
chapter 5

n/a: well, I decided to publish chapters every 4-5 days maximum, because it's simple, it gives me more time to advance more chapters and not do it at the last minute, improve the quality a bit, and analyze the movies again, timelines and others, if it takes me longer it's because I don't have to write anymore or I'm busy with work IRL, I take it easy since this is a fanfic to pass the time and not stay awake for hours because of my uncontrolled imagination, thanks Because of the support they give to my writing, it motivates me a little more to continue writing.

{Overworld, time: unknown}

I don't know how long I slept, the only thing I know is that now I have a lot of back pain, what do you mean I slept for a couple of hours, the sun was still in the sky, but there were many trees, making a few of their warm rays of light pierce the leaves of these trees of various colors...

Wait, colored trees!?, jumping up, I looked behind me at the portal, or rather the twin of the portal which I built, I expected someone else to walk through it, but then I slapped myself on the head.

- If TOAA said that it would protect me from the TVA, it means that it will also protect me from other prying eyes for a while...- sighing with relief for having a heavyweight protecting me, without a doubt I took a huge weight off my shoulders, I just have to return it the favor doing what he asked me, a refuge, a home if a great cataclysm came.

And like any great construction, it begins by hitting a tree.

But before beating up the unfortunate blue tree that was in front of me, in the upper left corner of my vision, it was seen that it had a notification, which I surely missed when I fainted, so with a mental command I opened the notifications section.

[Congratulations on entering a portal for the first time, [Overworld] information is unlocked, an innate ability, weekly quests, +10 points]

My eyes widened for the rewards, I thought it was too much until I remembered the materials that had to be used and that maybe it was thought to complete it in a few months in the normal way that would be digging in the depths, so it seemed more This amount of rewards is normal, the best thing is that now I have weekly missions to unlock my skill tree, but let's go in order.

The information from [Overworld] gave me a summary of the place, it had the size of 64 thousand square kilometers, apparently, Herobrine has an obsession with 64, but the best thing is that they added 64 thousand km more by adding 50 points, which has It makes more sense why the weekly missions were unlocked, it has flora and fauna of all kinds, there will be as many normal animals as fantasy ones, but most of them have basic intelligence, although beings with magic will have more intelligence.

There are no humans, only the villagers, who explain that they are not like the game in which you can exploit them and exclave them since they have feelings and conscience, they are extremely peaceful which leads them to be attacked by the Illagers, a gray version of them who attack them for unknown reasons.

That takes away my plan A of unlocking all the enchantments and having iron farms, luckily I had a plan B in case they had a conscience, but they will have to find a town first to make it happen.

As for the monsters, there are the basic creeper, skeleton, Enderman, etc., and some variants such as mutants or that change the color and effects that they can give you, there are also some fantasy monsters and mixed myths, such as the classic dragons, goblins, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, man-eating plants, and the list goes on and on.

It is explained that the larger the world, the more likely to find rare creatures, plants and minerals but does not specify which ones.

But the most important thing in the section is the time dilation, which is 1:24, 1 day on earth is 24 here, it is not as broken as the one in dragon ball but it is still a great advantage and extra time.

Now that I think about it, it's 3 weeks if I stay here, which would give me more rewards, the problem is that I have a life, and unless I become independent soon, I won't be able to get the full potential of this way of taking advantage of time.

Now as for what missions I currently have:

[weekly mission:

-Collect 9 stacks of logs of any type = +2 points

-kill 50 zombies = +4 points

-kill 50 skeletons = +4 points]

The only easy mission is the one with the logs, I'm only 5 years old and have limited strength, I can't kill 100 creatures in a week, so I proceeded to break the logs which did have gravity but fell from the ground after a few seconds blocks, branches, shoots, and a rare blue apple-like fruit became.

[blue apple: regenerates 5% mana]

Wow, I haven't unlocked mana yet, but at least I have natural mana potions, very eco-friendly. (no sarcasm)

So I picked up the 9 apples that were floating on the ground, the sight was curious because on earth I already tried it and only the objects two meters from me floated when I broke them and the rest remained on the ground as a normal object, but clearly, this tree was more than 10 meters and all the trunks floated, well, easier for me.

In total there were about 8 trunks and 20 branches, I planted all the shoots, so putting my crafting table on the ground I made the 4 basic wooden tools, I had no stone in sight and I don't want to make a hole at the moment.

