2 Do I get to die again? Oh yay!

Suddenly Dominic opened his eyes. Still darkness... But I'm sure I just opened my eyes. Wait I'm thinking so does that mean I'm not dead? I'll try sitting up.



Pain pierced on his forehead as he felt his head rebound off a ceiling or something made of rock a couple feet above his head. Blood trickled into one of his eyes.

"Smooth start cool guy. " muttering to himself he shook his head and began to feel around with his hands and see if he could gather himself.

A small cave seemed to stretch out in front of him with a shallow ceiling slowly getting higher. A dusty aura clinged to the walls, a peculiar smell started to register in Dominic's mind. Kind of sour? Crawling he slowly followed the wall until he stumbled upon a large opening in the tunnel that extended into a large cave.

Light blasted from the opening and there was a large swath of plants spread across the walls ceiling and floor all glowing a strange myriad of colours like a kaleidoscope. And a large pitch black blob lay in the middle of the plants, towering over them like a Giants shadow.

This was definitely nothing Dominic had ever seen before so he was obviously highly cautious. He grabbed a rock while staying in the shadows and attempted to smack the opposite wall with it. Falling slightly short but still stirring the creature in the middle of the room.

A low growl emerged as the beast shifted and Dominic stifled a cry. "Another bear? I must be cursed" he swore. It looked to be hairy upon first inspection but looking twice it seemed to be armored in black thorns, small black flowers grew all over its body. And when it got up the floor shook from its weight, beneath it Dominic caught a glance of bones upon bones lining the floor like a bed. Looking closer the whole floor seemed to be covered in them but the plants everywhere but where the bear was laying.

It's eyes scanned right over the tunnel Dominic was hiding in. The glowing yellow eyes seemed to see nothing as it turned to another tunnel off the side of the cave as it suspiciously poked around and checked for signs of intruders at what must be the entrance to the cave. Halfway getting distracted to itch it's ear like a dog. And running to the side wall to munch on a glowing purple flower bulb the size of a human head.

Dominic sensed he would be found if he dallied any longer and the bear was distracted. So he began slowly walking across the room to the tunnel the bear had checked, training his eyes on the bear the whole way. Sparing a glance back Dominic nearly tripped as he couldn't find the tunnel he had appeared from. There was a thick wall of vines behind him as if had come from nowhere. But now was defiantly not the time to worry about that.

About halfway across Dominic reached the 'bed' of the bear and noticed these were the more recent kills,the sour smell intensified and among the bones were some human remains and some items. Mainly weapons littered the ground but a small leather pouch with black and blue beads seemed to glisten around the neck of a withered bearded skull at the centre of the bed. The other bones seemed fresher and were pushed away from it with this one pulled to the middle like a centerpiece on the dinner table.

It seemed important and the gears began to turn in Dominic's head. He made for the head and snatched the pouch. It seemed to draw him in and as soon as he touched the pouch the sour smell seemed to disappear and be replaced with a sweet one, a strange numb spread across his mind. Dominic unconsciously straightened his back and let out a breath.

Instantly the bear whipped its head up from eating scrunched up it's face and turned around releasing a bloodcurdling roar at this strange boy playing with his precious head.

Dominic wasn't about to try his luck fighting some strange goth plant bear especially after his last encounter with that species and felt the numb feeling spike with his adrenaline and intensify into an icy cold energy that stimulated his senses.

Before the bear even finished its roar Dominic made a mad dash for the exit corridor. Seconds later loud crunches came from behind as the bear trampled the fallen beneath his feet their souls seemed to scream as their last remains were desiccated.

Breaking through the exit Dominic made for a small field in front of him followed by a valley of dense forest. It was actually a lot darker outside than in the cave. Nearly night time, the bear came to a halt just past the entrance of the cave right where the vines and flowers stopped pouring out. It bounced up and down like a mad child and huffed a couple times. A look of hatred was worn on its face as it watched the boy run away. Then it reluctantly returned to its cave.
