1 Camp MooseRump

In 1984 there was a mass murderer killing children in a camp from Texas called Cammp Moose Rump.

Legend has it the murderer wanted revenge on the camp for the worst years of his life.

He was terrorized by the children there.

When he was only 12 years old they put heavy metals, selenium, boric acid, and vitamin A in his shampoo which lead him to losing all of his hair. The shampoo got in his eyes and it had change his eyes A red glowing color.They would laugh at him call him names, and that year her loss his mother. In the time of sadness for his father, he started drinking alcohol and have drug problems.

His father soon begin hitting and hurting him and he ran away into the woods. Legend has it that he has been waiting for his time to come to plot revenge on everyone in Camp

MooseRump. "Okay kids time for bed. Y'all can sleep in your tents now said" Luisa the head of the small camp. Danny went to bed that night terrified (he's 12).

The scary story had really put a toll on him. Danny had waken up. Everyone was gone. And in his view was a tall big man wearing dirty wet overalls that were covered in blood. He then noticed all of the campers bodies (and Lucias body) stacked on top of each other in the corner of another tent. Danny horrifyingly stared back at a monster in discguised at a man with great terror. The mans hair raising eyes were the color of the Blood Moon. The man had a blood covered axe in his hand and it was extremely stabbing.

All of a sudden, the man had disappeared. He then heard a trickle of death lullaby that turned to a low voice that said "I got you". Danny quickly turned around to see the tall man weilding his axe at him towards his head and things go black.
