
Chapter 31: A trip to Dragon area

Kiera cringed. Her blood froze. She's back? Ariel? How dare she?! Why didn't she die?!

Mrs Lorenzo observed her daughter. She was in shock herself. The slap from some hours ago was still giving her a burning sensation on her cheek. She was trying not to notice the pain.

"Mom, did you see her?"

Mrs Lorenzo scoffed. "I actually received a slap from her this evening. She was really fierce".

Kiera was speechless. She slapped her mother?!

"Did she even know that it was you?", Kiera asked.

" I don't think so. She didn't recognize me or maybe she did but was just pretending".

Kiera sighed. She leaned into the sofa and stroked her temples. " Why's she back?"

"Am not supposed to know that right? But, I know that things wouldn't be the same now that she's back".

Kiera clenched her fists. What a nuisance!

In the room, Drake stood there in shock. Ariel! Ariel Lorenzo! He didn't know why he felt so kinda expectant. He had left her that year and hooked up with Kiera. After sometime, she found out that she was dead. But now? He took out his cell phone and dialed a number. A deep voice came through from the other side.

"Yo, Drake! What's good?"

"I need you to get something done for me".

" Spit it out ".

" Find someone for me".

" Who's it? "

"Ariel. Ariel Lorenzo".

The person at the other end was struck with speech struggle for a while. "Ariel? Isn't she dead?"

"Don't ask questions. Just get the job done".

" Alright".

The line went dead.

It was a new day. The oblivious Ariel was preparing to go to the Red house as Mr. Mac had called her over. The old man sounded so clingy making her helpless. But anyways, it was all thanks to him. He made her feel what family was. Including Grandpa. Tears brimmed her eyes when she thought of grandpa. She had to finish up this mission and go find him. She missed him already.

She got dressed and stepped out. She got into the elevator and met Jim. She looked behind him as if looking for someone. Jim seemed to have noticed and decided to explain. This was also going to be a bonus right?

"Good morning Miss Lorenzo. My boss isn't here with me. He stayed at his villa".

Ariel raised a brow. His villa? Where was it?

She smacked her head from within. Why was she thinking of that now? She didn't want to but she also realized that she just couldn't help it. Though she tried to stay strong after he left last night, she was still disturbed. She wondered if he wasn't going to talk to her again. She tried not to care but, it was like she was lying to herself.


Okay? Just that? Jim heaved a sigh. He pitied his boss. Miss Lorenzo was an ice princess. The path to her heart wasn't going to be so easy. He looked at Ariel as if waiting for her to say something.

"Miss Lorenzo, don't you have a word for my boss?"

Ariel looked at him for a while. Did she have anything to say to him? What could she say? She sighed


Jim almost bit his tongue. What?!

The elevator reached the last floor and Ariel left. Jay was waiting for her at the parking lot. The young guy was toying with a fountain pen in between his fingers. When he looked up and saw Ariel, he gave his signature smile and bowed to her. He opened the door for her. Ariel nodded slightly and left.

At some corner, someone stood and watched from a certain distance. After Ariel's car left, he turned to leave.

A man in checkered tuxedo stood in front of him. He arched a brow at him. The man was surprised and tried to run but the man in checkered tuxedo knocked him off with a smack. He carried him off to his car and put him in the trunk. Then, he left.

Ariel arrived at the Red house. She was welcomed warmly. She went straight to the lounge where Mr. Mac was staying for the morning. When she arrived, the old man seemed to be in deep thought.

"Mr. Mac?", She called.

That sweet voice rang into his ears and Mr. Mac turned. He smiled brightly at her, a stark contrast to his face from earlier. Ariel smiled and took a seat opposite him.

"Good morning Mr. Mac".

He nodded. "I hope you slept well?"

She nodded. The servants brought in some desserts a d juice for the duo.

Ariel dug in once it was served. Mr. Mac chuckled. "You still have this flair of yours?"

"I guess".

After few seconds, Ariel asked." Why this meeting? "

Mr. Max frowned. "Can't I just call you over? Must there be a reason?"

Ariel shrugged." You can't just tell me to come over and what was that expression on your face when I entered? "

Mr. Mac sighed. " You know that Young Forbes? "

Ariel raised her brow. Was this about him?

"You mean Rex?"

Mr. Mac nodded.

"What happened?"

" Do you like him?"

Ariel was taken aback. This question came out of nowhere. Mr. Mac was just so...

"Why should I?"

Mr. Mac nodded. Why should she? Good! This means that the young brat has already lost the fight without even doing anything.

"Then that's good. Don't like him. Just do your thing and leave".

" Did he say anything to you?"

Mr. Mac nodded. There was no reason to hide anything from her. She was his little mermaid.

"Young Forbes is interested in you".

Ariel's heart skipped a beat. He actually said that? But... what was that going on with her? Was she happy? Well...she was. But, why was she holding back? Why wasn't she reciprocating? Did she not like him? At all?

Mr. Mac observed Ariel. "There are other men. You mustn't go with that brat. Just know that whatever you choose or do, old Mac got your back".

She nodded. " Thanks so much sir ".

Drake waited for feedback from his source. It wasn't until late afternoon that his cellphone rang and he picked it up.

"Yes? Did you find her?"

"Yes. But, the spy I sent hasn't come back. But, he sent me her location. I'll send it to you".

" Alright ".

" But Drake..."

" Yes? "

"I thought you didn't want her? I thought you hit it off with Kiera? Wouldn't you be a scumbag if you did this? "

" Just mind your own business ", Drake warned and hung up. He grabbed his car keys and overcoat and left for Dragon area.

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