1 Cheaper 1


OUCH" I cried as the as the fairy pulled my hair. I waved her off as i took the brush in my hand to finish her job. My golden hair fell in locks down to my hips, I sighed and took in my reflection in the mirror. I had a small nose and plum lips the color of a pink rose,and I had long silky hair. I had a face of an angel but the only thing I didn't like were my eyes, mine were a deep scarlet color with gold flakes in them. My mom says that I was was stolen by fallen angels(also know as demons and devils as their wing were black from their sins)when I had just be born and as a mark that they were there they made my eyes this color... The color of blood and death. The only way my parents knew i was theirs was because of the gold flakes in them. My little sister busted through the door which broke me from my thoughts. I shook my head,"yes Maggie?" I said as i turned my head to meet her eyes. Her face was flushed from running up the stairs."Their here!" Her voice is high pitched with excitement. I laughed as i got up from my chair to walk with her down stairs to meet with mom and dad. "PRINCESS LRYA!!!" I flinched when i heard my hands maid calling my name. I turn to her direction to see a mad fairy rushing towards me."Hey Kora, why are you in a hurry?" I ask her with a sly grin tugging at my lips. " I'm glad you find this funny princess." She said with her hand on her hip. I couldn't help but giggle at how cute she was. Kora has short wavy brown hair and pink eyes. She stood around 5'3 while i was 5'6. It was cute to see her get angry, she was like a doll in her looks though. Ive always been jealous of her looks and how boys were drawn to her like moths to a light. "Where's Cole?" I asked looking around."oh stop i already know, he's in the grand hall waiting for you." She giggled. I rolled my eyes and took Maggies hand as we walked to the grand hall where we would enter the ball room as tonight was the annual ball to find your mate it was a big deal since you found your mate you were destined to be with. For us angels once we found our mate our wings were tipped with gold. This year was the first year i got to attend since i had turned 17 this year.

I continued to walk down the long hallway as i waited to see my family. My dress flowed like water around my legs and my heels clicked on the ground with each step i took until i could see my family. Maggie ran ahead to greet her brothers and i was behind her since I haven't seen my older brother Liam since he went on a hunting trip a month ago. I rush up to him as he opens his arms to receive my hug,he smelled like worn leather and rain." Hey there swan."he said while flashy his charming grin. Swan was the nickname he gave me when i was little." Shut up Liam" i giggled. Mom grabbed my hand to pull me into a hug, tears swelled in her eyes while a smile played on her lips." You've grown up so much my angel." Tears rolled down her cheeks while i wiped them away."Mom don't cry your eyes will swell" i smiled at her. The next person I greeted was my dad the king and my little brother Dylan " hello dad" i said while nudging his arm." Well hello songbird" he said playfully. Right before i was about to say something to Dylan we heard footsteps coming our way and to my surprise i saw Olivia running towards us but i know why she was here. She passed us and ran straight into Liams arm. Her sparrow wings flew open in excitement. " where have you been." She demanded. Liam laughed while setting her oh the ground and turned her to face us. Her face grew red,"I'm sorry my king and Queen I didn't realize you were there.". The entire room went silent for what it seemed like entirely. Suddenly dad bursted with laughter and so did the rest of us. Olivia is Liams mate and behind her ear is her mark that was given to her to let everyone else know she was already mated and Liam shared the same mark in the same spot. The guards clicked their spears on the ground to warn us that the gates were about to open. We got in place as the doors opened to reveal a room filled with laughter and joy. The guards cleared their throats which made the crowd of thousands turn dead silent. They all bowed together to show their love and respect for the royal family. In return the king released them from the bow and let them go back to partying. Olivia looped her arm through mine and whispered in my ear,"It's your turn to show these boy and girls what your made of ." I giggled in response. I heard Liam tell her to go gentle on me as she pulled me through the crowd."Let your wings free girl, you need to show them off.". I felt a shiver crawl up my spine as they freed themselves from their cage. It felt good to let them stretch out and I felt proud as they glowed in the moonlight,"That's my girl." She said.


