
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


It's 1 p.m and the midday sun is at its zenith. Even in the shade, it is at least 25°C (77°F).

Due to the oppressive heat, Kami found the stench of the feces unbearable. The air was thick and heavy, making every breath a challenge. The slum dwellers, however, seemed hardly affected, likely accustomed to the smell during this time of year. Some sat at the side of the street, their eyes hollow and faces gaunt, begging for food. Their pleas often went unanswered, as most of the people here were impoverished themselves. Only the henchmen of Old Man P, seemed better off, strutting through the filth with an air of superiority and pockets lined with ill-gotten gains. While Kami flew through the narrow streets, he could even see some henchmen beating some beggars or whistle at malnourished prostitutes.


From a bird's-eye view, the stark contrast of the slums, in comparison to the centre of the slum, unfolds more clearly. Amidst the maze of narrow, filthy streets, a small group of children can be seen darting through the chaos, heading towards the bustling market square.

The market square represents the centre of the Slum and is an evidence to the previous state and functions of the district before the war and the uprising of Old Man P.

Old Man P., a middle-aged man with a face so ugly it resembles that of a wild boar. Despite living in the slums, he is fatter than most aristocrats and kings.

Why is that?

Simple. He is not truly a man in dire straits.

He works for the religion of Ambrosius, tasked with making the lives of the slum dwellers even more horrific. The church's sinister strategy is to create desperation, making the promise of salvation seem more appealing and necessary. This keeps the people loyal and ensures they donate their last valuables - in the name of salvation, of course.

The reason why Adelaide and many others are in such a bad situation is because Old Man P. and his henchmen collect food as taxes every week. If you can't pay and you are a man, you get beaten to death. If you are a women, you get sexually abused and then beaten to death.

Because of the ongoing wars, the number of Slum dwellers doesn't decrease, quite the opposite, it even increases rapidly. Old Man P. and his thugs live like tyrannical kings of an ever-growing "kingdom".

< 1:30 p.m >

Esther, Aeden and all other members of her little gang gathered in small side street overlooking the market square.

This market, although in disrepair and cobbled together from the simplest materials, stood out like a makeshift fortress. Ramshackle barricades and haphazardly assembled stalls formed crude defenses, giving it an air of authority and control. Despite its shabby construction, the market square exuded a sense of luxury compared to the rest of the slums, with its stalls stocked with goods and its patrons slightly better off than the ragged inhabitants outside its bounds.

"Alright, everyone, listen up. Here's the plan in detail:

First, we need a distraction. Some of you will mingle with the beggars at the entry of the market and start causing a ruckus. Make it look like a fight has broken out—shout, push, make as much noise as possible. This will draw the attention of Old Man P.'s henchmen and the market guards.

While the guards are busy dealing with the commotion, I'll sneak through the stalls. The key is to move quickly but carefully. I'll stick to the shadows and avoid any well-lit areas. My goal is to target the stalls with the most food and take only what we can carry without being noticed.

If things get too heated and it looks like I'm going to get caught, I'll signal to you all by throwing a small rock towards the center of the market. When you see that, scatter and disappear into the crowd. Don't wait for me—I'll find my way back to our hideout on my own.

Understood? Everyone has their part to play. If we stick to the plan, we should be able to get enough food to last us for a while. Any questions?", Esther asked the members of her gang.

Everyone: "No!"


< Meanwhile >

Kami is still looking for his first believer and has already flown around the whole Slum once. He is currently on his way to the open square in the centre of the Slum.

'I'm still not sure, if I should start my Religion in a slum. I don't want to become the God of feces and diseases." , he thought, contemplating the grim surroundings, "but it would be badass if I could curse my enemy with rare illnesses like the Black Death."


< At the market square >

Aedan and 10 other kids began to mingle with the begging people at the market entrance, where throughout the day, desperate people continuously approached Old Man P., begging for even a morsel of food to stave off their hunger. The plan is to share their last food among the crowd, causing unrest between those who got something and those who didn't. Those without loaf will become envious and will try to take the breed away from others. This turmoil shall distract the guards so that Esther can steal the food unnoticed.

No sooner said than done

After some coincidental noticed that some of them devour something to eat, they despaired.

'Why does God not help me? I always did what the priests told me? Why do they get something to eat and I nourish myself through my nails??', some of them thought.

The despair developed to fury.

A fight broke out.

Those who hadn't received any food looked on with envy and desperation, their stomachs growling louder with each passing moment. Some began to plead even more desperately, while others resorted to snatching at the scraps of those who were lucky enough to receive something. The atmosphere grew tense as tempers flared and fists flew, with everyone scrambling for the chance to ease their gnawing hunger. Amidst the chaos, an elderly woman collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she watched the food slip through her fingers once again. The surrounding guards noticed the commotion and tried to stop it - In vain. Recognizing the need for additional support, they hastily summoned reinforcements.

< On the other side >

Esther noticed that most of the guards ran in the direction of the market entrance and began to squeeze herself through the stalls. She disguised herself as a maid after she found a maid uniform lying in front of a closed wooden toilet. She ran straight towards a large barn where Old man P. should keep all his tax receipts. Because of her disguise, no guard stopped her. They had a much bigger problem anyway right now.

The barn wasn't locked—after all, who would dare to sneak into the heavily guarded camp of a psychopath who had callously murdered a mother and her newborn over a can of water? Well, except for Esther and the mother, that is.

The barn was full of water cans, bread and even some meat! Esther was shocked and fumed inwardly.

'This old bastard, he is living like an emperor and we need to endure this hell!' 

Esther hastily began gathering as much food as she could carry and stuffed everything into a worn-out sack.

On her way back she saw a old book, a mysterious aura surrounding it.

The old book was covered in leather and bore the inscription "The Lord shall give you hope and future."

"Looks expensive, maybe I can fetch some good money if I sell it to some religious aristocrat?", Esther thought and took the book with her.

She threw the things over the stables, squeezed herself through and disappeared in a side street.

Aeden and the other kids already left the market square and waited for her return in their hut