

🧟‍♂️Zombie reminder ●1 fears daylight is small it stature, ●2 is really fast is like a tall stick, ●3 is supper slow is more human sized, ●4 Mucele bound idiots like trolls. 🧟‍♀️

Well I'm board again. " Ahh......." ... where did that scream come from. I get up and look around. Under a bridge there's a girl running.

"Help please help" the girl spotted me. Well she did say please so might as well. i walk over and all the zombie that were fallowing her stop and wander off.

This confused the girl. "hi i'm tarrance" the girl looks at me "I'm lon". i give her a smile but i have a mask on so its hard to tell. "why did they stop when you came over."

I pull down my mask "Because I'm a zombie."

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