1 Discovering Talents

A talent is often defined as a natural aptitude that someone is born with (e.g., singing, painting or drawing, athletic abilities). People often have to work to refine their talents, but they're generally innate and genetic rather than acquired. A child has his/her own inbuilt talent in them which they are to nuture, water and grow it into their desired dream. Parent are not also left out, they are the Gardner's of this little and colourful garden in their children. They clear most obstacles which serves as weed or thorns to those talents, they also water this garden by sending their children to school which helps in developing the child and then when they allow the child to explore their talent by allowing them to improve their talent and to make it known to the world by using their talent to develop their nation. "Remember you are talented and your talent has value" by (Jessica Hische). Talent's are supposed to build the world and not to be a tool to destroy the world.
