
Chapter:1 The Return, and Azure Mountain

A Gigantic Vortex unexpectedly appeared inside a cave at the bottom of a mountain someplace in the West, deep among the woods not far from the Azure Mountain. Stepping out of the portal is a young man who looks severely injured.

The young man, sighed and murmured, "Ugh...Fi-finally," before passing out as soon as he emerged from the portal.


Morning arrived In a Village near The Azure mountain, People now went around, doing the daily things they do.

In the Tavern, adventurers were conversing and drinking. Two Men can be seen conversing in one if the tables.

"Hey Old Bao, Have you heard about the rumors suggesting that a Vortex appeared in the Azure Mountain the other day?" A man in his thirties said while munching on food...

Old Bao sipped his beer and remarked, "It's probably just a rumor given that nobody found it in the first place." But, The man in his thirties chided"However, if it were true, we could go ahead and try clearing it before someone else does, and we're probably going to be rich!! My Fire salamander just needs 4 more fire stones to become knight class..My crest can then become much stronger!...I can't wait to use my flame fist when my salamander becomes knight class..Those Orcs at the back of azure mountain are going to be burned to ash"

Old Bao shook his head, clearly disagreeing with the man's statement: "Old Zen do u even know what class the orcs are?..it's Barron..not knight...Besides We still don't know if the Vortex is a Squire or knight class..if it's higher than that I'm afraid if we enter it we won't come back alive because, a squire class Vortex Needs five people To clear..And A knight class Vortex needs the same Five people the same rank as the gate as well, Meanwhile The baron class Requires Double of that number at the same rank,Not to mention the ranks after that!"


Inside the cave Somewhere in Azure mountain.The young man slowly regained his consciousness, He slowly opened his eyes and notices that he was in an unfamiliar place

"Ugh...Wh-where am I....Did I finally escape that hellish Vortex?.."The young man murmured to himself before finally remembering what happened

"R-Right..I escaped last night...F-Finally"Tears started to fall from his eyes...He cried for a moment before Wiping away his tears

"Finally....haah.....Now I wonder where I a-"Before he could finish his words he noticed a Mark in his hands."Huh...Why do I have this crest? Didn't I kill the Guardian of death? why does this crest looks like a noble's emblem?...."He was talking to himself when he suddenly heard a laugh

"Hahaha...How amusing to think you cried...hahaha did you really think you could kill me, the successor of The god of death?"A somewhat feminine voice spoke..

"Who are you?!?"The young Lad said confused to why there was someone speaking when he clearly doesn't feel any presence near him

"Hump...Your being rude to the one who spared your life back at the Vortex of Void"The voice said clearly mad at the young lad

"Umm...Sorry I was just surprise- wait anyway who are you really? And how are you speaking with me?"The young man replied to the voice.still confused as to why there was nobody yet he can hear someone talking

"Fu Fu Fu...We'll I suppose I can tell you as much as that considering your my master now..My name is Lilith Vandestine The successor of the god of death..Fufufu how about you?"The voice said to the young Man clearly sound like she's Showing a smug face

"Reus..Just call me Reus"Reus said to the voice before eye'ing the Crest in his arm.."Umm..Lilith Can you tell me why I have this crest?..I don't remember having this."Reum said to the voice

"It's because...You are my master now..Didn't you hear me when I was introducing myself? You should be Grateful Having a beauty as a soul Partner"Lilith stated proudly..

"Ohh..We'll anyways..What's a soul partner?...Is it like The Blood contract between Monsters and Humans?"Reum asked feeling a little bit confused

"Hmph. I can't believe you're so ignorant, You don't even know what a soul Partner is...We'll I'll explain to you just once..So you better listen..Having a soul pact means you and the creature you contracted with will be bound by life and death...You Can get Some of the contracted Creature's Trait or ability and The Contracted Creature can grow with you too..The downside is You will need to put more effort since you're providing both for you and your contracted creature.and since Both yours and your contracted Creatures' Soul are Connected if either one of you dies without lifting the contract the other ones soul will be damaged as we'll...There is Benefits of having a soul pact though..Since You can communicate with each other unlike the blood contract which can't do that..and also aside from the Trait you get from the soul contract you can also use the soul weapon of The contracted Creature..Mine for example is a scythe"Lillith said before deploying her scythe in front of Reus..

"Ohhh..it's strange..If there is a soul contract why does everyone use the blood contract instead?"Reus asked

"We'll that's of course the soul contract has been lost with time and only the Ancient civilization knows it.."Lilith shrugged

Both Lilith and Reus were still talking when they suddenly felt the earth shaking.

