
Butler Chronicles

In a world where the eldest sibling of a family normally die. She escaped her current situation through a bit of luck. Will they be able to uncover the truth that is being hidden?

OneSlimeU2_Zone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Masks of Time..?

The days had gone by pretty slowly. During the days she had been here, she had gone through light training to get her body back in a healthy shape per doctor and Juzi's request before the serious training had begun. Over time, four of the masks had been dispatched to their tasks which resided within different parts of the four kingdoms.

At this time, Gensei sat down in front of the window watching the large tree in the distance resting onto of the hill. Her mask was off given she was allowed to do so while within her room.

It was when she heard the door open.


They looked back to see Sian. "Want to…"

The younger girl paused for a moment as they stared at Gensei's eyes that had no light in them.

"g-go on a walk?"

Their voice grew a bit hesitant. Gensei thought for a moment and stood while picking up their mask. Equipping it, she walked to them and later exited the room. Sian looked to be decently happy as they walked a bit ahead so she could close the door.

"Where are we going?"

Gensei asked as she ran forwards behind them

"Well.. the libaray?"

Ginsei stared and the Cyan masked girl couldn't help but giggle at their curiosity.

"You must be wondering why? Well, you see…time passes differently in this place. I thought…"

Sian paused.

'Why don't I go with Gensei.."

"and here…we are.."

Gensei gave a brief nod towards their bashfulness and looked out the window as silence engulfed between the both of them.

"What…sort of books are there?"

They said feeling a smile being directed to her. However, her gave returned unto them as they ran ahead to open the doors to the library.

The room looked to be reasonably wide and reasonably large. Two couches remained within the center of the room and was separated by a table.

"Well…History that dates back to the counties founding…to simple things like cooking. Meaning that before you leave, you can study a bit on your task before you go out."

Sian paused and began to climb a ladder in order to pick out a novel from the higher shelf. Gensei soon walked ahead to look around.

"something…to pass the time"

She said in a hushed voice. She took a look at the books and checked for the one with the most pictures. Upon finding the one she wanted, they walked to the couch opposite of Sian and sat down to read.

Morning had slowly turned to evening, asleep laid down on the couch. A foot on the floor due to a bent leg while the other spread out along the couch with the book open on her face to block out the light. Her arm rested on her stomach while the other allowed her fingertips to just about touch the floor.

She was completely out of it by the time she was found by Nokon.

"Hey there, wake up…, and you too Sion, its time for dinner"

However, there was no response.

He lowered and moved a hand to remove the book and took a look at it. The name of it was called the fruitful vine., a picture book. He looked over his shoulder to find Sian still deep in her story. He decided to leave for a moment only to come back with a blanket and placed it over her.

Sian on the other hand was picked up and placed on his shoulder. With a tired yawn, he walked to the exit of the library and closed it deciding to come back later.

It was when evening came, that Gensei suddenly woke up but kept her eyes closed to sleep more.

A cool substance was felt on her forehead and her eyes opened to see the color of red and a dark blue edge of a mask.

"Wake up, time for training."

Nodding, her hand rose to take the apple before raising up and following them.

Once they had stopped, they ended up at the back of the main building. She noticed a purple masked individual.

"Hey!...Murasaki I brought them"

She had stopped just at a small distance away and spoke. "Ginsei" And soon she had taken another bite before handing over the apple to Nokon.

Murasaki seemed to have a bit of a lazy demeanor. His hand showing the metal showing a metal that was purple in color and identified him as one of their groups.

"Now that you have regained your strength, we will do a different type of training."

He paused.

" Think of the weapon you want to use the most while holding your medallion in your hand."

She reached for her medallion house insignia and held it up

However, there wasn't one she knew of other than a sword. But she did not like the sword nor wanted to use one. Then she thought of spears and using two of them like in that picture book she saw earlier.

Suddenly the medallion necklace glowed, her own a silver-white light which was a little blinding before being brought to the ground.

They noticed the weapon weighed a lot and wasn't moving. However, she began moving and lifting up the spears slowly and was straining.

"Good….now what was next again…"

"Practice attacking with those weapons. Once it becomes natural. You will be ready."

After the direction. They left Nokon on watch while he went to prepare for his their departure in the next few days. Soon she began spending her days out doors. Nokon had just left with Sian on their departure. The manor seemed to be quieter while she trained with her two spears finally able to make just a single swing. Mostly the quietness was pierced by the wind when she sat down to take a break. Given they had 2 days left before they had to leave.

She decided to explore just a bit and went to the left building. She opened the door and it smelled like a wave, like a wave length. Something that made her stumble a bit and shiver. A sweet smell? Or it felt like she was raised and later lowered in an odd way.

It was something she never smelled before…

It was then a hand was placed on her head. She looked up to see a black masked male.

"I see you found the medical building, scratch that. Entered the medical building."

Claire would back away quickly not able to take the odd feeling the smell gave her and kuro chuckled before closing the door.

"When you are injured, we normally send for supplies right here"

They paused.

"However, this isn't what I came to talk to you about. I need you to leave with Murasaki as soon as possible. "

He turned to walk to the building. It felt like something a noble would do. Perhaps this is why she automatically followed behind them. A habit? Though the headache was subsiding.

"You see, our goddess received a prayer from the king from the kingdom of flames. And it seemed to be urgent."

He paused as they walked to the office within the main building.

"Strange abnormalities have begun happening. Though, we don't know exactly what it is. We do know that it tends to target those with blond hair."

They paused before reaching for a letter and holding it up for Gensei who took it from them.

"But above all else, be sure to talk to the king first before you begin your duty."

Gensei nodded before walking out of the office and turning to see a back being tossed in her direction. Catching it, they went for the exit of the main building almost running for the carriage and once they had gotten on.

They were on the was to the kingdom of flames. The red scenery slowly changing to green as the time passed. Though the trees were a mixture of red and orange as though with hints of black and green. The sky changed from evening to a bright early morning in a matter of a few moments.

It was then she remembered the words Sian had told her about. Or rather wasn't she needed to leave with Midori. Perhaps matters were just that urgent.

That time passed differently, then how long has she been gone.

Thanks for Reading!

(Learning how to write a story)

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