
A New Day

Joy Woke up early in the morning before her alarm buzzed. She took a shower and got ready, she prepared breakfast. Both Lisa and Joy had breakfast together and then Joy left for her work.

Joy finished morning Part-Time Job, and soon It was time for her New job.

She decided to walk to the hospital as it was not so far. Joy reached to Hospital and went to her Mama's Room and said to her mother," Mama, I am gonna work here, till I get a new better job.

Wish me, luck Mama.

Then joy went Straight to change her dress. Jack told her to first clean the General patient ward on 10 to 14 Floor and change the bedsheets. Jack asked her to clean thoroughly. Joy assured him that she would work well.

Joy took the cleaning stuff and went to the 10th floor first. As Joy entered the ward there were Many Patient, She started cleaning. A Lady in her30s Interrupted Joy and said," Hey Young Lady You are new here, Aren't you?

Joy: Yes, Mam I am, I started working here today.

Lady: Hmm... My name is Clair and You?

Joy: My Name is Joy Mam.

Clair: So, Joy, I can call you by your Name, Right?

Joy: Sure Mam, You can Do you need Anything?

Clair: No, Joy Actually I was bored and Saw you here so, I thought maybe we could have little chat. But I guess You are Busy? I will leave you alone then.

Joy: You were Bored? There are so many patients here you can talk to them, mam.

Clair: I have already, I Know quiet many things about them by now, and there aren't new patient.

Joy was Confused and thought how long she has been here?

Joy: New Patient? How Long You have been here?

Clair: Oh! It's been 6 months.

Joy Stopped and started thinking What illness might she have? but Clair looked at joy and said,

Umm... I have Pancreatic Cancer, and for treatment, I needed to be here as there is no one to look after me.

Joy: Oh! I am sorry Mam, But Don't Worry You are gonna get fine, This is a nice Hospital.

Clair: I don't think so, dear. It's in the Last stage and doctor says I only have 3 to 4 months more to live, but they are trying their best.

Joy was speechless she could not believe that a woman like Clair in her 30s could have such severe disease.

Before Joy Could say anything Clair Said Goodbye to her and went to her bed.

Joy was startled she was sad after hearing Clair story. She finished her cleaning and changed bedsheets. before going out Joy Turned to look for Clair She was resting on her bed, Clair Looked at Joy and gave a cheerful smile. Joy Smiled back at her and left to the other Floor.

Joy Cleaned the other 3 Floor and took the elevator to the 14th floor.

Joy was still thinking about Clair and her disease.

Joy went to the 14th floor and started her cleaning floor and bedsheets.

Hey, Joy how 's your work going? Asked Drake when he noticed her wearing cleaner Hospital dress. Hey!! Drake, it's going pretty well. Its the only Floor left.

Oh Good ! have you had lunch? asked Drake. Lunch? No, What time, is it? Joy Looked at the watch and was surprised that it was already 4 PM. Uh? its already 4 I didn't realize while working, said Joy.

What? you didn't eat anything yet? You should Have lunch first in Hospital cafeteria.

Before Joy Could say anything, Drake interrupted and said Joy lookout? as he saw a Box Man coming with too many boxes right where Joy was cleaning.

Box Man's hand trembled and the boxes were about to fall on Joy, But before those boxes could hit Joy Drake Suddenly hold Joy's Hand in his and pulled her close to him to save her.

Boxes fell on the ground and all the stuff were scattered all over the floor.

Drake was still holding Joy Close to him. For a moment Drake couldn't resist looking at Joy when She was this close to him.

But he quickly gathered himself so that Joy Wouldn't feel Uncomfortable, And asked," Joy are you Okay? Are you hurt anywhere? He checked on Joy to make sure she was Okay.

Hey, Man, You need to be careful, You could have hurt her? Said Drake to the Box Man With Little anger and concern for Joy in his eyes. I am sorry Sir, are you Okay Mam, said, Man.

Yeah, I am Fine, said Joy.

Are you okay? Joy? you didn't get hurt? right? Drake .. Drake, I am fine, I am not hurt anywhere. Okay now calm Down, Please Everyone is looking at us.

Oh!! Sorry Joy, I thought you got hurt, Said Drake. No, I am Not Drake.

Now Let me finish my work There still bedsheets left to change. said, Joy.

Okay, but look at the time it's past noon and you haven't had eaten yet. how about you finish your work and then we both could go to the cafeteria and have something to eat, said Drake in the hope of getting a Positive reply from Joy.

Umm... I don't think we could Drake. I still got some work. I had my lunch in my locker I would eat it after I finish my work, You can go and eat at the cafeteria, said, Joy.

Alright .. Joy, then see you. said, Drake. Hmm... Yeah, see you.

Drake left the ward and took stairs to go on the 13th floor to have a look at the patient. did I Overreact earlier? I made her Uncomfortable, Is that why she refused to go with me. Uh!!!! What am I doing? What if she refused to befriend with me , because of my stupidity, I need to be careful man, or else I am even gonna lose her friendship, Drake Wondered in his mind.

Meanwhile, Joy Finished her work and took the stairs to get some time alone.

She sat down on Stairs and began to think about today's incident," What if things get complicated because of drake, but he is my friend now , I need to trust him, he promised me he won't have those feeling for me, But I need to Stay away from him, I don't wanna hurt him because of my problems, Joy said to herself.

Drake Found Joy sitting on stairs alone lost in thoughts. he Didn't want to Disturb her, He just stopped there and kept looking at her, as he Couldn't stop himself looking at her. " Why it can't be me Joy? why? Why you have to think so much about all of this? Why can't you let me be with you just to hold at time like this when you are all alone? I don't Know Joy if I could ever stop myself from loving you, But I promise I would wait for you until you are ready, I will be always your friend first . said Drake to himself with Sadness in his eyes and left.

What Drake is going to do, Would he be able to keep his feelings hidden and remain as a friend to Joy, or he would even lose her as a friend!!

Is it really that complicated? Does it have to be this complicated? Can't Joy just Consider Drake Feelings For her and give him a chance or she should just live the way she is living now?

Sometimes Love becomes so complicated that it hurts when we are with them, and it hurts even more when we are not.

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