
First meet

"What is your name?",asked the mysterious girl. I wanted to answer her,but I couldn't.Why? It was because I was a slave and I couldn't speak to people who wears good clothes.Even I knew this fact when I was only 10 years old.Since I didn't answer the question the girl, kneeled down and made eye contact with me.Then she said, "Is it hard to answer? I am sorry.."I was shocked when I heard this rich people does not keel;nor do they say sorry to slaves like me.For some reason my mouth started to move and I started to utter 'Jo....s..eph'.The mysterious girl smiled and shouted, "My name is Stella! Nice to meet you!" That was our first meet.After this we talked for a while.Like about our favourite stories,foods,and a lot more.When it was time for the girl to go back home the girl told me that she liked me for a long time.In shock I asked her since when,then she answered,"I have been watching you.." Just for one second I looked at her beautiful greenish blueish eyes.Next think I knew I had her bow and she was gone...

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