
Chapter 26 The Only Vampire I Like except Dio!

At the same time, a medium-sized Marine warship was rapidly heading towards Impel Down through the waves.

On the bow of the boat stood a woman with short blond hair, dressed in a white cloak, a white tight-fitting hip skirt, white knee-length stockings, and a pair of white high-heeled shoes. She looked ahead with one hand on her hip and a pergola in the other.

Her pink lips parted slightly as she spoke, "Gismondal, go and see if those guys are still alive. Let them get some fresh air. They've been locked up for a few days, don't suffocate them to death!"

"Don't tell me what to do, Stussy!" replied Gismondal, a man wearing a white cloak and a white suit. Standing over four meters tall, he wore a red-faced mask and had afro-like hair. He growled at Stussy's back before turning and entering the cabin.

After a while, the cabin door opened, and a man in a white suit, wearing a white mask and hat, stepped out. He stretched and yawned, saying, "Stussy, are you sure we need to bring these bastards here? CP9 failed a few missions and wanted to defect. Wouldn't it be better to just kill them? We're wasting time with this journey."

Gismondal, still towering over four meters, let out a low roar. "Exactly! Why do we have to waste our energy taking care of them? After a fight, they might just end up in the sea as fish food."

Stussy rolled her eyes, stood on the fort, turned around, pointed at them with one hand on her hip, and scolded, "You think it's a waste of energy? Do you two, Gismondal and Joseph, have any sense at all? Until now, there are only a few of us in CP0. The few comrades who finally joined were all killed by you! why are you so heartless?"

Gismondal growled at Stussy once again, saying, "You still have the nerve to say that? If it weren't for you Who's Who's one of Kaido's Tobiroppo, would have become one of our new members. He's a master of the Six Powers, and only Rob Lucci can match him. You guys sent him to the Red Hair Pirates, didn't you know it was a death sentence?"

<Over a decade ago, who's who's used to serve as an agent of CP9 before his failure to guard the Gomu Gomu no Mi which was taken from him by Shanks and red hair pirates at the start of the series which led to his dismissal from service and imprisonment. And later he turned into a Pirate and joined Kaido>

Stussy shook her head and denied, "That's not what happened."

"What a shameless woman! Can't you be reasonable?" Gismondal roared.

Joseph on the side sighed, "Gismondal, why do you want to argue with this woman? Enough. Stussy, why did you ask us to bring them out? I don't see any use in keeping them. The guy with the Door-Door Fruit hasn't shown up, which means he truly escaped on his own. To be honest, these Zoan users have limited potential. It would be better to kill them. I'm too lazy to waste my time Training them."

Stussy remained silent but turned to look at Rob Lucci and the others lying on the deck.

Meanwhile, at the port of Impel Down, a group of people walked out of the prison gate, opened their arms, and shouted with excitement.

"Ah! The refreshing sea breeze! It's been decades!"

"Hahahaha, fantastic! Mr Doringo is back!"

"Oh! The seawater outside Impel Down feels so good. I've been locked up for over ten years, and my Fishmen skin is all wrinkled. Oh, your name is Jinbei, right? You're quite impressive!"

"Senior Sunbell, you're the true master of Fish-Man Karate!"

"What invigorating air! Is this the breath of freedom?"

Buggy, standing on the deck of a large warship, observed the people below with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Enough with the sighs, guys. Get on board! The war has begun, and it's time for us to make our mark on the world!"

The crowd below roared in response.

Redfield, Gabban, Bullet, Doringo, Sunbell, Ivan, and Luffy all boarded the large warship.

Seeing everyone on board, Buggy stood at the bow, looking down at the crowd and shouted, "Let's go, everyone! Head to the battlefield!"


The whole group stood up and cheered.

Jinbei took the helm, and Sunbell and Doringo helped navigate the ship, steering it along the current towards Marineford.

Before leaving, Buggy instructed Doringo to use his Fallen Angel ability to guide the medium-sized warship carrying the prisoners in another direction using the ocean currents. They headed towards Enies Lobby, one of the three ocean currents near Impel Down.

It must be said that the team Buggy assembled for the Summit War was much stronger than in the original plot.

Though Redfield was sixty or seventy years old, his claim of being able to hold off an Admiral couldn't be taken lightly.

Gabban, at fifty years old, was also an Admiral level and posed an even greater threat than Magellan in some aspects. His skills with his body and axe, combined with his powerful Armament Haki, made him a formidable opponent.

Doringo, while not as powerful as Bullet, possessed several strange and terrifying abilities, including the manipulation of wind and was Navigator for Roger Pirates.

Speaking of Bullet, Buggy believed his strength surpassed that of Doringo. Although his Devil Fruit ability was inferior, his mastery of Haki and his physical skills made him a formidable fighter. Bullet had even mastered the Conqueror's Haki, making him an absolute force to be reckoned with in the future.

Then there was the Knight of the Sea, Jinbei, a master of Fish-Man Karate with two coloured Haki and incredible strength. And Sunbell as a member of Roger's crew was even more powerful than Jinbei, the undisputed ruler of the sea.

<He uses a trident as a weapon so...>

All these individuals were part of the "Roger Pirates" that Buggy had Gathered, with the primary goal of rescuing Ace as a former member of the Roger Pirates. Even if they couldn't recruit all of them after the Summit War, at least half of them would join.

With this Crew, Buggy could form a Yonko alliance by himself.

In addition to these individuals, Buggy had also invited Jinbei, Crocodile, and SanJuan Wolf.

SanJuan Wolf, standing at a staggering 180 meters tall, possessed terrifying destructive power. His strength alone could be compared to that of an elite Vice Admiral.

When Buggy calculated the strength of his team, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

While he was contemplating the power of his team, Doringo's voice came from above:

"An enemy ship has been spotted ahead. It's a medium-sized warship. There are no Marines on board, but there are three men in white suits. They might be government reinforcements."


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