
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Adelaide's daily life is deeply intertwined with her unwavering faith and her desire to be of service to her God.

Her mornings begin with the rising sun, as she embraces the new day with a heart filled with gratitude. She currently lives in an orphanage that were built for the countless children who lost their parents either because of the war, malnutrition or gang struggles within the slum.

With each step, she carries the conviction that her purpose is to spread love and kindness, mirroring the goodness she has received from her God. As Adelaide embarks on her journey to become a priest, her days are filled with intense study and spiritual contemplation.

She immerses herself in the teachings and scriptures of her faith that her friend Esther placed inside cathedral, seeking to deepen her understanding and connection with her God. Adelaide's determination is unwavering, and she devotes countless hours to prayer, meditation and reflection, allowing her spiritual journey to guide every aspect of her life.

In her interactions with others, Adelaide radiates warmth, compassion, and a genuine desire to help. She takes the time to listen attentively to the struggles and joys of those around her, offering comforting words and guidance rooted in her faith. Whether it is a neighbour grappling with illness or a child in need of guidance, Adelaide sees each encounter as an opportunity to share the kindness she has experienced firsthand.

Within the slum community, Adelaide's presence is a beacon of hope and inspiration. How not? An eleven years old child, who is constantly trying to help others, instead of enjoying her childhood, can only be an inspiration for others. No matter the age.

Everyday, she organizes gatherings where she teaches the principles of love, forgiveness, and community support. These sessions serve as a lifeline for many, offering a respite from the challenges of daily life and reminding them of the enduring power of faith.

Adelaide's dedication to uplifting her community is evident in her tireless efforts to provide for the needy, often organizing food drives, clothing donations, and educational initiatives.

Adelaide's faith has instilled within her a deep sense of contentment and peace, even amidst the harsh realities of their surroundings. She finds joy in the simplest of moments, seeing the beauty and grace in each person and situation. Her unwavering trust in her God's providence allows her to navigate the hardships of life with grace and resilience.

At the end of each day, Adelaide seeks solace in prayer, finding solace and strength in the connection she shares with her God.

She offers heartfelt gratitude for the blessings she has received and prays for the well-being and happiness of her community. Her faith intertwines with her daily existence, guiding her actions and infusing her life with purpose and meaning.

Her unwavering commitment to her God and her surroundings shines as a beacon of hope, reminding everyone that even in the most challenging circumstances, a life of faith and service to the God of Salvation can bring light and joy.

Every Sunday, a scene unfolds in the cathedral that encapsulates the essence of their devotion.

Families gather, filling the sacred space with their prayers and songs of praise. The atmosphere is filled with reverence and a deep connection to their God.

As they join together in worship, their hearts overflow with gratitude and hope, seeking guidance and finding comfort in the presence of their God.

Adelaide, along with her fellow devotees, finds great fulfillment in this shared spiritual experience. The collective prayers of the congregation echo throughout the cathedral, carrying their hopes and dreams to their God. These prayers fulfill another very important role. They provide Kami with Sacred Crystals that he needs to built important buildings and monuments from the Shop. Because of the lacking manpower and the horrible location of the Religion, he is forced to sell the few sacred crystals in order to supply the whole Religion or it would wither like flower that lost its water source, sunlight and nutritions.

So, the weekly prayers are as important for Kami as for his devotees.

Today, Adelaide finds herself inside the Cathedral. To be more precise, inside Esther's office.

Esther: "Adelaide, I have a mission for you. Our God has foretold of an imminent assault upon our lands. I need you to convince the residents to be cooperative. We need their help and most of all, do we need their houses. We don't know the capability of the enemy force, but we expect that they outshine us in every aspect. We plan to employ hit-and-run maneuvers and we need the houses to use them as hideouts. Can you do that?"

Adelaide was very shocked to hear that her god was in imminent danger, but soon pulled herself together.

"Yes, Esth- your Holiness!"

Esther smiled: "Adelaide, we are like sisters. You can still call me Esther."

Adelaide's face flushed red, full of embarrassment. "Ok...Esther"

Because Adelaide is intelligent, but still only an eleven year old girl, Esther had to explain some terms that Adelaide didn't know yet.

Adelaide left Esther's office, her small feet echoing softly in the cathedral's hallway. Her face was calm, focused, but as she walked, she murmured quietly to herself, barely audible.

"I'll protect him," she whispered. "No matter what..." Her fingers curled into the fabric of her dress, just for a moment, before she let go and continued down the hall, her expression cheerful once more.

< Next Day >

The square buzzed with anticipation as young Adelaide stood before the gathered crowd. Despite her tender age, her wisdom and intelligence shone through her bright eyes. Despite being intelligent, her vocabulary is still that of small girl.

She took a deep breath, channeling her youthful enthusiasm and innate eloquence into her words:

"Dear friends and neighbors, today I come to you with a special request that may seem unusual. Our brave knights, who protect us from harm, need our help in a unique way. Our God has foretold of an imminent assault upon our lands!

You see, they want to keep us safe by using our homes as secret hideouts. It's like a super-secret hide-and-seek game, but with real importance!"

The crowd listened intently, intrigued by Adelaide's words and impressed by her articulation. She continued, her voice filled with conviction,

"I know our homes mean the world to us and. They're our cozy nests filled with cherished memories. But sometimes, in extraordinary times like these, we have to do something extraordinary too." Adelaide's small frame radiated confidence as she gestured to the knights standing nearby.

"These knights are like our own superheroes. They fight in the name of our God. They have amazing plans to protect us, and they need our homes to make their plans work. By lending our homes, we become their secret allies, helping them defend our domain and keep us safe." She paused, giving the crowd a moment to absorb her words.

Adelaide then smiled mischievously, adding, "Imagine how cool it would be to have our brave knights sneaking around, hidden in our very own homes! We'd be part of their secret mission, like a team working together to outsmart the enemy!"

Adelaide's youthful enthusiasm was contagious, and the crowd began to see the situation from her perspective.

She continued, her voice filled with empathy, "I understand that this might be scary or confusing. But remember, we're not giving up our homes forever. It's just for a little while, until the knights complete their mission and ensure our safety. We just hide inside the Cathedral and our Lord will protect us from any harm!

We can always come back to our homes, knowing we did something incredible to protect our domain."

As she concluded her speech, Adelaide's eyes twinkled with a mix of hope and determination. "So, my dear friends, let's be brave and selfless together. Let's show the world that even common people can make a difference! By offering our homes as secret sanctuaries, we become heroes too, helping our knights save the day and protect our loved ones.

Are you ready to be part of this amazing adventure and defeat the enemy who wants to harm us and our God?!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd as Adelaide's words resonated deeply within each person's heart. The power of her innocence and intelligence had united them, igniting their spirits with a sense of purpose, faith and camaraderie.

The residents began discussing among themselves, the initial doubts replaced by a newfound determination to support their God and his knights in their quest to safeguard their domain.

Adelaide watched the crowd's excitement with a sweet, proud smile, but inside she couldn't help but think, 'How easy they are to sway'