
chapter 1

           What's the definition for happiness? Does happiness even exist? How does it become a happily ever after? As children we were told that their Prince would find us and sweeps us off our feet. He would announce his ever dying love. He would protect us from harm, and make sure we were always happy. Believe in love they would say. Believe in hope.

In the middle of the desert, days away from allies and foes, sat a Kingdom called Mizulopa. Outside of the huge stone walls it looked like your normal Kingdom in the desert. However, behind the walls hid something amazing. Once you passed the gates and step inside, it's almost like you were transported someone else. There were several stands as far as eyes could see. The town was selling food, animals, and fabrics. Everything you could imagine. 

What many wondered was how they were able get the food that needed without a good water supply. Well, that's where they got the strange name. There is an unending amount of water hidden underneath the Kingdom. When someone found that out, the King from the past decided to change the name of the Kingdom and it just stuck ever since. There were some trees planted here and there and on the sides of the walls were several huge farming areas. Many travelers wondered how a small town from the outside could look so big on the inside. Many believed it to be an illusion. The trees that were well kept and grew tall held some fruits not seen by others outside of the Kingdom. When merchants come in to sell to the Kingdom, they would buy several of the fruits. This had helped the Kingdom stay lively and peaceful. 

The Kingdom was split into three sections that separated the poor, Noble's, and the castle itself. At the very bottom of the land was full of peasants that were poor and had to work twice as hard then the Noble's that were separated by a huge wall. There was only one way to pass between the Noble's and the peasants territories, and that was by going through one of the main gates. Even though the peasants were unable to pay for any high class clothes or fancy dinners, they still got along very well. The Nobles were the closest to the castle. The castle was surrounded by huge high walls, and only way in or out, was through the front gate that was heavily guarded all the time. There was another long thick wall that surrounded the entire Kingdom. It helped keep out any enemies that might come and try to attack the peaceful town. The gate to the outside was never opened unless requested by either a messenger from another Country or by a villager from within.

Outside of the Kingdom was nothing but desert as far as the eye could see. If someone made their way out, they would have to bring plenty of supplies or they would die of either starvation or dehydration. The normally active and cheerful Kingdom was not its usual self. Today was different then all the rest of the days. There was a dark cloud that hovered over the usually joyful Kingdom. The King that everyone loved and adored had fallen ill. Only thing the villagers could do was hope and pray for him to overcome the disease and get well.

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