

Eyelids flutter as sunlight peered through the windows. Grey eyes stared but confusion weighed on his face. "Why is it so dark?" He asked no one.

"I not the only one that saw the solar flare, but why did everything turn black?" Ao stirred as he tried sitting up, he felt an unusual lightness to his body. Arms reaching up he tried peering through the darkness, an effort to make out their outline.

Occupied with his task as he was, memories flooded his mind as if a forgotten thought emerged without trying.

He froze in shock.

Situations like this are ones of dreams and fantasy yet, he finds himself facing a similar fate.

"I've been sent into the body of a child" a giggle escaped him, it's pitch unfamiliar to him rose as the absurdity of his situation sank in. Full blown laughter as tears streamed down his face.

"Why me?"

Silence was his answer.

"Why why why why?!" He repeated, each syllable getting louder as anger streaked through his very being.

He lashed out as he refused to accept this reality, a reality only a fool would gladly accept. Ripped from all he knew only to be placed in the body of a blind child, one abandoned in a village he'd never heard of, one he'd never seen.

A child only surviving due to the pity of strangers.

Kubi no Kuni, 'the Land of Neck' his mind supplies him. The unfamiliarity of it all grated him. Eventually he relaxed, emotionally exhausted he laid down.

Pangs of hunger assaulted him as his stomach announced the need for sustenance, he stood up using the memories of the child his hands reached towards the tattered wood that acted as a barrier to the elements.

As he took a step a screen reminiscent of an old RPG stat filled his vision, it's white text made bolder by the darkness.

[Cut Copy & Paste]


- 4m

Possible targets:

{Non Sentient}

- Hydrogen, Oxygen, Wood, Grass, Nature Chakra…(expand for more details)


- Termite (expand for more details), Ant (expa…) Worm (expa…) Lice…

He read through the screen, he was startled seeing the option for Nature Chakra giving him a hit of where he was, not wanting to test his theory by picking it just yet he then focused on the Ant option.

[Cut Copy & Paste]

Ant: Compound Eyes, Exoskeleton, 50x strength, Vitality, Jaw strength…

The list went on to include a few other things, already emotionally exhausted he focused on vitality.

- Vitality [Cut] [Copy]

With a thought he chose cut, a prompt arose afterward.


- Ao, Grass, Termite…

He once again focused on himself hoping to feel something. However, nothing noteworthy happened.

"I guess it's an ant so nothing from its vitality, system?" He called out but received no response. "Seems like a non sentient system, annoying but doable" he hummed as he tried focusing on exploring the system further.

He found a new sub section labelled Log.


Cut and Pasted Ants vitality to target 'Ao'.

"Nothing else huh, I wonder what would happen if I copied an ants strength, how would that work?" Mid thought his stomach once again made protest from the lack of food.

"I guess I'll figure it out, it seems pretty straightforward so far". He eventually made it to the entrance of his hut, the scent of nature greeted him. His red hair swayed as a gentle breeze passed by, his dark skin basked in the morning sun.

Next chapter