
The end of a loser

"Is this the end of my pathetic life? Will I die without achieving anything?" a man lying on a dark alley covered in blood asked himself. He started having flashback of his life. Sadness and regret started filling him up and tear started falling from his eyes..

His name was Ron Kawasaki. He was born in a middle class family. His father died when he was 5 years old. So his total responsibility fell on his mother's hand. His mother was very hard working woman. She started running a fast food truck after her husband's death. She did her best take care of Ron. She always try give Ron everything she can so that he will never miss his father. She didn't even care about her own health. A person should feel proud to have a mother like her.

It wasn't the case for Ron. He never really care about his mother that much. He was a good student with high grades till middle school. But things started to change after he entered high school.

He started to hang out with some bad influence. He stopped studying textbooks and started reading comics. He started smoking. Slowly his grades started to fall. He didn't even listen to a single word his mother said. He became a complete rogue.

Somehow he passed high school with low grades and entered college. But in his second year in college his mother died of cardiac arrest.

After his mother's death he became more hopeless. There is no one around him to give him some sympathy. Even his so called friends abandoned him. He then realized his mother's importance, but it was too late. He stopped going to college and became a shut in. But one day he dreamed a strange dream.

He saw his mother in his dream. She was scolding him and telling him to change and achieve something. After seeing his mother he was not able hold himself back. He hugged her and started crying. He promised her that he will change. Next day when he wake up he taught was that dream really a dream?

But nevertheless he decided to keep his promise. So he started going college also he started working on part time job at night. After he finally decided to study for real he found out that his grades were real shit. He felt disappointed in himself.

One day during his part time job he met her. Jean. She was like an angel. she was wearing and blue dress. Her hair was long and pitch black. Her eyes were also blue. Her smile was like sunshine. At that moment our boy fell in love.

Ron worked at a grocery store and Jean was there to buy groceries. He fell in love at first sight but he didn't have any courage or confidence to talk to her. After buying groceries Jean left the store. Our boy was just standing still watching her leave..

Two days later when our boy was working at store she came again. But this time also our boy was just standing there at the counter like a simp. Day after day two months passed by. Jean came to store many times but he wasn't able to talk to her.

But one day when he saw her coming to store with a injured leg, he wasn't not able control himself and decide to talk to her. He asked het how she got injured. Everytime she came to the shop she saw him. So she knew he worked there. She told him that she got injured during dance practice. They talked with each for a quite long time and got familiar with each other. Slowly things started to worked out for him. He found out that she was a dancer and she was not from this city. She came from a small town to this city in order to achieve her dream of becoming a famous dancer. He also told her about himself and his mother. They became close friends.

After almost a year he finally confessed to her and asked her for a date. She also was a little bit interested in him. So things worked out. They dated for almost 3 months and finally decided to be in a relationship.


Ron got his masters degre and got a job in a private company. The pay was low but still it was good rather than being unemployed. On the other hand Jean also became successful in her dancing career. Everything was good until one day when Ron decided to propose her for marriage..

He was happy. He brought a ring and was officially ready for the proposal. But what happened next turned his whole world upside down. He got rejected. If it was just a rejection that he could have handled it. But she insulted him. she told him that he wasn't on her level. His job was third class. The gape between him and her was like heaven and earth. There were many eyes during the proposal. All the people started laughing at him. He was broken. But what destroyed his heart was her final words. She told her that she seeing someone else for a year and that guy was someone who can help her reach higher in her career. He was left speechless.

He started crying and left the scene running. He was completely broken and felt betrayed. He was utterly humiliated in front of many people. He always taught that she loved him so after hearing her words his world shattered. He cried like a baby for hours in his apartment. He was despaired and fell into depression. He didn't leave his house for a week.

He started drinking alcohol. He stopped going his job. He became complete alchoholic. One day even after drinking many bottles of beer, he wanted more. he checked the freezer but there wasn't any left.So he decided go to a shop and buy some.

He left his house and started walking to shop. He was under the influence of alchohol so his steps were slow and his eyes were blurry. After walking some time he heard someone calling for help. At first he didn't paid attention but the screams became louder. He observed the surrounding and found out that the screams were coming from a alley.

He decided to check what was happening. He walked towards the alley. Some lights in alley were broken so it was quite dark. He eyes were also blurry at that time. At the end of the alley he saw 3 human figures. Under the influence alchohol also because it was dark, he only saw 3 human figures. One of them was screaming two were trying snatched something from it. He saw a short object in one of figures hand. He didn't clearly saw anything but it was sure that two figures were trying to rob the third one. He decided to step up and help the person in need. He searched his surroundings for a weapon and found a small wooden piece.

He grabbed the piece and ran towards them. He hit the head of one of the robbers but he drunk so the force he extracted was quite low.

the robber fell on the ground. Ron got one of them only with a suprise attack so after noticing him,the second robber let the person they were trying to rob and have his guard up. He was holding a shiny object in one of his hand. Noticing a chance the person robber were trying to rob decided to ran away.

At the same time the robber who was on the ground got up. He saw the wooden piece in Ron's hand but without even waiting out of anger because of Ron's surprise attack he jump at Ron. Ron who was drunk wasn't able do anything. The robber hit him and he fell on the ground. Ron was defenceless. The robber got on top of Ron in a mount position and started hitting defenceless Ron's face. Blood started flowing from Ron's face. The robber beat the shit out of Ron for sometime. After he felt satisfied he let Ron go. Both robbers decided to left Ron and go after their target.

After getting beat up Ron's face became swallow. He coughed out lot of blood. He was in pain. But more than pain, he was angry at his pathetic self. So he decided to get up and fight. Ron's legs were shaking. He didn't even have strength to properly stand. But out of anger he somehow managed to stand up. The robbers were walking towards the streets with their backs facing Ron. Ron mustered up all his strength and picked up the wooden piece. He ran a little and attacked the robber who beat him up. But the second robber noticed Ron and attacked Ron with the shiny object in his hand.

The shiny object pierce through Ron's stomach. Ron felt something cold in his stomach but the next second he felt something hot coming out of his stomach. He finally realized that the shiny object was a knife and the hot thing was his blood. The robbers panicked and quickly left the scene.

Ron on the other hand was lying on the ground with his blood flowing all over the place. He started to realized his about his situation and in the last moments he started to think about his pathetic life. There was no one he needed to take care of in his life so he also felt relieved. There was no one who even cared about him in his life. In his last moments he taught about his mother and how he never listened her advices. He didn't even achieved anything in his life life. He started thinking about his past and finally with all the things in his mind, he finally closed his eyes.