
Uesugi Takeshi

Takeshi awoke to the sound of a koto being played in a room somewhere nearby.

As the first son of the almighty Uesugi clan, Takeshi knew only of the finest things in life.

He rose from his bed and began getting dressed for the day ahead.

The melody of strings rose throughout the rooms of the castle, this was an average morning for Takeshi.

From a young age, Takeshi trained every day to become as strong as possible.

It was his blood-bound duty to ensure he became strong enough to take his father's place and maintain the control they had over those they ruled.

Sakamoto, Takeshi's father, entered the room, "Those who abandoned our clan thought they would gain power, however, they have fallen even lower than I thought possible."

Hearing of the constant plight of the Akamatsu and Yukimura clans delighted Tetsuya.

"Those who abandoned our clan only made us stronger."

"We have no need for cowards who cannot accept their own value in this world."

Tetsuya turned towards his father as he spoke, " Now is not the time to discuss those whose entire lives aren't worth the ground beneath us father."

"I must set out to the training grounds once more."

"I must ensure that I am strong enough to lead this clan when the time comes."

"I won't allow clans that ran from us in fear to burden my mind."

His daily training consisted of Kendo and several hours of sparring against the strongest warriors within the clan.

Although he was only 10 years old, Takeshi could hold his own for several minutes against fully grown men.

Many clan members often came to cheer on their young master as he continually impressed everyone with his abilities.

"How utterly annoying", Takeshi thought as his clan members encouraged him from the sidelines.

"I can hold my own against anyone here except perhaps my father."

"Those who are weak disgust me."

Takeshi had been told from a very young age that he would be the greatest leader the Uesugi had ever seen.

Takeshi no longer had to be told that, the belief that he was destined to be the greatest warrior in all of Japan had been ingrained within every fiber of his being.

"I'm soon to be the leader of this clan, it's only natural that I will become the strongest."

"I train only for the satisfaction of seeing those who are weaker than me struggle beneath my blade."

"Regardless of how hard I train this destiny is inevitable, for it is my God-given right."

Once his training for the day was over, his personal servant (whose name he had never bothered to learn) came to him, "Young Lord Takeshi, I have prepared fresh linens and cleared the onsen for your personal use."

"Please let me know if there is anything else you require my lord."

Takeshi had a reputation for getting his servants in trouble and often executed for their "inexcusable" disrespect towards the future leader of the Uesugi clan.

The servant was well aware of this and was visibly shaking with nervousness as this was her first day tending to the young lord.

Takeshi turned quickly towards her and spat.

He then spoke in a calm yet unnerving tone, "You've done well."

"However, you've already made an unforgivable mistake."

The servant cowered away from him in fear and asked in a trembling voice, "Young Lord, what have I done to disgrace you?"

"I did all that was asked of me, and made sure everything would be beyond your requirements!"

Takeshi approached the servant, and with a quick sweeping-kick knocked the servant to ground.

He proceeded to push her face into the dirt as he screamed, "WHEN YOU SPEAK TO THE FUTURE LEADER OF THIS CLAN YOU WILL LOWER YOUR HEAD AND BOW IN RESPECT!"

He allowed her to raise her head from the ground just in time to see the reflection of the sun as it glanced off the edge of his katana.

The servant's head fell from her body, hitting the ground with a solid thud.

Takeshi thought to himself, "I will never allow such filth to show even the slightest form of disgrace towards me."

"I am the warrior who will conquer Japan."

He then approached the servant's body and used her rags to wipe the blood from his sword in one quick motion.

The crowd that was once cheering him on now stood in utter silence.

This was something that occurred rather frequently; however, no one could help but be caught in shock when they saw the child that would become their leader killing another in such a heartless manner.

Takeshi paid the onlookers no mind and began the walk back to his quarters to change out of his bloodied training gear.

Takeshi smirked as he thought once more to himself, "I will become the greatest warrior in Japan."


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