
Hope (1)

Days turned into nights, and Enzo's captivity persisted, each passing moment gnawing at his patience and resolve. His mind, sharpened by both frustration and the calming influence of the ancient thorn, continued to churn, seeking a way out, a way to regain control over the trajectory of his life.

But well, it was easier said than done. He was imprisoned, after, with no way out. So even with all the resolve in this world, if he couldn't get out of here, it would be useless.

With a sigh, Enzo's fingers absentmindedly traced the patterns on the manacles that held him captive. The metal felt cold against his skin, a reminder of his helplessness in this situation.

He could sense his butterflies, his ever-faithful companions, somewhere still trying to find him, but even after days, it seems that it was a hard task. It was as if Enzo was in the middle of nowhere.

'If only I could be useful even without my butterflies around, I would have been able to break free already.' Enzo mused, his gaze fixed on his surroundings. His mind was a storm of thoughts, filled with questions and possibilities. The mysterious figure's words continued to echo in his mind - the notion that he was somehow pivotal to the survival of the butterfly realm.

"Even if I have this lineage," Enzo spoke aloud to no one but himself, his voice carrying a hint of bitterness, "what good is it if I'm stuck here? If they want me to be some kind of savior, they could at least give me the tools to do so."

His words hung in the air, a manifestation of his growing frustration. But amidst the frustration, a spark of determination began to emerge. Enzo had always been one to adapt, to find solutions in the most challenging of situations. And this, he recognized, was no different.

'If I can't break free physically, maybe I can break free mentally,' Enzo thought, his mind alight with a new plan. He closed his eyes and focused on his connection to the butterflies, tapping into their energy, their essence.

As he did so, a soothing sensation washed over him, akin to a gentle breeze on a warm day. He felt a strange sense of unity with his butterflies, as though their consciousness and his were intertwined. It was a feeling he had experienced before, but now it felt more profound, more potent. Almost as if he was indeed... a prince.

It was as if their connection thicken.

Shaking his head, Enzo focused again.

And at that moment, he felt it. The subtle energy that flowed through his veins and linked him to his butterflies. It was almost as if their consciousness was a part of his, a hidden facet of his being. His heart quickened; he was on the cusp of something unprecedented.

As he delved deeper, the sensation intensified. Enzo felt like a conductor, orchestrating a symphony of power. It was as if anything was possible for him here!

In his mind's eye, he envisioned the manacles and saw the chains that bound him. With a surge of determination, he willed those mental chains to break.

And then it happened – a shockwave of energy rippled through him. The manacles that had held him captive for so long trembled and shattered. Enzo's eyes snapped open, and he looked at his wrists in disbelief, the remnants of the manacles clattering to the ground.

"H-how? I thought I did it mentally?" He spoke aloud in disbelief. After all, never did he expected to free himself like this.

Nonetheless, his shock quickly changed into a grin. It spread across his face, a mixture of triumph and incredulity. "I did it!" he breathed, his voice tinged with amazement. The feeling of liberation was indescribable. He was no longer confined by physical restraints; he had transcended them through the power of his mind and the connection he held with his butterflies. Although he still didn't understand how, it was the result that matter, right?


However, there was still one problem. Even if he had freed himself and could finally feel his power again as it seemed like they were making him unable from using his powers, he was still stuck in this prison...

He was surrounded by walls with a low roof. The only window was also very small, meaning that he wouldn't be able to get out through them.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to make an exit on my own." He smiled and cracked his knuckles and his neck. Going into motion, he made a fist with his hand and tried to muster all of his strength.

However, once again, because of the low roof, it was hard to draw all the power from his feet.

But well, it will have to do.

And so, with determination and full of vigor, Enzo began his assault on the walls of his prison. His fist collided with the unyielding surface, sending tremors of force through the structure. Each impact resonated through his bones, and he could feel the strain in his muscles as he pushed his limits.

The walls, however, were not so easily defeated. They didn't shatter with just one blow like Enzo hoped. On the contrary, they absorbed his blows, stubbornly resisting his attempts to break through.

But Enzo was relentless. His frustration fueled his resolve, and he continued to strike with all his might. It was a battle of wills, of endurance, and of desperation.

Quickly, he could hear noises outside of his cell, reminding him that he needed to get faster.

"HEY you, what are you doing?" The door of his cell suddenly opened, and an unknown voice entered his ears.

However, Enzo didn't have time to pay attention to the person.

Time seemed to blur as Enzo poured his energy into the assault. The walls bore the marks of his efforts, cracks snaking across their surface like veins of rebellion. His knuckles were bloodied, his body aching, but he refused to give. He couldn't allow himself to be imprisoned any longer.

And so with a final surge of energy, he delivered a blow that sent a resounding crack through the walls. Dust and debris rained down as a section of the wall crumbled, creating an opening just big enough for him to squeeze through. Enzo's heart raced as he stared at the breach he had created. He had done it. He had broken free.

However, right at this moment, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Next chapter