to remember it but it feels blurry and quite… unnatural to think about my original name.

Ah, Whatever, is not as if I used to use it a lot, as I said before, I spent more time in the game than in the real world.

But I still feel quite restless about this and many questions still flood my mind, questions like.

How I didn't notice? The ncps behavior was that real and that the science of the game could apply to the real world were clearly signals, but I didn't suspect nothing.

I'm the only one? or there is more people that was transported wherever I'm are? And if that's the case, they will be other players? What is the criteria to be transported? or, there is even a criteria?

Now that this is not a game anymore means that if I dye I would dye forever, no? The so called "eternal death" that the rulers who have failed are condemned.

How many more questions accumulated in my mind, the more nervous I got, but when I felt as if the questions were about to make me tremble, I felt as if a bucket of cold water was drop directly on my mind.

Uff, I really I'm grated of putting this mechanism in my body, even if its original purpose of increasing my mind power wasn't possible.

I'm going to sleep now, I don't need it with my new body but I'm quite fatigued and sleep always help me.

I thought and I pressed a secret button and that caused a secret door open behind my throne, this is the door to a secret rest room down from my throne, its not my room, but I built it to occasions like this when I'm to tired and I want to rest immediately.


The next day I woke up and I was still here, I was waiting this and I don't know if is a secondary effect of the travel to this place, but I feel pretty calmed now.

Now I'm Altair Deus Vanaheim, my character in the game and I has no choice in this, so I decided to do my best.

My best in this whole new reality.

The press conference is near and I need to contact some persons to prepare some things.

" Valerine "

" Yes my lord? "

" Please stop calling me my lord, we are enough near, at least call me lord Altair". Yes, now that I'm gonna be here more frequently I need some comfort to work at my hundred percent.

" Yes, lord Altair "

" Better, we have still 3 hours until the press conference, no? So please do this for me…"

" Okay, should I contact Belthor to notify him? "

" No, Use the royal family funds, is faster and there won't be any discontent if we do that, is pretty hard to do so Gaia will help you, understood? "

" Understood, it will be ready for the end of the press conference."

" Thanks, Valerine I always can trust in you." I said and then I cut the call.


- 3 hours later

I'm currently on a flying stage in the near outsides of the castle in which some journalists are waiting their turn to make me some questions and around me were flying a lot of tiny drones working as cameras that record and transmit every one of my movements to all Vanaheim.

I wanted to do the conference on the ground but below me a lot of people is watching me and covering the ground.

I entrusted to myself because the Rulers have prohibited to believe in gods and I started to talk.

" Greetings, Citizens of Vanaheim, I know that there are worries about what is happening actually, and all is gonna be explained now by me, But first I want to say that this are not bad news, instead this are news of change and progress. " I said in a Loud voice that resonated through the scenery.

" With the Change and the progress came some risks, Yes, that is true." I said trying to make clear in through the lightest way possible that our situation isn't out of risks.

" But with my name as Altair deus Vanaheim, Supreme Ruler of the Energy and the Matter, Sovereign of Vanaheim and its inhabitants, that we would prosper against all the risks, and every change that succeeded was for our good, we would prospere and no one and nothing can stop that." I declared, without knowing that my words would be registered in the books of history.

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