

Hi guys I'm negleatha I get bullied because of my skin color,and this is Angelo no! I mean Angela he i mean she get bullied because she's gay,and this is Leah i mean Leo sorry she I mean he also get bullied because of her I mean his gender,and this is lira and she set bullied because of her looks,and this peter he get bullied because he is a nerd,and this is Aden he gay bullied because he's a punk and,this is Gloria she have a abusive parent and for last,this is Alfredo he was left alone by his friend because his a "bully"...

High school-is such an awful place

Home-doesn't feel like home

People eyes-that keeps following me like they discussed me

The whisper-that is full of judgement

The feeling-You will never be good enough

The word-they keep saying

Those eyes-keep staring

The things-they keep blaming

The rumors-they keep spreading


I ask myself..why? do they say I'm different...why? do they judge me at everything that I do...why? Do they keep blaming me spreading those rumors more over telling those lies about me...

Those negative thoughts made me feel

Did i do something wrong

Will I never be good enough

I never thought high school would be like this...such a cruel and awful place even my home is like this..No! It's not the place it's the people...

And why does a bully,bullied people why do they even "bully"people

Why is the world so unfair

Those questions will be answered soon enough

To be continued