
Chapter 1: Return

Chapter 1: Return


Suyin had experienced a lot as of late. Kuvira's betrayal stung too much for her to admit and it would be a long time before she made her peace over it. 

Today's headache was something that she had missed over the last twelve years. It had been that long since she had last meaningfully seen him. Damian had returned. He was a changed man as far as she could see. Very unlike the one that showed up on her doorstep all those years ago. The young boy with shining eyes full of wonder at the possibility of bending. Eager to learn the ways of metal. Those eyes now shown with a wisdom that was beyond his years. Something she would only see in the likes of a fire lord Zuko she remembers seeing at one point in her youth. 

His return meant many things. But she knew that any change that Damian brought would be good. She knew he had always dreamed of changing the world. Suyin now knew that he had the power to do it. 


It has been a while since I've been to Zaofu. Lots has changed apparently. The return of the Avatar. The downfall of the monarchy in Ba Sing Se. Even the reuniting of the spirit world with the material one. 

I was in the spirit world as it happened. It could be felt across the realm. A ripple in reality which every spirit could feel. It was unsettling to say the least. Knowing how great a change something like this would cause. But for most spirits it was hopeful. 

As for me, I couldn't care less. I already was in contact with the spirits so nothing really changed. Steady as a rock. I didn't hold my breath and continued my studies in the owl's library. 

I had only returned yesterday and wished to see my metalbending master again. She was one of the few friends I had from before I left. It was good to see her again despite my arrival nearly giving her a heart attack. 


"So Damian, how long have you been back?" Suyin asked her previous student. 

"Only for a couple days. I first went to my parents in Kushaw to let them know I was still alive. They were happy to see me, just annoyed that I had been gone so long." One of the things I never really told her was that me and my parents weren't on the best off terms. Me leaving went against their wishes. I did it anyway and haven't really been back since. "I set out this morning and only arrived here a couple hours ago. It took me a while to find where you lived with all that has changed. I also just wanted to see the city again."

Suyin looked at him in disbelief as it was barely midday. "That quick!? From the center of the desert!? How did you get here so fast?" I did actually come from the middle of the desert as in the real world I was in a cave I made so that when entering the library I would hopefully be closer to it in the spirit world. Despite her outburst she hastily fixed her expression "I mean you are quite strong now to have traversed such a great distance so quickly."

I chuckled and replied "I have my ways master." I truly did. The capabilities of earth bending are not as limiting as everyone has been led to believe. 

"So what will you do now that you have returned? I'm sure Tenzin would love to see you. He is the one that helped you the most with getting into the spirit world after all. He is currently in Republic City as he just got back from the Northern Air Temple."

"I was hoping to head there after staying here for about a week and sharing some of my adventures. I was simply unsure. I had heard that the avatar now stayed at air temple island and I was hoping to not rain on her parade by being there."

Suyin laughed as she knew of how talented her previous student was. "About that, could you perhaps give me a demonstration? A spar between us to see how far you've grown. For old times sake." 

"Of course master that would be lovely"

We moved outside to a field set up for training earth bending. "So, what are the rules, I know how before we left how much your dancing was incorporated into your fighting style." Suyin pondered the question and replied "How about a knockout, best of three, loser has to owe the other a favor." 

"Alright, but just know that you'll lose, plus I already owe you a favor."

Suyin looked at him mischievously, "Oh, I know. I'm planning on cashing that favor in soon."

Uh oh. I was hoping the day where she never used that favor would ever come. Suyin could be spiteful when she wanted to. She wasn't very happy when I left and told her I didn't know if I would ever return. At least I knew she was happy to see me. 


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