

At Denaria's capital kingdom, the king is seated having a meeting with his generals about what to do with Dakad kingdom as Betan had been sponsoring raids and the king seeks to put an end to improper activities as such.

General: Your highness, the best curse of action would be to form outposts at borders villages and discharge efficient number of soldiers

King Eram: Do you think it will suffice?

2nd Command: Yes my lord, with a response like this it will be easier to protect the borders

King Eram: But even soldiers may lay hands on civilians

General: Your highness, be rest assured with adequate changes and routine shifts that will not happen

King Eram: The tournament of control is near, what is your plan?

2nd Command: Warrior recruitme6from across the country

King Eram: Good.. Only 4th Appeal above is needed, dismissed

Tajida and Tsari alongside another friend of theirs are heading to the forest to find some herbs and also fetch firewood, with the tournament approaching all can't wait to become warriors of the highest rank. They get everything they needed and headed home, swinging in a little practice for their friend Dohra , not aware that within the next few days they would be called upon; the practice training would be more of a lesson than training with Tsari and Tajida correcting and teasing his mistakes, making it okay for him to learn and grow. After 2 days of tutoring, Dohra becomes a magister of 4th Appeal but still with a lot to learn and a long way to go, now he was ready to fight on his own so he challenged his friends they accept; Tsari goes first, Tajida will face him afterwards, Dohra begins with a long range attack "Pummeling Rush" she counters with her "Valkarie Princess"; prepared to fight Dohra uses "Heavy Fortification" both combatants swing weapons showing off their potential, Tajida is impressed with Dohra's progress.

Tajida: Come on Tsari, you can do better han that... I mean Dohra's working you

Tsari begins to hold unto what Tajida said, she decides to use her Solo-space technique costing her 80 percent of her mana risking it either way "Mother of The Ocean" caught off guard and instead of fighting back releases his technique, she attacks him, ending in victory or so she thought before Dohra gets up and unleashes "Mud Fold" knocking her down, he wins with Tajida wanting to know how he won. While in her Solo-space he was able to stuff his pores with sand while she attacked the sands in his pores soaked up the water and I drew out the sand in my pores using my mana to modify it attacking her when she let her guard down, commenting on his perception in battle Tsari uses her leftover mana to heal up.

Tajida: I gotta say I'm impressed Dohra

Dohra: Thanks Taj

Tajida: You handled yourself well against her

Tsari: Don't get a big head, next time I won't underestimate you

Dohra: What's going on?

They turn around to see Ephnix knights arriving their village and the commander tells them the orders of the king, at this moment the 3 friends knew their time had come, stepping forward and promising to bring back glory to the village.