
Where the Sun Shines

Mornings in the countryside feels completely different from what he feels back in the city. He could hear birdsong overlapped with the other student's chatter. He doubt the air in the city felt fresher and crisp. Ryuusei took his earphones and played his favourite song. Though he really found the sound of nature quite pleasing, somethings just hard not to do it.

Old habit dies hard, they say.

With music on full blast, Ryuusei continue his way to his school. Completely ignoring the others eyeing on him. Maybe his act was just too 'city-like'. He decides to shrug it off and walked away. Not like he has close friends to walk together too.

" Uh, this is pathetic, " he whispered to himself.

" Maybe I look like an oddball to them,"

Ryuusei walked faster to the front gate. He just wanted to escape from the oppressing situation he felt just now. Meanwhile, the students who saw Ryuusei whispered to each other,

" Man, do you see it? His earphone is totally different from what they sell at Gou's Tech Store!" a boy gaped in awe when he sees Ryuusei's earpod.

" What do you expect? He's from Tokyo duh!" the shorter one snickered and added, " and thats called earpod!"

" Yeah, our tech shop here must be outdated for them,"

The boys laughed and continued with their morning chatters. The girls however, still chattering about the said student.

" He looks cool though!"

" Oi! I had my eyes on him first! Dont you dare snatch him away!"

The girls squealed and continue their morning gossip too. Somehow, Ryuusei's assumption is far from the reality.

" What are you girls talking about? Who's cool? " a boy popped between one of the girls chatting. The act caused the girls to shrieked. The culprit of the scene closed his ears, and quickly said,

" Wha..What the hell are you girls voice box made of..? I thought I had a heart attack just now.."

The girls pouted and one of them replied,

" Well! You shouldn't scare girls like that again! "

" Yeah, and aren't you scared the teacher are gonna get mad at you for that hair colour? " the other one chirped.

The boy slid his hand in his bleached hair. He does look like a sore thumb among the students. However, not even a hint of scared or regret were shown in his face.

" Nah, why would I? " the boy flashed out a smile before ran past them. " Talk to you later! I want to go after the city boy! "

" I wished I had the same confidence as Taiki.." the girls sighed. The boy had already vanished from their eyesight.

The morning bells had rung, indicating the first session is over. Ryuusei was busy tidying up his own books and notes until Taiki walked in front of his desk.

" Yo! City boy! The next class is gonna be PE, so lets team up if there's a group activity! "

Taiki's booming voice shows that the word soft is cease to exist in his own dictionary. Ryuusei frowned and thought,

" Why is this guy sticks with me too much? And with that loud voice to top it of... Is he a new type of bullies? "

Of course, he wouldn't say that in front of him but he will do it so. Ryuusei nodded and a polite man he is, gave Taiki who's already changed, a smile.

" Woah! No wonder girls are shy to approach you! Look at that killer smile! " Taiki snorted, covering his eyes as if there's a blinding light.

Laughing, he softly punched Ryuusei's shoulder. However, Taiki was caught off guard when he saw the other boy's reaction.

Face painted all red as tomato, Ryuusei seems a little bit agitated and scratched his head. " Im sure you have something wrong with your eyes! Im not that attractive..." Ryuusei muttered at the last part and realized all of his classmates are staring at him.

" Eh? " he scanned his surroundings. Everyone seemed to be looking at him and Taiki. Ryuusei's face flustered even more and panic started to take over him.

Noticing Ryuusei's behaviour, Taiki quickly turned his head towards the other students and said, " See~ Ryuusei's not that arrogant city boy! He's just too shy for his own good! "

Taiki put his hand around Ryuusei's shoulder and flashed out a big smile, hinting the other students to say something. On the other hand, Ryuusei's hand felt cold from the announcement and the attention he got.

"...me..? arrogant? " Ryuusei thought to himself.

As if a spell had been lifted, one by one started greeting Ryuusei.

" Sorry! I really thought you're looking down on us 'cause we're country bumpkins.."

" Then can we be friends, Ryuusei?"

" I didnt know you are actually extremely shy! I always thought you as a cool person! "

"Same! "

And the students' reaction seemed to be a never ending cycle until Taiki reminded them about their PE class.

After the students stopped hovering over Ryuusei, Taiki approached him and flashed a thumbs up.

" Id figured you're just actually a shy person from the start!"

Ryuusei let out a dry laugh and replied, " Im used to be mistaken as arrogant back then too, "

Noticing the students in the class had gone to the gym, Ryuusei stood up and added, " Oh, Im gonna got and get changed real quick here since there's nobody, you can go first, "

" I'll wait, "

" Whatever floats your boat then, " Ryuusei proceeded to take out his PE clothes and unbuttoned his uniform away. Looking at the school's logo made Ryuusei remembered Naruse he met yesterday.

" Maybe I'll stop by today too.." Ryuusei mumbled.

Ryuusei quickly folded his uniform away and noticed Taiki staring at him.

" Huh? Is there something on my face? "

"...No, "

Ryuusei tilted his head. " Then? "

" Just wondering why are you so shy even with that looks of yours,"

Ryuusei felt his embarassed with Taiki's words and decided to laugh it off. " Man! You really need to wear glasses or something! "

He expected Taiki to interfere and said something but the class turned really quiet, with just the of them in there. Taiki had a solemn look painted his face, causing Ryuusei gaping, loss at words.

As seconds passed that felt like years, Taiki seemed to say something before a huge figure loomed on the classroom's door.

" Taiki.... " a man with a wooden ruler on his hand walked in and continued, " ...thats very daring of you to be late for my PE class and dragging the new student with you too at that!!"

Taiki eyes widen but he keeps his smile and replied, " No! No! Thats not the truth right, Ryuusei? " Taiki turned his head to the said boy, in which Ryuusei nodded vigorously. Both of them noticed some of their classmates gesturing with guilty expression on each's faces.

" Enough! Both of you go to the gym now! I am not going to waste my time nagging, "

" Yes sir! "

Both of them quickly ran out of the classroom, meeting some of their classmates outside.

" Phew! We're all lucky!" Taiki chirped.

" Yep, and we'd better be hurry because I can feel him staring into the back of my skull, "

All of them laughed before running to the gym together, ignoring the deadly stare from their teacher at the back.


I have some problems with my schedule T_T

Btw, I really hope you enjoy this amatur story.

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