The room was cold when i sat up from bed I looked to my window to see the color of blood swirl around the early sun. I looked down to see my lover Hannah sleeping beside me peacefully. Her pale skin was ruined by battle scars and her long black hair was soft and smelled like apples and cinnamon. She rolled over to reveal her naked body and her beautiful face, her nose was slender and small while her cheek bones were carved to match her face. I bent down to kiss her cheek and her eyes fluttered open to reveal violet eyes with long dark eyelashes to frame them. " Good morning." She said while holding back a yawn."Good morning" I replied with a grin. I rubbed my thumb across her ruby tainted lips. Suddenly bang came from the door i threw a shirt at Hannah so no one would see her naked."Princes Grey the king needs to see you." I could tell by the tone of their voice that it was my bodyguard Emma." Hold on Emma give us a chance to get dress." I snapped back."No Grey not us just you, she can wait here or i can escort her to her house.". I looked at Hannah and back at the door i sighed and told Hannah to stay in my room until i got back and that i would have someone bring her breakfast. I got dressed and open the door the see Emma waiting across the hall with her arms crossed over her chest. "What's your problem, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" I grinned at her as we started to walk to the conference's room."Well not all of us have the luxury to have someone to share a bed with when we please." She said as she rolled her eyes. Her brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail while her amber eyes stayed glued in front of her as she walked. We finally reached the conference room the doors open to see my sister Mia and mother and father sitting around a war table. When I walked in Mia was the first person to see me,"Why hello little brother". She said with a sly grin on her lips. Mia and me looked like twins and probably could have been except two things. One I was 18 and she was 20 and second i had blue eyes while hers were a deep ruby red. Other then that we both shared our straight, pitch black hair. "Why was i needed here father?" I asked. He sighed as he shook his head,"We have a mission for you".

"Okay i mean why is this such a big deal I've done other missions before".

"Because Grey this one is the most dangerous one we have ever tried". I looked at him with raised eyebrows and walked over the the table to see our wooden crease and across from them were the light kingdoms players. I looked up in surprise,"wait are you trying to tell me were invading their kingdom tonight?"

"Yes my son and if we succeed it may mean freedom for our kind". Our kind I thought to myself, our kind are evil and sinners. We don't play fair when in come our pride and greed. I picked up one of the light kingdoms players while black flames engulfed the wooden toy to ashes. I spread my wings out to show i was with them on this. Dad looked up at me with a evil grin across his mouth.

The wind swirled around me as i flew in the night with the moon lighting our path to victory. I looked down to see Hannah and Emma running side by side. While Hannah was a vampire and was the more faster species, Emma in her were-dog form had no trouble keeping up. Mia was to the right of me with her pulled into a lose braid and she wore a black skin tight outfit to help her blend better into the night and also to help her move better through the sky. Behind us were an army of royal guards ready to fight as their howls and screams filled the night.


The night seem to be going on forever but i loved every second of it. Boys from all over the kingdom asked to dance as they swirled me into the night. By the time i had gotten a break i was starting to sweat and i finally made my way back to my family to see Liam dancing with Maggie so i turned to Dylan" May I have this dance?" I asked while smiling at him.he rolled his eyes while laughing at me"You know I'm only 9 right? I'm not suppose too."

"Oh come on Maggie is only 6 and look at her having the time of her life." He glanced at her then back at me and finally took my hand. I pulled him into my embrace to twirl him around in a circle. His laughter filled the air and then so did the whole family, they had never seen him laugh so much before. I set him down and felt a tap on my shoulder to see it was Cole. His sliver hair was damp with sweat but he still smelled like fresh night air with a tint of lemons."I'm surprised you know how to dance princess" he teased me with a sweet smile. My head tilted back with joy as I laughed at him trying to flirt with me. As he placed a hand on the low of my back my heart beat fluttered with happiness. When Cole and i were little we plan on getting married even if we weren't mates. Even to this day he still reminds me of this promise. There are cases of people either only having a one sided mate where only one person is mated while the other don't feel the same way. Some people marry each other even though their not mates because they love each other. Cole pulled me closer to his chest which was still warm through the light armor he wore to make it easier to move around in. Most of the time he's in full armor it tonight i could see the muscle he had packed on since we were kids. It rippled beneath my hands, compared to me he was huge. He was about 5'9 with broad shoulders and a strong jawline that made his thin lips look plum and he had golden yellow eyes that told me he was indeed a werewolf. I felt him draw his head close to my neck, his breath was hot against my neck"Please promise me you'll never leave me" he whimpered. I stood there in silence not know what to say as my face grew hotter by the second. He pulled his head away to meet eye to eye with me but I didn't want him to see my face. When i tried to turn away he gently placed his fingers on my chin to make me look up at him. His eyes searched for my answer,"I promise silly, I'm not going anywhere.". He sighed with relief "You know if saying that already makes you this shy then i cant wait to get you alone" he said with passion clouded eyes. I buried my head into his neck as time seem to stop for us. Suddenly my body went limp as my eyes started to burn. I screamed in agony as Cole caught me in his arms."PRINCESS!!" He yelled trying to my attention but the pain had now started spreading through my whole body it felt like my body was on fire. Cole picked me up in his arms and carried my to my farther as i lay limp in his arms my mother cried out for a doctor as Kora rushed to my side with my family close behind. Tears rolled down my face as i had no control of my body my mind started to fade into blankness when i jolted up gasping for air. I sat up to see everyone staring at me when my mother flung herself onto me with Maggie following her actions. The king pulled them off,"Give her some space girls." Liam grabbed my face while Olivia face was pale with fear."We though we had lost you there songbird"my father said with a relief smile on his face."Do you remember anything honey?" Olivia said while her grip on my hand tighten."Umm not really all I remember was felt like my eye were set on fire then my body went limp but after that i blacked out from the pain." Everyone went silent while looking back and froth from each other with a worried look playing on their faces.


