
Feels Like Forever

Today is Friday. It's my turn to clean up the dorm now. The clock is ticking and I can't wait for class to over soon. Three minutes left, three minutes left. I hold my breath and close my eyes, waiting for the bell before I finally open them again.

"Okay, the class is over, kids," said Mr. Yamazaki happily. I guess it's not only us, students, but the teacher is also happy when the class is over huh.

I stood up, packed my bag and leaving the room until I felt someone's hand grabbing mine.

"Hey, the teacher is calling you."

"Oh? Thanks, Kawamura-kun." I smiled softly.

"Kai, please" he insisted, not letting go my hand yet.

I sighed, rolled my eyes and finally called him Kaito. Idk why he insisted to be called by his first name, so much. I mean, isn't it usually only for those who are, at the very least, close enough? Me and him, definitely not a close friend. A close deskmate, maybe, yeah.

Anyway, I approached Mr. Yamazaki and apologized for not being able to hear him calling me. My mind is too fixed to clean up the dorm for the whole time. Of course, cleaning the dorm is a big deal, it's my first time to clean the dorm—after two weeks staying there—, you know.

"Okay, Ishikawa-san." His tone is serious and the look in his eyes too. I wonder what it is and could it be the same thing that I'm thinking right now? Sometimes I feel like I have this ability to read people's mind. But of course, I don't.

"Umm... Yes, sir?" I asked politely, not sure what else to say.

He let out a big sigh and finally explaining what he wanted to say, "Hiro. I know you want to know about him, am I correct?".


Just that one word,

That one name,

Enough to make my eyes baffled and turn watery the next second.

What a question.

Of course, of course, I do want to know about him. I sincerely do. Very, very much.

I nodded quickly.

"You can contact him today" he continued.

"Really? Am I finally able to contact him? After so long? Finallyy??" I asked, making sure I didn't hear wrongly.

He nodded and smiled wryly. "Only for today though" he added.

Only for today? I don't know if it's a good thing but I'm happy that I can finally talk to him again. I've been waiting for this, there are so many things I wanted to tell him, and now it's the day.

"Hiro?" asked Kaito butting in.

I looked at him and replied fiercely, "What are you doing here?".

"Chill, chill, girl. I have no purpose of butting in or whatever you may think, but, I need to submit this to the teacher."

He waved me a black colored file of some kind of documents. I wonder what that is but that's not important. Hiro is.

I was basically ignoring his existence and just continue talking to Mr. Yamazaki. "So when can I call him? I need to get home soon. Oh wait, I need to clean up the dorm!" My voice getting smaller to the point I'm whispering to myself. Looking at their reaction, I think they didn't hear what I'm saying about the cleaning stuff.

Mr. Yamazaki scratched his head, "Sorry, Ishikawa-san, I'm not sure about the time. My job is only to notify you that you can talk to him today."

My eyes baffled. What is he? I can only talk to him today? That's all I get for waiting so long? Hiro, just waits for my scolding, you naughty brat.

"Sorry I meant, he will call you" he clarified as he looked through his phone.

I nodded and quickly said my goodbye before rushing off to the dorm. I need to be quick. Actually, I was going to ask the teacher about who told him and everything, but, nevermind. That can wait later. My hand is already as full as it is.

✱ ✱

Waiting is such a waste.

I hate waiting as much as having someone to wait for me.

It's already near midnight and I haven't received a single call. My eyes are at its limit. No, no, no. I need to be awake! I pinched my cheeks a little and try to rub it slow as it stings a bit.

Rolling left and right, checking my phone, checking my laptop just in case, but there is absolutely nothing. I wanted to scream but since I'm living in my dorm now,—and Kath is sleeping in the bed next to me— I can't make loud noises.

After a while, I finally sit up and bracing myself to call him. Yes, I couldn't wait any longer and I won't give up by sleeping. I doubt myself for calling as Mr. Yamazaki already warned me that he would be the one that calls me. But again, it isn't hurt to try, right? Well, I hope I'm right.

I pressed the call button.

Silently praying that he would pick it up by chance or purposely or idk whichever way I don't mind. I just want to hear his voice. After almost giving up calling him, it finally gets through!

"Hello? Hiro?!" I screamed almost excitedly.

I couldn't hear properly, or more like, I didn't hear anything at all.

"Wait, gonna call you back" is all I heard after a long series of one-sided hello.

Where in the world is he? Why the connection is that bad. Before I finish complaining, my phone rings a different tone. It's a video call! I exclaimed.

"Is it connected now?" asked a very familiar and soothing voice coming from my phone.

"Yes, it is!" I smiled widely. "Hiro!!"

"Shh, you're loud!" he whispered as he keeps looking up from the phone. Idk what he's looking but he should be paying attention to me, isn't he!?

"Whyyy?? What are you seeing anyway?!" I cried.

"Okay, first, it's almost midnight there. Second, it's still daytime over here. Lastly, I'm in the middle of a meeting, honestly." He explained almost robotically.

Well, that's true. I didn't notice what he is wearing. Now it all makes sense. He's wearing a suit and tie, definitely not the usual type Hiro. Wait, what? He's having a meeting? It's daytime there?

"Hiro." I sounded unsure.

"Yeah?" he replied as he grabbed a coffee beside him.

"You're drinking coffee now?!"

"That's your question? Anyway, yeah I do, now. I need to stay awake."

Wait, no, silly me. That's not what I wanted to say.

"Err, no, where are you anyway? Why is it daytime there? Why are you in a meeting?"

He chuckled and cleared his throat. "Aiko, you're being too noisy. I can't answer all your questions, it's too much."

I glared at him, hoping that he would change his mind with this. But he didn't. He remained silent while reading some files.

God. Why is he not paying attention at all? Does he even want to talk to me? Am I the only one that excited??

"Hiro." I said, trying to sound angry.

"Yeah?" he replied, again, not paying attention.

"I'm sleepy. If you don't have anything else to say, then, BYE!" I screamed at him. Now I feel good for screaming. He seemed to have a little trouble with my scream as he's using the earphone.

"Finee. I'm sorry but I can't say much, it's just a little break from the meeting. We are continuing soon."

"Alright then," I said frowning.

For the first time, he finally looked at me again, people! He's paying attention! He notices the sad tone in my voice! That's my Hiro.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely call you again. I'll text you the time."

I smiled widely and nodded for idk how many times my head moves. "Yes! I'll be waiting! Good night! I will sleep well today" I grinned way too happily.

"Good night, Ai." He stopped and continued after a few seconds, "I'm sorry okay?".

"No, don't be. Just stay healthy and alive, okay? Text me when you're done with your so-called meeting."

He smiled.

Darn it. His smile. I love it the most.

My heart beats faster every single time I see his smile.

We finally ended the call and my heart is contented. Feeling all the butterflies in my stomach while my heart still racing, I close my eyes and sleep.

'Good to hear your voice again, Hiro' I whispered to myself.

That’s it! Finally Hiro x Ai moment!

mkkumacreators' thoughts
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