

Long ago it was said that there was only one person who could use magic, a woman blessed by the Gods above. Known as the Ancestor of all magic, she was praised and worshiped by humans. But despite her high status she gave fair treatment to every single human she met, bestowing and teaching them simple elemental magic.

And not long after she became renowned to the whole world as The Queen of Magic and the God's Daughter. But due to her kindness of bestowing magic to humans, the world was later engulfed into a dark age. Humans who got better in using magic oppressed those who were weaker than them.

She was horrified by the events that occurred only after a few months of giving humans the ability to use magic. With that on hand she prayed to her creators to have the humans stripped of their magical abilities. It was not only after 6 years of endless war and bloodshed had the Gods heeded her prayers and stripped the humans of their magic.

But since it was too long, humans had already taken advantage of the years that they were capable of using magic, creating kingdoms and dividing the lands. The Queen of Magic was displeased by the consequences of her actions, so to teach the humans a lesson she gave birth to seven children, each raised by her to wield different types of magic and knowledge.

The first daughter was Ira, a lady of refined elegance. She was given the element of Earth, to one day be able to stop wars that may occur once the God's return the abilities of humans to use magic. She was told that she would be the guardian of their home and the overseer of the world as she was the first born.

The second daughter was Ava, a child with a very calm demeanor. She was given the element of Water to be able to help those who will suffer from drought as she was told that the Gods would make the humans pay for their foolishness. She was tasked to venture out into the world and help those who have nothing to drink and teach them the way of harvesting crops.

The third daughter was Lux, a woman filled with love. She was given the magic of Illusion to teach the humans that Sex is a sacred activity only to be done by a married couple. She was tasked to teach humans about true love, marriage and how to win against the temptation that surrounds them.

The fourth daughter was Bia, a strong-willed girl who was taught that justice should be given fairly. She was given the element of Fire, her goal was to teach humans that life is not only about wars and winning, she was taught that even the tiniest achievement a single human could do should be appreciated and should be respected.

The fifth daughter was Dia, only born a few seconds after Bia; she was a girl who followed through her sister's goal and aided her when needed. She was given the magic of Copy, a magic that could copy other magic to be able to help Bia. She was taught that humans should live equally and disregard the feeling of jealousy as it would only lead to a life of cruelty.

The sixth daughter was Ace, a free-spirited child. She was given the magic of Summoning, an ability where she can summon materials that she has a wide knowledge of. She learned from her mother that resting is not a bad thing, unless treated as an everyday task. Her goal was to help those who are struggling from hard work to take breathers and not force themselves to be perfect.

And lastly the seventh daughter was Ula, a curious child. She was given the magic of wood and plants and was given the knowledge on the importance of food and a balanced diet, that could help one person to live a long life. She was given the task of teaching humans how to create delicious kinds of food.

Under the watch of their mother, they all grew up to be wonderful women with unbelievable strength and diverse knowledge. As they reached the age of 18 their mother allowed them to fulfill the tasks given to them to prepare the humans from the wrath of the Gods. Each day the Queen of Magic would pray to the Gods, kneeling on the ground and head facing the floor, hands guiding her forehead from touching the ground.

Years had passed and her daughters had not yet returned, worried she asked her eldest daughter, Ira, to look for her sisters. But Ira could not find a single trace of their magic, only a few beautiful structures she knew were made by her sisters.

"Mother, worry not. I am the overseer; I will find them and I will tell you where they are" Ira spoke with a calm voice while assisting her mother who was slowly growing ill due to mana strains that started to occur after the seventh daughter was born.

The Queen of Magic entrusted everything to her eldest as she knew that she would not last long, thus she started writing all her knowledge on magic from the simplest elemental magic to the most destructive and advanced magic she had passed down to her daughters.

A few more years had passed, but still not a single sign of the other daughters, Ira then decided that her vision as the overseer is somewhat limited. With an unbelievable amount of mana and strength she lifted their home and created the tallest plateau in the world. With her great effort came a price, most of her mana was consumed with only a little left. But with her creation the view she needed was given to her.

But with that she could now see the whole world from the deepest holes on the ground to the tallest trees ever to be found. But as her vision grew a horrifying sight emerged before her, it was too disturbing that she did not mention it to her ill mother. With clenched fists she watched as the world grew even darker than before. A tremendous amount of mana was starting to leak from her body, that it was concerning her mother.

