
4. Li and Yang Family

"Goodmorning CEO Kong!" Tiara stood up from her desk like Dania when she heard the greeting and wait for the CEO to approach.

"Goodmorning CEO Kong." both girls respectfully greeted doing a forty five degree bow.

"Goodmorning," David Kong responded, "Is the contract for Global Industries finished?"

"Yes sir, i will bring it to your office with your schedule and coffee in a minute." Tiara affirmed.

"Okay then," David smiled at the two girls before entering his office.

"CEO Kong is such a sweetheart," Dania said,"He is so handsome and kind."

Tiara giggled at her friend's dreamy look before shaking her head at her and went to the adjoining pantry to prepare the CEO's coffee.

She knocked three times at the door before entering while balancing the documents on one hand and coffee on the other.

"Here's your coffee sir, this is the contract for Global Industries and your schedule for the day, shall i read it to you?" Tiara asked professionally.

"Tiara, how many times should i tell you that there's no need to be so formal, I may be your boss but I am also your friend, or do you not even see me as such?" David questioned folding his arms and turning his swivel chair sideward to completely face her.

"Ofcourse your my friend, your one of my only three friends in this office, but honorable CEO Kong, you are also my boss so i need to act professionally." Tiara answered in her professional tone intending to tease him although she meant what she said.

David frowned at her words but seeing the concealed mischievous glint in her eyes he shook his head, "Since you want to tease me so much, why don't you accompany me at the Kong Family's Annual Gala this friday."

"But that's a formal event, you have to find a more suitable partner."

"And who will be more suitable than the young miss Tiara, the belle of Xindong Middle School? Besides i wasn't asking you, i was merely informing you, aren't i your boss?" David smirked.

"You..."Tiara was dumbfounded, here we go again, he always coerced her into going to these formal events with him causing other people to misunderstand their relationship even if she told them that she's attending as his secretary. Who wouldn't when David is very much capable of having heiresses accompany him with his good looks and high status.

"This is not up for negotiation." David knew she can not say no to him anyway and he has lots of tricks up his sleeves if she refuse and Tiara knows this.

Smiling to himself, he picked up the contract in his table and started reading.


At another sky rise building..

"Sir, here is the report you requested." a man respectfully passed an envelope to the young man opposite him.

"Who?" The young man asked dangerously making the investigator feel cold sweat seeping out of his pores that he unconsiously raised his hand to wipe his face.

"Th-there are two families who mainly colluded together. It-its the Li and Yang family who are also in the goods production together with the Xue family back then." The investigator narrated nervously feeling the drop in temperature.

"So it is those two insignificant flies." the young man nodded imperceptibly before waving his hands to dismiss the investigator who felt like a giant boulder was lifted off his shoulders.

"Brother, isn't this a bit off? The Li and Yang family bringing down the Xue family is like two mere puppies attempting to kill a tiger, its unthinkable." A young man in military uniform said.

"Why are you back?" the man coldly replied.p

"Is that a way to treat your younger brother? You did not even bother to see me when you returned instead you focused on investigating the events that happened on Little Missus Ra's family. Is she more important than me?" The man in military uniform clutched his chest dramatically while looking at his brother like an abandoned puppy. If his men saw him like this their eyes will surely bulge out from disbelief while thinking if this man is really their batallion commander who was strict and serious all the time.

"Don't call her that!" a cup flew towards the young man in military uniform which thanks to his years of training he managed to dodge as it shattered upon contact with the wall.

"Fine!fine! She's more important, your really still as possessive as before, you won't even share her pet name with me." The young military man, Jiro Feng, grumbled indignantly. "But first brother, did you meet with our Little Missu.." Before he even finish his sentence he received a cold glare from his possessive brother prompting him to change his way of addressing his future sister-in-law. "Did you already meet with young miss Xue?"

"Hmm." Riven acknowledged with a faint smile remembering their encounter. 'He will slowly but surely worm his way back in her life' he thought.

Jiro was taken aback by the smile on his brother's face. During the eight years he was forced to study and build his career abroad, he rarely saw his brother's genuine smile except those times when he secretly show him a picture of young miss Xue which he secretly gathered outside.

Upon migrating to Country B, their parents prohibited any of them from contacting their friends in Country A saying that they should focus in their studies, he just do not know what their parents used to bargain with his brother to make him obey them knowing that he can find a way to contact young miss Xue if he really wanted to.

"So you did meet her already, are you together now? Can i start calling her sister-in-law?"

"Who's our sister-in-law." A woman entered the office directly without knocking, removing her dark glasses she flops down in the sofa beside Jiro.

"Sana Feng what did I tell you about knocking?" Riven was vexed by these siblings of his but cannot help feeling good about the mention of his Little Missus Ra becoming their sister-in-law.

"Little Missus Ra, who else." Jiro Feng stated in certainty forgetting about his brother's possessiveness with the pet name and so a book flew on top of his head grazing the tip of his hair.

Sana giggled at her brothers interaction, remembering the only girl who secured a place on her first brother's heart.

"I think its time for me to meet her, what does she like? I need to present a good first impression on her so i can finally have someone to go shopping and do girly stuff with." Sana eagerly questioned her first brother, thinking of all the things she wanted to do now that she will have a sister.

"Don't even think of pestering her." Riven plainly said earning a frown from Sana, then as if thinking of an idea, her eyes twinkled momentarily.

"First brother, second brother, i remembered there is something i need to go, i'll be off first!" Sana bid her brother's goodbye, 'who are they to keep her sister-in-law for themselves, she will surely make a way to snatch her from them so they can go and have a girls day and girls night out like other sisters,' Sana thought to herself grinning before dashing out of her brother's office to find the whereabouts of her sister-in-law.

The two men in the office silently watched their sister dashing out like a child who was told that her favorite playmate is outside.

"About those families," Riven started, making the atmosphere in the room change from the playfulness of the previous banter to a deadly serious one, "You got one thing right, the Li and Yang family's strength alone is not enough to take down the Xue family, there is something hidden that needs more intensive investigation."

"Do you want me to pull some connections?" Jiro offered turning equally serious.

"Her brother is also in the army and has a rank higher than yours, don't you think he wouldn't have investigated?"

"Then it means that whoever plotted against the Xue family back then is not a simple character. They must be equally dangerous to deal with in comparison to our family."

"That's right, but whoever they are, I will make them suffer and annihilate their whole family if need be." Riven stated clenching his fingers into a fist looking evil and dangerous which made Jiro who was used to dealing with dangerous men in his years in the army to have his hair stand on end.

"Whoa, brother, are you sure you are a doctor? Because you sound nothing like a doctor at all, you seem more like an assassin looking like that, hehe" Jiro tried to ease the seriousness in the room and laughed awkwardly.

"Contact old Kong for me." Riven instructed in a low intimidating voice not realising that his aura turned intimidating that even his brother was affected.

'Since when did i become your assistant that you can order me around like that' Jiro grumbled in his heart but obeyed his imposing brother nonetheless.

"In the mean time, we will deal with those little dogs."

'Uh oh, the Li and Yang family will surely suffer, who told them to cause grievance to his sister-in-law anyway.' Jiro thought.

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