
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Axel Kingdom

[Teleported to the City of Hansa, Capital of the Axel Kingdom]

<Above the City Castle>

"City of Hansa... thankfully, I got teleported to a Kingdom," Kami sighed, his voice a mere whisper in the vastness of the sky. "I should explore the city first and find out about the current situation of the kingdom. Hopefully, it is the weakest of its kind."

Kami, still just a transparent human figure and invisible to the human eye, began to fly towards a relatively populated street, the wind gently ruffling his loose robe.

"That should be the Business Street," he smiled to himself, gliding downwards.


The streets were alive with activity. The cobblestone paths were lined with vendors selling their wares, from fresh produce to finely crafted goods. Brightly colored awnings shaded stalls where merchants enthusiastically hawked their products, their voices blending into a cacophony of sounds that filled the air. The smell of baked bread, roasting meat, and exotic spices wafted through the marketplace, making Kami's mouth water despite his incorporeal state.

"I'm telling you, the Mastard Empire is currently the winning force."

"What are you talking about, Johann? It's obvious that the Shan Empire has a bigger army, the Mastard Empire doesn't have any chance," two people discussed loudly, their animated gestures reflecting the intensity of their debate.

Kami hovered closer, intrigued by their conversation. He floated just above their heads, listening intently.

"Hey Johann, when are you going to leave? The tension between the Brexion Kingdom and ours is getting more and more tense. It's only a matter of time before we're drafted into the army," a middle-aged man asked Johann, who had just talked about the Mastard Empire.

"Six months, I still need to save enough money," Johann answered, his voice tinged with worry.

"Are you mad?! The war could start at any moment and you want to stay here for another half a year?"

"Bloody 'ell, Artus! Ah 'ave a family, ya know? What're they gonna eat or wear? Ah need enough dosh fer an Inn too!" Johann replied grumpily, his accent thickening with frustration.

"Wow, calm down Johann, your accent comes out again," Artus said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

While both men spoke to each other, they had no idea that someone was overhearing their entire conversation. Kami floated above them, his mind racing with possibilities.

'Interesting... so the Axel Kingdom will likely be in a conflict with the Brexion Kingdom. Furthermore, it doesn't seem that the inhabitants of the kingdom are very optimistic. This could work to my advantage. I could easily gain some believers if I play the right cards at the right time,' Kami thought, his lips curling into a sly smile.

As Kami soared invisibly through the bustling streets of the Hansa City, he marveled at the sights and sounds of the medieval metropolis. The narrow cobblestone streets were lined with quaint timber-framed buildings, their facades adorned with colorful banners and intricate carvings. Each building seemed to tell its own story, with shopkeepers bustling about, sweeping doorsteps and arranging displays.

Merchants hawked their wares from market stalls, their voices echoing through the crowded thoroughfares as shoppers bustled about, haggling over prices and examining goods. The air was thick with the scent of spices, fresh bread, and the smoke of nearby forges, where blacksmiths pounded iron into shape, their rhythmic hammering a steady backdrop to the lively street.

Kami drifted past bustling taverns, their raucous laughter spilling out into the streets as patrons enjoyed hearty meals and tankards of ale. The glow of candlelight and the sound of clinking glasses created a warm, inviting atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the underlying tension Kami sensed in the air.

"I really thought there would be more poverty and beggars. Maybe the situation isn't as bad as I thought?"

He observed groups of armored soldiers marching through the city, their banners fluttering in the breeze as they made their way to the city's fortified walls. The soldiers' faces were grim, their eyes reflecting the weight of the responsibility that lay ahead. Kami could see the weariness in their steps, a testament to the long hours spent preparing for the inevitable conflict.

As he continued his invisible journey, Kami couldn't help but notice the undercurrent of tension that permeated the city. The citizens of the Hansa City bustled about their daily lives, but there was an unease in the air, a sense of apprehension that belied the city's outward appearance of normalcy. Whispers of impending war and uncertainty about the future were on everyone's lips, adding to the palpable anxiety.

While Kami was lost in his thoughts, he continued to float down towards the City Gate. On his way, he saw a very familiar structure and nearly got a heart attack. His gaze fell upon a grand building, its towering spires reaching towards the sky.

"You got to be fucking kidding me..."

Kami stopped in front of a building where hundreds of people were going in and out. In front of the building, people were wearing bright yellow soutanes with red stars. The sight made his heart race, a mix of frustration and disbelief flooding his senses.

"What is a church doing here??? Are there already other religions??" he burst into tears, the realization hitting him hard. "Do I play on hardcore difficulty??!"

A notification pinged in his mind, interrupting his despair.

[The religion of Ambrosius is not supported by the Supreme Goddess and worships no real God. It was founded by a greedy charlatan 500 years ago. The host is obliged to destroy it and bring its believers to real salvation.]


[Side Mission: Destroy the false Religion of Ambrosius.]

Time limit: None

Reward: 1× gold-tier God talent

Failure: Slap in the face from the Supreme Goddess -> coma

"Thank goodness, it's not a real religion," Kami sighed in relief, wiping away his ethereal tears. "But what is that penalty? Coma?? For how long?"

[System: "Some millennial."]

Kami: " (-_-)"

"Huuuh... Nevermind, I can think about that later. I should get my first believer first and unlock the first system functions," Kami planned, his resolve hardening as he floated away from the imposing structure.