One day a terrifying storm was making its way towards their home, Ira went to her mother to tell her that they might need to vacate the place and move underground for a while. But her mother declined the offer, with a smile on her face the Queen of Magic caressed her daughters face.

"Do not fear my child, I am not blind to not know of your sister's doings. I taught them what I knew was right, what's about to come is their own choice. Humans are terrifying beings, so please keep these books hidden from them. One day a child will be born with my spirit guiding him to this place, when he arrives show him these books... "

She spoke as thunder's roars grew louder as the storm grew closer. Ira with teary eyes placed her forehead on her mothers and made the promise of continuing to watch the world and guard their home. With the last of her breath the Queen of Magic mumbled her final words.

"I love you all, my daughters..."

A sudden gust of strong wind blew the doors of their home open, without hesitation Ira hid the books underground. Familiar footsteps made their way inside their home, they had returned.

Ira looked at them in tears, yet their eyes were cold and emotionless. They were wearing clothes different from what their mother gave them, there was not a single scent of their mother's love from them as they walked closer to the lifeless body of the Queen of Magic, passing by Ira without batting an eye.

"Have you abandoned your love for our mother? Have you all forgotten that we are a family?"

Ira screamed begging them to remember something, but it was to no avail. Her sisters seemed to be fixated only on their mother. The six sisters joined hands above their mother's chest and began chanting using a language unknown to Ira.

A black ball appeared from their mother's chest and was taken by Bia, she glanced at Ira before shattering the ball. Filled with rage, Ira had lost her temper and rushed towards Bia with the intent of killing her sister but remembering her mother she could not do it.

Bia watched as her sister groveled on the white floor begging them to return to normal. But they did not reply, the six sisters held hands while surrounding their mother. Ira was dumbfounded, it seemed like a ritual of sorts.

With no temper left she manifested a wide scale magic that changed the world forever.

"Earth Magic: Terraforma!!" she screamed as she continued to cry, the moment she lifted her head her mother and sisters had all vanished from their home, a bright sun and a twin rainbow could be found outside their home.

In a room inside a castle was a man wearing a uniform, watching over a woman who was wearing the same uniform as him but had a skirt. The woman was brushing her hair as the man continued to speak...

"These were the only things I could decipher from the book, Princess"

The woman stopped brushing her hair glancing at the man from his reflection on the mirror, she gripped the comb tighter before walking towards the man. A bright smile was on her face, the man smiled back before lowering his head.

Before he could do so, a comb was suddenly shoved to his mouth, the woman still having a smile on her face. She kept on shoving it in his mouth, the man did not resist in any way, he simply allowed her to do as she pleases.

"Did I not tell you that when we are alone you can stop calling me Princess, L-y-o-n!"

He nodded his head. The princess then removed the comb from his mouth allowing him to gasp a large quantity of air. He fixed his tie and locked his eyes on the princess, he sighed before lowering his head and apologizing.

"I sincerely apologize, but I am just a mere knight. I am not worthy of calling the princess only by her name..."

The princess sighed while scratching the skin in between her eyebrows, she turned around and waved her long black silky hair at him before returning to her seat and continuing to brush her hair.

Lyon lifted his head and stood in his place; he was silent as he kept his eyes on the princess. The room was filled with silence as he had given her report to her, she calmly stood up leaving the comb on the desk in front of the mirror

She looked at him and he immediately walked towards the door, opening it before the princess could come close to it. Annoyed, the princess created a small ball of water from her palm and suddenly threw it towards Lyons's face.

Lyon was just about to turn his head when the water ball suddenly evaporated filling the doorway with smoke. He took a quick step outside and watched the doorway carefully, another ball suddenly flew towards him, he was able to dodge it but to his surprise there was another one.

He grabbed it with his hand before turning it to smoke, hindering his vision. An ominous aura suddenly appeared from behind the smoke. It was the princess with a water blade ready to cut him.

With quick reflexes he used the heat from his body to evaporate the blade only inches before it could hit him. His plan was successful as he also caught the princess who took a wrong step and almost fell on the ground.

"Princess, may I remind you that you are Princess Jiniya Avaritia. Daughter of the esteemed King Christopher Avaritia II. A single bruise would cause a major ruckus in the palace and I may lose my job as your knight"

Lyon lectured her before allowing her to walk properly. She smirked at him before showing her tongue, obviously annoying him. She then walked ahead of him, not even looking back.

-Chapter End-

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