The kingdom came closer with each flap of my wings. It felt good to be able to do another mission and something so big. I would make sure I wouldn't let our kingdom down. A shadow appeared to my left when i looked to see who it was, it was my childhood friend Logan. His crows wing shined blue in the moonlight while his long blonde hair flowed on a loose ponytail. "What you doing here Logan?" I asked as we flew next to each other. "I'm here to help of course, you'd be lost with me." I rolled my eyes at him. "Are you sure your up for this pretty boy. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to get scarred." I snapped back him. It was his turn to roll his eyes at me. In a flash my mind became fuzzy when I felt this sharp pain engulfing my eyes in a burning pain. My wing struggled to keep flying until they gave up sending me falling to my death. " WHAT THE HELL GREY" Logan said as he dove after my motionless body. When he finally caught up to my eyes flew open and scrambled to regain flight again causing Logan to lose his rhythm. "What the hell man what happened to you?" Logan asked as we caught up with Mia again. "Like I've already told you i have no clue!" I growled at him."Are you sure you can finish Grey?" It was Mia who asked this time. "Yes I'm fine" I replied. When we got up to the castle we could see a party going on. You could hear the laughter all the way up here. We found a open spot that wasn't guarded and that would lead us into the ball room. I gave the signal for the ones who could fly that we would go in there. For now though i told them to take to the ground so we could go over the plan with the grounders. We landed about a mile from the castle to talk through the plan. The grounders would go through to back doors following Emma's lead. While they keep talking about it i pulled Hannah aside." Hey i want you to be safe out there okay?" I demand her she smiled in response. I grabbed he waist and pulled her in while my lips found hers. She meet my hunger for her as she matched my movement. I pulled away to look into her eyes and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She touched my face in response. "We need to get back love." She said. We walked back and by the time we got back they had already went over the plan. We took flight again and this time we would start our mission. We drove through the hole and landed in the middle of the ball room. I scanned the room the see thousands of light creatures dressed up. "Oh what's this?" I said to the crowd they stepped back in response. So i grabbed a young elf girl with long red hair and greens eyes."Would you like to tell me what's going on dear?" She trembled in my arms as she said,"its our annual mating ball.". I released her from my grip as i watched her stumble back to her mate. "It makes me sick to think you people actually believe in this shit!" I screamed. As i was looking around i saw the royal family on top of a platform. I could see a werewolf and a fairy with them standing in front of a girl who's face I couldn't see behind her were two little one shaking in fear. Beside them was the queen who held on to her young ones hands while her king stood in front of them while their oldest son stood in front of a beautiful sparrow girl. "Well we might as well get to know each other, hello my name is Grey night now what are yours?" I said while pointing at the family. The king stepped forward first. "I am King Jack of this kingdom and this is my wife Queen Amelia and our children."

"Ah so now what are the children's names and i would like to hear them say it."

The king looked towards them with his eyes staying locked on the girl with golden hair.


The man yelled at us to introduce ourselves I felt someone walk behind me." It me Kora" she said as she started ripping off a long piece of silk fabric from her dress."What are you doing?" I asked as she placed the fabric over my eyes."You need to wear this, they cant see your eyes." I felt her tie the fabric in a knot and placed my arm around Coles."What's going on Cole?" I demanded. He squeezed my hand,"I wont let them take you Lyra. I promise your mine not his." I was confused at his words when i heard Liam step forward,"I am princes Liam the eldest child and this is my wife Olivia." She stepped forward releasing her grip from my sleeve. I heard the flapping of wings and a rush of wind as the man appeared in front of Olivia. "You got lucky such a pretty face." He said. I could fell his gaze on me as he stepped closer. Cole blocked him from me as the little ones took this chance to run to mother, but they were too late as he caught them by their clothing. I reached out blindly towards them as my hands were caught."Cole let me go i have to help them" I pleaded."You cant see princess what do expect to do to him?" He snapped back. This was the first time he had ever snapped at me like that. "What do we have here?" Grey said as he held the crying children."Now tell your name and I'll think about letting you go." He said coldly. "My name is Dylan and my sisters name is Maggie" Dylan said as he tried to look brave in front of Maggie. Grey let them go as they ran to their parents. He finally turned his attention back on me which froze me in place."Now angel what's your name?" I step forward as Cole tighten his grip on me. "My name Lyra princess of the light kingdom." I said proudly. "Now would you like tell me why there's a blindfold on you? Were you and your boyfriend playing games?". My heart was racing and I could feel my face grow warm at his questions. Kora spoke up to say, "she was blinded when she was a baby."