I also wanted to test the innate ability which is this:

[Craftsman's Hand: Mastery in all tools and weapons you create, you can levitate them within 1 meter of you (consume stamina). 0/10]

And best of all, I didn't mention the weight, so if I create something that weighs 1 ton, it will be like a feather for me, although it seems that if I improve it, it will only increase the distance and stamina efficiency, being the only thing I think that It could be improved and not have other sub-abilities.

But it's pretty versatile, and an idea occurred to me, I know I'm not in China or a Chinese national, but I'm a Minecraft player, so putting my wooden pickaxe on the ground, I got on top of it activating [Hand of the craftsman] I was able to levitate it, consequently getting up myself too, the balance itself was extremely complicated, and the grip on the wooden pick was like skating with the skateboard from back to the future, luckily I didn't risk as much as Tony did in The first movie, I was only about 12 inches off the ground.

n/a: in short, the cubes shrunk.

The idea itself of using it for transport was good, but not safe at the moment, a sharp turn and I will hit the nearest tree or fall on my face, so I can only go with this as if I were walking or jogging, no faster than that.

Too bad it doesn't specify armor, or it would be very easy to fly, that's when I start to feel hungry, seeing my thigh bar in half, so stopping fooling around, I went back to the ground, I took out a bread with ham and cheese and I devoured it in a few bites.

Blessed be my Steve body to eat almost everything without getting tired or fat (chewing also tires), I returned to my crafting table and with a piece of cloth that I brought to craft bandages (I brought a few materials filling 9 slots of my inventory and leaving Just free the quick inventory) I made a flag, the reason is simple, I didn't have a minimap yet, but I did have a compass that when linked with the flag, I would always know where the portal is.

Digging some earth and using scissors to remove leaves from the trees, leaving only the branches, I covered the portal so that no creature would accidentally pass it to my world and camouflaged it with the leaves and shrubs that I replanted.

Proud of my work which only took me a few minutes to do, I looked at the landscape around me and began to explore but not before turning my inventory into a 2/10 (before 1/10) to have more space, soon I will craft a backpack so that I don't have to worry about space, but about order.

On the way I find some cows and sheep, and look at that, a blue wool sheep, if it were pink there I would know that I would be lucky, but my objective now was not the animals, but a cave, which it didn't take long to find, so I easily go from wood to stone equipment, something curious about my crafting ability is that I can change the design of my tools or increase their power, although obviously they have a limit and each time they spend more materials, but hey, they are tools of stone, I easily managed to improve them up to +10, there was no achievement involved if you wonder.

With my stone pickaxe, I had more durability and I could mine a little faster, even so with my 5-year-old body I got tired quickly and I had to constantly eat my bread with ham and cheese that fed a lot.

But with my hard work, I managed to get 2 stone stacks, 30 coal, 1 copper stack, and 20 iron, there were no more materials on the surface and I already wanted to make my house, so running towards the portal I started to build the classic box of shoes with a roof to see if any creature would come at night, obviously, I built everything in a stone, triple layer in case a creeper comes, leaving me with 10 stone.

n/a: It's not going to be all accurate, this fanfic is to entertain, not to be architecturally accurate.

And Then, night came, luckily I made several sandwiches because the view of the sky was incredible, there was no constellation that I recognized, and I didn't know if the sky was just an illusion of the dimension, but it was a fantastic view until I Listen to movement.

Several zombies had appeared and one or another archer, quickly picking up the torch to turn off the light, I put on a camouflage suit made of leaves that I crafted and stood on the edge of the stone railing, staring at the monstrosities of my size.

The zombies were completely green but with different clothes, not the typical blue shirt, and the skeletons some brought bows and other swords, luckily none came mounted on a spider.

Speaking of spiders, they were huge, I know I don't have arachnophobia but if there was one I would already be shitting my pants.

Deciding that the night was too dangerous for me, I covered the entrance to the roof by covering it with 3 stones, collecting some stone that I used on the floor of the house, I covered the two sides of the portal with stone in case it happened to fall. They will get in and go home.

n/a: I hope you liked this chapter, I had a few busy days so that's why I decided on my current schedule, if you see any grammatical errors or a paragraph that has completely changed the meaning that should be in the plot, please let me know so I can explain it in the comment bar (I don't have the patience to deep edit, I just like to write), so remember folks, mistakes are the best teacher *c goes swimming*

Leave a review, my dream is to have at least 4 stars, I would really appreciate it, even if you leave 1 or 3 I will still accept constructive criticism.

SentimentalReader2creators' thoughts
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