"Huh..? What's happening?..why is the ground shaking?"Reus asked before standing up and checking outside the cave

When Reus checked outside he saw A bunch if people riding Mounts Comming right to his location.."Weird why is there so many people all of a sudden..?"Reus wondered

Lilith Suddenly Appeared next to Reus and said "I don't know..Maybe they're here because a vortex appeared somewhere..."

Reus noticed that someone was behind him and got surprised that it was a girl with white hair with a tint of pink and has deep red eyes wearing a black Outfit with a mini skirt..

"Whoa!!..Lilith is that you?!"Reus asked in a surprised before shaking his head and looked back to the people riding mounts..

"Hmm they seems like running from something...and Yes it's me..Hehe surprised.?"Lilith said while grinning at Reus

Reus was about to reply when he saw that a monster as big as a small Hut was Chasing the People riding Mounts.."What the Is that an Upper Baron Monster?..Why the hell is it chasing them?!"Reum exclaimed

"Humph..It's a Steel Head Bear strange it usually travels with it's cub..and it's docile unless provoked, They probably done something horrible to make it show such hatred..And by the look of it, They probably Hurt or taken it's cub"Lilith said watching the people on Their mounts disdainfully..She then noticed that one of the people is carrying a metal Cage with a little Bear cub inside it

The bear cub Keeps hitting it's head at the cage hoping it would break free..


The man leading the group of five was speeding up while Riding that Looks like an Ox with Blue fur and a big build.

When he noticed that the Bear cub was trying to break free from the cage

He looked at the little cub disdainfully and said "Humph..Trying to break free?...Not a chance..That person is paying a lot for a Steel Head Bear Cub So he can give it to his son so he can get his son's first contracted Beast.So I won't let you.."The Man said before summoning a bolt of electricity and electrocuting the cub inside..

The cub let out a pained Growl for a short time before fainting.Seeing This the Mother Steel head bear got enraged more and speed up..A moment later One of the five people Got cleaved in half leaving a bloody body behind..

One of the five then shouted"Aaaah!!.Henry is dead!! Mr.Robert!! Should we split u-"Before the man finished his sentenced the Steel head Bear Bit of His upper Body leaving his lower body still riding his mount...Afterwards his mount separated from the group and running to the forest Leaving 3 people left from the group


While the two people died Lilith and Reus witnessed it all..Reus looked at Lilith and said."I should help them..Are you in?"

"There's no need to ask I am your Soul Partner and I'm bored anyways"Lilith said

While they were discussing the plan The steel head Bear has reached the 3 people left and inflicted a wound on their Mounts.

A guy got hit by the Steel Head Bear and Went flying meanwhile the other one got too scared and said "I'm..Going away...It's clearly after that cub!! I don't wanna die!!"The guy said before splitting up with Robert and went east..leaving Robert alone Still being chased by the Steel Helmet Bear.

"I..I won't give up....My daughter's life is at stake with this...After this I can afford that life serum.."Robert said still persisting..

Robert Went to the west side of the mountain still getting chased by the Steel Helmet Bear.Afterwards his mount got Wounded again by the Monster and Went stumbling.

"I-is this it..? Am I going to die.? What about my daughter..She's almost out of time..I need that Life Serum.."Robert said falling in despair while seeing that the Monster is Preparing to land a heavy blow to him..

"Old bud..You can go now.."Robert said While patting his mount.He then Released The contract with the Thunder Ox and set it free..Before bracing himself For his fate..

The Steel Head Bear swung it's sharp claws at Robert..Robert closed his eyes and prepared When suddenly He heard a loud Thud following that His Thunder Ox Went Stumbling back again and Bled a lot...The Thunder Ox Protected His master and now showing a huge Wound in it's Neck..

Robert looked at his Thunder Ox dumbfounded before Shedding tears...He ran to the wounded Thunder Ox and asked "Why...why did you do it..? You could have just fled..."Robert uttered in disbelief before seeing His Thunder Ox rubbing it's head in his arm Before having his last Breath...

Robert felt more despair seeing his contracted Thunder Ox whom he had taken care From being a young calf died protecting him..

While Robert was in a daze the Steel Head bear Got up from tumbling back caused By the thunder Ox..The Monster got more enraged and was about to pounce at Robert When a silhouette Jumped and Kicked

It's head Making it stumbling back again..