"Oh is the true princess? So you wouldn't mind if i could see your face?". I stepped back as Olivia caught me in her arms. "When i say fly you fly straight up and you should be out into the open sky after your out of here you can take off the blindfold and you fly far away from here." I spun around to meet her,"What do you mean i cant leave you guys here!". I said as tears threaten to roll down. "Kora will be right behind you with the children,you have to promise me you wont look back." She choked out as tears had already token ahold of her. I nodded my head as she took my hand and placed a small dagger in them. I turned back to Cole while I slipped the dagger under my dress. My heart ached at the thought of leaving Cole and my family behind. Kora grabbed the kids hands and placed them behind me i knew that is was about to happen. In a instinct i spun Cole to face me and pulled his face towards mine as i interlocked our lips. His mouth moved with mine as i open my mouth for him to slip his tongue into my mouth. He pulled away as he kissed away my tears as he slipped a small ring around my finger. "I love you Lyra never forget that please." He said. My words choked out," I love you too."

Olivia stood besides Cole to block the man from me "FLY LRYA!!" She screamed as she lunged towards a vampire with long black hair.


Her wings unfolded to show large white wing as she took off into the night sky while the fairy was right behind her with the kids. "Shit no don't let them get away!" I yelled at Logan as he took after them. Why was nothing going our way i though to myself as the sparrow lunged forward towards Hannah. I was to late though as she plunged the wooden dagger through her heart. I ran to her side to catch her as she fell to the ground. "Shit Hannah wake up you cant die yet I forbid it damnit!" I cried. Black flames engulfed my body as my rage grew. I grabbed the sparrow by her throat lifting her off the ground she struggled to set herself free as her wing flew open. "Oh no sweetie I'm not going to kill." I said with a cold laugh as i tossed her in iron chains. The werewolf known as Cole lunged towards me when Emma stood in front of me blocking his attack. She grabbed his head and slammed it down knocking him out cold. I had them tossed in the prisoner wagon. "Well i think were done here, this was just a warning the next one wont be." I said. I unfolded my wings and took to the air as I watched they're faces knowing they almost lost everything.


I took after the young lady and her maid with the kids. I spotted her taking off the blindfold I stood and watch to see what she looked like. The blindfold fell to reveal a face with angelic features and when i saw her see I froze in place. 'No it can't be!' I thought as i gaped at her scarlet eyes. I shook my head has a flew towards her as her maid warring was to late i had tackled her in mid air. We started to tumble through the air as I struggled to get ahold of her wing when I felt a slicing pain as she slit my cheek with a small dagger. My hands flew up to my face and she took this opportunity to pull free. "Damn it woman" I glared at her. Her hands were shaking as she held the dagger in front of her. "Look I'm not going to hurt you if you just come with me i promise no one else will get hurt." Her eyes flashed with hope for just a spilt second she looked up at me,"Do you swear on your life you'll let them go if i come with you?" Her maid rushed towards her to hold her back for coming with me. "Yes I swear it." She took a deep breath as she faced the others while she undid her locket around her neck and placed it around her sisters neck. Then she took off her watch and handed to the boy while taking out her hair pin and placing it in her maids hair. Finally she turned to me while i held out my hand to her, she look at it hesitant of it but she still placed her hand in mine. I smiled and took off with her soft hand in mine leaving her family behind I looked back to see her eyes clouded with saddens. 'Man she's beautiful I wonder why she isn't crowed by suitors from every kingdom' i looked back to take in her looks, she had long silken hair the color of a golden sun. Her face was angelic looking has she had plum lips that were a rose pink while her nose was small and rounded. Her body was small but her longs were long and slender. While her waist was small and her stomach flat, her breast were full and round. Her dress showed them off while her collarbone was defined. Her arms are slender and long with long fingers. 'Man I bet she's even hotter with out cloths' i shook the thought as we came up the castle and I didn't want to show up with an erection. Maybe i could get her alone for a night.
