4 Chapter 4: annoying

"Diana":"Shows her the tour"...

Diana: And this is your room for now, you are mr.xuis's assistance but for now mr.xuis is not in the town he went for an job interview to Tokyo he will be back in two days until then ms.lee will tell you what to do. If ms.lee wants you to do something she will call you by the phone so be careful, but don't worry she will take it easy on the first day.


Diana: Now I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow for some more things that I have to tell you.

Rose: ok, thanks

Rose: "Playing with her pen, papers hair...." "ugh, -.- I'm so bored, will at least I don't have to do anything for now:))"

"Phone ring"

Rose: that most be ms.lee

Rose: hello, ms.lee do you need anything?

Ms.lee: just a cup of coffee, no sugar to my room.

Rose: ok, right away

"After awhile"


Ms.lee: come in

Rose: here is your coffee

Ms.lee: Put it on my desk

Rose: need anything else

Ms.lee: yes, just copy these papers and put them in different sections of folders, by the colors and give them to

Rose: ok, anything else?

Ms.lee: no, not for now just do the copy's and after that I will tell you what to do, if there was something.

Rose: ok

Rose: "copying the papers"..... blue for idea's from kids fun tan project, red for meetings and yellow for school's project.

Rose: "done :)"

Rose: owe, mr. Diana this the papers for kids fun tan project, meetings, school project, that ms.lee told me to copy them and give them to you.

Diana: Ok, got it thanks


Ms.lee: rose,

Rose: yes, ms.lee

Ms.lee: I will dismiss you early today because I have no work for you and sense mr.xuis is not here, you can go home early.

Rose: ok

Ms.lee: but remember when you came in tomorrow, don't be late and I will put the document on you desk for tomorrow so you will know what to do when you got here.

Rose: ok, got it have a great day

Ms.lee: you too

(At home)

Rose: "sigh"....home sweet home, "phone ring" hey potato,

Potato: hi, where are you?

Rose: home

Potato: home? Early, lucky:()

Rose: yeah, ms.lee told me to go home early for today because, sense there wasn't any work for me to do.

Potato: ms.lee reminds me of?...owe find it;) ummmmm.. onion :)

Rose: -_-' why onion

Potato: because it makes me to cry

Rose: and what does that has to do with ms.lee

Potato: cuz, she makes me cry

Rose: why? "Hahahaha"

Potato: because she is an onion

Rose: ~~~

Potato: "-.-' I don't like onion, they taste like ummm....what was it...'guess I just forgot the word"

Hehe why am I so annoying?

Author: -_-
