
How It All Ended

Allen was going on and about in his neighborhood, thinking to himself, 'Damn, there's nothing to do, the college is closed, and there's nothing interesting left for me to watch on the internet.' A loud horn sound came from behind him as he was lamenting what to do. He turned around, startled, only to see a truck speeding up behind him. Fortunately, he did not freeze in fear, but just as he was about to move out of the path, he was surprised to see a lady with her child stumbling on the road, unable to move out of the way.

Allen didn't even notice when his feet moved on their own and he pushed the two out of the way, only to be hit by the truck but not fatally as he managed to avoid being hit directly in the upper body. But that was not the end of it, as he began to feel dizzy as a result of the massive blood loss. When the lady saw this, she was horrified, and tears streamed down her cheeks, but she still managed to call an ambulance, not wanting to see her savior die. Because the hospital was nearby, an ambulance arrived in a matter of minutes. They rushed him to the hospital. Allen could only faintly hear while all of this was going on he couldn't feel anything, not even the pain after such an accident.

As Allen was wracking his brain over his current situation because he can't feel his body and everywhere around him is an endless void without an ounce of light. Suddenly he felt something behind him only to see a vague figure of a human, while he was getting relieved to finally see a change in his dark surrounding when suddenly a Melo voice echoed around him.

"Interesting, a soul can resist this part of the void. Tell me boy how come you are here?"

Confused by what the lady said Allen asked in doubt

"Even I don't know how did I get here lady, Where is this place shouldn't I be in the hospital?"

The lady just chuckled and said " you can't be in your world's hospital"

A frown appeared on Allen's non-existent face as he asked "and why is that".

" Because you are dead"

"Sorry, I am what?"

"I mean your mortal vessel is dead"

Haah, a sigh escaped his mouth as he said "So I did die I had the feeling but I was too afraid to accept it but now it seems I don't have any choice but to accept it" Allen didn't know why but somehow he knew that this lady in front of didn't lie to him at all.

A few moments passed in complete silence as the lady in front of him was thinking 'There is something special about his soul that even the void is afraid to absorb it, how fascinating I should give him a chance to grow beyond mortal shackles that way he can uncover its secret.' And so she said

"I can give you a chance at a new life how about it"