

Hello! This is my very first story, so please be patient with me. English is not the first language that I have spoken. So I sometimes mix my other language into English and that results in me not knowing the appropriate word in English. But please do not let that stop you from reading this story. If you notice any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, please inform me so that I can make the story better.


All the characters that are included in this story are based on my imagination. If you have the same name or if you know someone who has the same name as one of my characters, it is purely coincidental.

All the images/GIFS that I have used in this story are not mine. All rights go to their respective owners, although I do not know them. All videos and lyrics that are used in the story are not mine, all rights go to their owners.

I have made this story made purely of my imagination. I did not copy any story. If you think that my story is a bit similar to another story, it is purely coincidental. I wouldn't copy another author's story.

Please do not copy my story, because if you do, I'll hunt you down.🙂 But seriously, DO NOT COPY. It is not fair because some random person just copied my story, I would feel cheated. So, if you think that someone has copied my story, please inform me.


I would maybe use other languages that I do not speak, so I would most likely use google translate. So I'm sorry if it's the wrong grammar in that certain language. You can always correct me, it would mean a lot to me if you did.

I do not have an update schedule, I only update new chapters when I feel like it because if I force myself to make a new chapter, it wouldn't be that good. If you want me to update, go ahead and follow me so that you would be updated when I post a new chapter. And click the vote button on the bottom left corner of your screen so that I know that people actually want more of this story.

I will be accepting book covers from anyone. If there are people who are actually willing to. It would be greatly appreciated if you did cause I don't have any editing skills whatsoever so I can't make an awesome cover for this book. So maybe you guys can. No matter how long I will wait, I will always be here to welcome your book covers.

I will welcome kind constructive criticism. Any rude comments will be deleted, I don't want any negativity to form in the comments. If you say that you do not like the story because of the characters, plot, and stuff, you are welcome to exit this story. I do not want to hear your whining, it is my book if you hate it so much, why don't you write your own book? So please exit and I will welcome you back once you've matured.



-The first few chapters are short

-There will be torture

-There will be mentions of blood

-Girl talk or stuff will be mentioned


Next chapter