
Blue lion takes us to a new planet

I just started follow them looking bored, but I was little happy, because the sky and stars are out. We head up at a cave. We walk in in had lots of cool signs, they started talking about them, when, I got into these weird trance. I keeped on walking up a head, then there was a blue lion drawn on the cave and I touched it with my hand. The ground started to shake I heard one of them yell earthquake then a door opened to where that blue lion was and the all came rushing to me. "What happened!?" hunk said as we walked in. "This must be voltron" pidge said, "I feel like I heard the word 'voltron' before but where" shiro said, walking up to the lion as a blue force field blocked the way. When he touched it he flew into me. He gets up fast lending me his hand "Are you ok?" he asks. "Ya, it was my fault but at least you didn't get hurt." I say as happy as I can with a smile. When I can actually feel my arm bleeding a little thank god for my jacket on. "A force field." keith said, but for some reason it is calling me over and body started moving on it's own again and I touched it with my hand. The force field fell. "How did you do that!?" keith said, I shrugged. "Maybe it likes me better" I said, teasing a little, making him pissed off. I hate doing that but it makes everything lit up the room, when I still don't feel anything different, at least there happy. I walk up to the robot blue lion and its mouth opened. I went inside and took a sit in the pilot chair and everyone got in. "How do you even pilot this thing?" keith said, when I buckled up I got this weird feeling of something then I got images of how to drive it. I start up the loin "How did you do that?!" pidge said surprised "It was like it was telling me what to do." I said, "That seem really stupid" I heard keith mumble under his breath, because he was standing right beside me. I hide my feeling of that away, so I won't make them worry, keith feel bad and them getting angry at him if they would, would they. As the blue lion started to move on her own and went really fast moving, like crazy. I was having fun and laughing for the first time in a while. While the everyone started freaking out, went flying everywhere, and trying to hold on for there life. As we went straight up, we left earth and we slowed down the others were looking ill and hurt, making laugh a little, man I hate myself. "How was that funny?!" keith said in an angry voice. I hide my shiver and answered. "Sorry, but if you would if you saw what you like right now, you would do the same." I say in a fun tone, making sure no tears fall from his tone of voice. I look at the view I couldn't help but be amazed it was beautiful. I always wanted to be apart of space, then a portal opened and the lion was telling me to go through. I saw a ship and the others saw it ro then I felt blue want to destroy it. I saw Shiro's face turn scared, "I remember some, of my memory" Shiro said, making everyone shocked. "Tell us!" Keith said, Shiro started talking about his crew and him got attacked when they were looking at a new planet and that's how he lost his arm. The alien's took them on there ship and Shiro got a medal arm and put him in a cage with his team. That's all he remembered. I stopped blue for now because we weren't ready yet. They all turned there attention back to the portal. "Whatever you do, don't go through that, it could be dangerous." shiro said, "Sorry can't do that" I said in a happy tone. They thought I was trembling with laughter, but I was scared for disobeying his orders and I went through. I could hear two of them say "Are you crazy!" and "You bitch!" that made a tear fall down my cheek, but I wiped it away and we made it to a huge castle. I could feel blue saying to go in your safe. We got out of blues mouth, as hunk and Pidge pucked. I pet blue and went inside the castle hunk looked sick "Hey are you okay, hunk?" I asked to him, because he still looked sick. He nodded so I can see. I patted his back a bit with a huge smile. "How can he be, when you pilot like a crazy person." Keith said calmly "sorry" I said to him, as we walk towards the castle. When we walked through the halls the lights would turn on. We walk down each hall, until we made it to a big room the lights turned on. We walked in the place and it looked abandoned then to pods popped up with people in it the first one was a women with white hair and blues markings on her cheeks "How are you? Where is my father? I'm princess allura and I demand you answer!" she yelled with her guard up. They started to explain what was happening, I spaced out thinking. I want to cry and die already I can't stand this it hurts. They already hate me. Then the other pod opened and they guy yelled "Inrodures!" and was running doing a kick to shiro so I hopped in the way so he would get hurt. I deserve it, I made him deal with me. I was sent flying it felt like I'm dying. I smile a little as I hit the floor with a thump, tasting blood in my mouth. Hunk rushed over and picked me up while the rest ran over. Allura explained really quick to the guy about the situation, before running over. "Are you okay" hunk said, worried. "Yeah it just stings a little, can you put me down hunk?" I asked, he did what I asked. I stood up, holding back my tears of pain. "You are a strong one a normal person would have passed out spitting up blood you look fine." the orange haired man said, I smile. "I am strong aren't I" I said, flexing the little muscles I have. Earning a laugh from the group. " Your blues paladent are you?" the man said, I shook my head, yes. "So, you were leasoning" keith said, I shake my head yes my stomach hurts so bad it's hard to talk. I can taste blood in my mouth and my tummy swelling up and bruising. "I see you can talk to me about anything," he said in a sympathetic voice. "Got it!" I said, smiling a little confused. "Why you say that?" allura asked, confused. "Well all the blue paladents are very fragile" he says to herm, that made everyone confused. Except hunk and I, he knows I break down a lot, he always helped me. "She isn't fagale at all, she always lively and never got hurt when people said mean things about her in the academy. I have known her for some time in the academy even sometimes, I tease her, she would usually get me back or doesn't care." keith said, making 3 of them agree. "Let me show you around then." we stop at a medical spot first, I better come her later and get some wrapping bandages for my arm and stomach. he showed us the training rooms, kitchen, and bedrooms where we will be staying, they have bathrooms in each bedroom. Which made me relieved. After he was done showing everyone went to there rooms and I snuck off to grab some bandages. As I got there I saw that guy with orange hair and I said, "I never got your name my name is Lorance" I said, hoping he didn't think of anything about me coming here. "My name is Coran." he said, smiling. "I will leave you be" he said, walking out. "Wait!" I said, he stopped "Thank you." I said, quietly. "Its okay you don't have to thank me," as he said while walked away. I grabbed some bandage wrap and went to my room.

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