
The Bully

The creatures of the desert watched as Bully Maguire fell from the dark thundering sky like a flash of lightning onto the sand. Above dark clouds above crackled with lightning, below Maguire was embedded into the sand in a hole far larger his size like a meteor.

Maguire laid there, naked, unconscious and numb, surrounded by heated sand and tiny scattered glass shards. With a jolt of energy his eyes flung open, groaning he forced his upper body to get up in sitting position, he sat there for a moment, legs spread on burning sand, mind confused then a sharp pain ran through his back while the dark sky above crackled with blue lighting.

"My back..." he groaned, "my back... my back."

Maguire looked above at the great darkness, the thundering split opened again with the blue light, lighting serpent intertwined like serpents forming a buzzing circular pattern. The inner of the circle split apart like a gate has been to open to this reality.

"Ah, Shit..." sighed Maguire. "Here we go again."

Two large dark jointed appendages came out of the portal and hooked their insectlike claws onto the buzzing lighting of the circle like the buzzing blue were metal bars to pull oneself. The behemoth creature started pulling himself out of it. First, its head came out then slowly rest out of its body. A creature from a world of nightmares made its first step on the planet.

A night gaunt, one of the many of its species. Size thousands of times larger than Maguire, with lathered smooth whale-like skin, long slender humanoid bodies, curving horns, leather bat-like wings, and a blank expanse of flesh where one would expect a face to be. Its sheer size covered eclipsed the portal above Maguire, the creature has no mouth but its screech echoed throughout the desert. Its eyeless gaze locked down Maguire standing below on molten sand.

Maguire crouched, his muscles tightened around his leg, his throbbing back and he leapt upward towards the behemoth, piercing the wind like a missile at the speed of third cosmic velocity. Unable to bear the back pain or conscious enough to freely control his trajectory, Maguire slammed himself onto the night gaunt. The creature swung his hand, slamming Maguire like a bug but it was too slow and too fast.

With a sound like that of a shattering mountain, Maguire slammed himself onto the behemoth. The lightning portal behind broke off and the creature was pushed back into an off-balance state. The mouthless creature somehow screeched loudly, Maguire's ears ringed, he wanted to close his ear with his hands but he bore the pain, instead, he used his hands to claw into the night gaunt's dark flesh. Sure it didn't do any significant or even minor damage, but it helped Maguire to maintain a firm grip on the behemoth.

Maguire tightly closed his one hand into a fist and slammed on the night gaunt. The behemoth staggered back mid-flight before it could get its balance, Maguire punched again and then again. The fist was tiny when compared to the massive size of the night gaunt, but it carried a massive amount of power. Each slam of the fist sent rippled on the night gaunt's body, with each attack the creature's body slowly started fading, corporeal turning into incorporeal.

The night gaunt slammed his limb onto his chest trying to hit Maguire but he missed. Maguire ignored the oncoming attacks, not caring if another one of the behemoth's attacks may hit him. He hung on and kept attacking while the Behemoth kept its fading arms swinging, ripples running through them, soon its giant dark wings fully faded into unreality.

The behemoth screeched and rolled in the sky like a broken fighting aircraft while screeching with its fading dark blank face. The night gaunt and Maguire fell towards the sandy ground while rolling together, the creature was still conscious and swinging its appendages hoping to get dominance over the situation. Maguire hung on by one hand and attacked with the others, he then stepped on the creature's large chest and jumped upwards.

The behemoth swung his limb but it missed the small figure again. Bully Maguire levitated over the falling behemoth, his opened hands kept at the distance to one another and crimson lightning danced around his body, joining both his distant hands with a buzzing string of it. Moments later the behemoth crashed onto the ground, half its body already shattered in two after being weakened by Maguire's repeated attack. Maguire floated in the air, covered in lighting from below he looked like a levitating crimson spark. Maguire looked down at the fallen behemoth.

"See ya back in dreamland, chump," said Maguire and shot his arm forward shooting the crimson lightning at the fallen night gaunt. The night gaunt screeched one last time in pain as the burning red of incineration covered it, turning it into ashes and fading away into nothingness.

Bully Maguire floating above released a mouthful of air, the crimson lightning dancing around him like extinguished like candlelight, he felt being drained of all his remaining energy, his eyes shut themselves with tiredness, he then dropped like a stone. Maguire turned over slowly in the air, his limbs failing pointlessly. In moments, he crashed onto the ground again. He felt the familiar sensation of sand against his skin. He opened his eyes for a moment, vision still blurry then fell unconscious. But before they closed he something floating towards him, a man, he couldn't make much of out of it but what he saw someone clad in blue and red.

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