
Calculated Memories

Author: Caba27
Realistic Fiction
Ongoing · 2.2K Views
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What is Calculated Memories

Read ‘Calculated Memories’ Online for Free, written by the author Caba27, This book is a Realistic Fiction Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Margarette just want to be 'career-woman' without having any work experiences she was hired from a company.Thinking it w...


Margarette just want to be 'career-woman' without having any work experiences she was hired from a company.Thinking it was her lucky day when she received the noticed she feel excited on her first ever work. Clay was a perfectionist and arrogant son of a big company and only thinks about himself. When the time he needs to take over their company he made a massive hiring of new employees. Upon meeting of the two opposite individual what changes they could make.?

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Unexpected-Travel Into The ominverse.

A soul which was floating in the void with nearly unlimited potential. meet Nathan, who was a below-average guy there was nothing special about him at all he wasn't good in studies or wasn't the most intelligent or most cunning guy or a Casanova. he never had a girlfriend or had any good interaction with a girl before and he is on the plus side(fat) on the body scale. so it also didn't give him any kind of confidence, but he is a simple guy who just wanted to enjoy his life. his love for marvel is really great. he was one of the first to buy tickets and other stuff related to marvel. he didn't miss any movie of the Avengers till now, as he was watching the avengers endgame in the final battle scene. When Thanos said ‘I am inevitable' he can feel his heart pound in his chest and a small layer of sweat forming on his forehead, he kept thinking 'is this going to be an end to the Avengers, everything the Avengers did is for nothing or are Avengers meant to fail to this mad Titan'. as he was having an emotional turmoil, the theater was in an uproar when he saw what happened he couldn't believe his eyes he saw iron man having the stones in his hand and as he said ‘i am iron man’ and did the snap it was an epic Scene to witness at that moment. but thinks about what he will do if he has unlimited power then he got abducted by a multidimensional being who becomes his jump Chan to help him to get unlimited power, but he knew it was wishful thinking. As he got out of the theater, as he was about to cross the road he saw a purple and violet portal opening in front of him in shock as he tried to move he was unable to move. people around him didn't seem to notice this abnormality and kept going on while talking about the film. the portal quickly sucked him in and then any indication that Nathan was alive or born in the world slowly started to erase. In his flat thing started to turn into dust and being replaced by someone else's things his name on certificates and his collage and the school attendance started to erase, and the memory of him was fading from his friend's and parent's minds. on that day the change was nothing to the world but it was the whole world for a little soul. look into the chapter to continue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- new chapters are being made, I am stacking them up and start to post them when I am done. please support me on pat_reon patreon.com/Tony_stark_3000 and I would appreciate any kind of support I can receive. also possible to crossover with some shows like big bang theory, not the main point but a fun one. also possible world travel. but let's see if he even survives the first one. this is my discord link join me and help me with the novel by giving me your suggestion, I will do my best to add them https://discord.gg/PBd2tFvH (cover is not mine it belongs to David Ali from Pinterest show him some support)

tony_stark_3000 · Movies
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Mystical Awakening Online (CPN)

It was called the technology that changed the world. The «Nervous System Synchronization», or «NervSy2nc», [Pronounced, Nerve Sync]. It fundamentally changed how society interacted with the digital world; information, data exchange, and the internet were altered with the release of the NervSy2nc. The «NervSy2nc», a device that allowed man to physically feel, and connect their minds to information network through the neuropathic systems. These systems connect each device to the synapses that connect neurons together, and then connect those pathways to the information Highway. This technology brought man into a new age of understanding, and technological advancement. With the birth of the «NervSy2nc» Most physical mediums - cellphones, computers, and handheld devices - became obsolete. Medicine made leaps in bounds in both diagnosis, and treatment of a wide variety of diseases and illnesses. Though the use of the «NervSy2nc», with enough money advanced Skills, and techniques could be learned in days, directly uploading the skills to the mind. Languages could be processed, and understood near instantaneously. Memories, and vast amounts of data could be stored, retrieved, or removed within minutes. Along with the development of the technology came «Quantum Super Computing» and the eventually development of «Virtual Intelligence», programs designed with near life like qualities. Through development of the «NervSy2nc» and «Quantum Super Computing», special «Virtual Intelligence Programs» called «Per.S.O.N.A», or «PERsonal System Operating Neuropathic Anima/Animus» were created with the intent to assist in information flow and management. Each «Persona» could be told to restrict, and block incoming harmful junk data, while accessing and sorting potentially helpful data. Each «VI» was designed with a multitude of forms, personalities, and voice data. In this new digital age of information and data exchange, a new use for this technology emerged, changing the face of gaming forever; the «R.E.M.D.» or «Rapid Eye Movement, Dive System» - often referred to as «Dream Gaming» - came to be. R.E.M. Diving allowed players to place their mind in a virtual body, while their physical body slept, placing oneself in an artificial, vivid, and lucid dream. This technology allowed games to reach new heights by directly placing the player into the game, with little to no side side effect. The Development of this technology- «NervSy2nc» and «Dream Gaming» all stemmed from, Rin Maurus. Rin Maurus in turn continued to take his technology to new heights. He created a single game that linked all genres and styles, while doing what was before an impossibility, linking the entire world through this game and many others. He created quantum network servers to link all servers of the world together seamlessly. This created a new virtual world that was much larger than our own, that was traversable from one sever to another without a break in connection. Millions upon millions of players worldwide have joined this game, leading to a membership count of over two billion. In this fictional world anything was possible; Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror and Social platforms. All became possible; in this world you could do anything or be anyone you wanted. This is the world built by the genius, Rin Maurus.

Vasyl_Park · Games
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