
Can All Be Achieved?

This is a mix of all worlds. A traveler who moves from time to time, from space to space, as long as his mission is achieved. The mission is to reach the top of any world he moves to. Be it in cultivation, wealth, or fame, he has to top these depending on which rules his world. This is a story of wanting it all.

Staria_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Marcus walked in once again, this time with only two maids. The guards were probably waiting right outside the door. The maids walked in and set up a makeshift wooden table big enough to accommodate a full meal for one person. The table was round, and one by one they brought in the dishes and stopped once a total of 7 bowls had been placed on the table. After which, they bowed and left. Jophiel sat down on the floor in front of the bed where the table had been set. He picked up the chopsticks and began his meal.

It started slowly because his hair seemed to have the need to eat with him. Each time he bent over, his still-damp hair would fall forward, almost entering his food. He would then have to quickly hold his hair and use his hands to brush it to the back.

Marcus watched this with interest trying hard not to laugh. He couldn't help but think if this young master of his was actually a baby. After a few moments, he finally spoke up.

"Young master?" He said hesitantly

"Hmmm", Jophiel replied

"Why don't you dry and tie your hair back."

Jophiel was aware of the fact that he had to take care of his hair. However, how on earth could someone dry hair without a drier? Jophiel was frustrated thinking about it. As he thought about how ridiculous it was not to have such simple technology, he touched his hair and frowned in displeasure as the towel had only left his hair damp. However, to Marcus, it looked like he was upset and sad because he knew nothing about hair care. This caused him to feel bad for upsetting his young master.

To make up for it he bowed and said, "I'm sorry for inquiring young master"

Jophiel looked up, confused. After all, he was just in the midst of cursing Thomas Eddison and the likes for not being born in this world and creating a proper drying system.

Marcus continued, "Allow me to handle it for you."

Once again, without waiting for a response, he moved towards Jophiel, knelt behind him and gently placed some strands of hair on his palm.

Jophiel had come to realise that Marcus was someone who followed his heart regardless of others' opinions. He would do anything his heart had set out to accomplish. It was a good trait to have, but very dangerous. Wantonly following your heart is bound to cause you pain. Jophiel felt that in the future, he had to educate this guy on the ways of the world.

While in his thoughts, Jophiel then felt a wave of heat behind him. He immediately turned around and to his surprise, he found that it was just Marcus's hand that had heated up. He had heated up his hands to use as a makeshift dryer for Jophiel's hair.

Jophiel was shaken as he realised that Marcus must be a cultivator.

Jophiel's mind had an immediate change, 'F*ck the ways of the world. Who gives a d*amn about that when you can cultivate. After all marcus can follow his heart as long as he has the power to back it up.'

Jophiel had not begun cultivating, so thinking about Marcus's cultivation made him sad. This mood caused him to start picking on his food.

Once again, his actions baffled Marcus. He is shy when undressing, has constant mood swings, picking on his food because he's sad. Marcus couldn't help but think, "Is he really a baby?"

Unfortunately for him, he had muttered his thoughts out loud under his breath.

Jophiel heard and turned around, asking, "Baby?"

Marcus flinched at his voice and widened his eyes in surprise as he realised what he had just said out loud. He bolted up to stand on his feet and immediately bowed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry young master"

Jophiel's face was cold as he glared at Marcus. He couldn't help but think,

'Why did he call me a baby. Because I've not started cultivating like him, and can't do the cool tricks he does? Does that call for him making fun of me? I've been nice to him all this while.'

Everyone knows that the strongest attack on a man's pride was to call him weak, and Jophiel had not just been called weak he had been compared to a baby. He was understandably livid.

'Hmph, I have a system and I'll soon cultivate. I'll make sure to beat him up then.'

Having come to this conclusion, Jophiel looked up at him and said coldly, "Leave."

At that moment, he displayed anger, but the truth, however, was that what he felt the most at that moment was jealousy.

His heart moved a little as he saw the guilt and hurt in Marcus's eyes.

Marcus bowed once again, then left. Jophiel looked down at the food that had suddenly become even less appetizing. He didn't feel like eating but was so weak that he had no choice. He scarfed down everything in the bowls as it had been long since he had last eaten a proper meal.

Afterwards, he opened his system. He had heard its incessant beeps since he woke up but chose to ignore it as he was still taking in his environment and the people around him.

Now that he was alone, he could finally attend to it.

'System reveal the messages'


[Host has failed to complete the daily quest.]

[System initialising punishment]

[System deducting 30% strength]

[System deducting 50% stamina]

[System deducting 50% speed]

[System deducting 50% perception]


[Note: ]

[Punishment will last until the daily task is completed.]

[If not completed, punishment multiplies.]

[When not completed three or more times in a row. Death challenge will initiate.]

[Note: ]

[ Upon death in the first world, the system will deactivate, and death is Final]

[Note: ]

[ I, as your trustworthy system, advise that you sleep for two more days. We will both be put out of our misery, and I shall move on to a competent host =D ]

Jophiel immediately replied with displeasure.

'Hey can't you ever say anything nice. You even now how to use emojis now.'

Ignoring the system, Jophiel began thinking of the graver things.

Things became clear to Jophiel that his sudden fall from the bed must have been due to his reduced strength and stamina.

The thought then came to him, 'what about perception? What did that affect?'

Before he could go deeper into that train of thought, a knock on the door brought him back to reality.

"Enter" he said with a frown already knowing who it would be.

"Now that you are done young master, your father would like to see you." After saying this, he gestured to the two maids behind him to clear the table and dishes.

Jophiel sat there unaware of how to respond,
