
Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Since the day they had fallen, Taehyung and Yoongi had lost their wings and their powers. It was unknown when or even if they would ever get them back. However they seemed to be immortal still and had superhuman speed and strength. This helped them get jobs as bounty hunters. It wasn't just Taehyung and Yoongi though. Most of their friends had thought the punishment too harsh and had come down with them as well. Jimin and Hoseok were the first to join them. Seokjin came next, followed by Jungkook and lastly Namjoon. Together they formed the group known to the world as Bulletproof boy scouts. They were the best bounty hunters around and were very selective about the missions they took on. They liked to try to do good in the world so they would find lost friends or family members or take out evil people who were wreaking havoc on the world. They also helped find lost or stolen items. They were very handsome, but rarely showed their faces so not many people knew this fact.

It was a day like many others. They were sitting in their home. They had made quite a large sum of money in a short amount of time and they each had their own room. Once a week they would go out to the church and collect requests from people. They would read the requests out loud and decide which ones they wanted to complete. The other tasks were either burned if they were no good, or put aside if maybe they could be done at a later time.

Most people didn't know where they lived or knew better than to actually come to their house to bother them. It was pouring rain out when the doorbell rang, alerting the seven friends to the presence of someone.

Taehyung noticed Yoongi and Namjoon jump up first and he quickly followed to see what all the commotion was about. The door opened and two young women were drenched from the rain. The shorter one with red hair looked as if she would collapse any moment. Taehyung recognized the girls right away and he and Yoongi exchanged glances. These were their late charges before they were kicked out of heaven. Still, they had never revealed themselves to either girl so they shouldn't know who they were at all. Before anyone could react Allyrah collapsed before their eyes. Yoongi was quick and caught her immediately. Namjoon didn't get in a word of protest before Yoongi shoved him out of the way and carried her to his room.

Taehyung leaned into Namjoon and whispered in his ear. "Those girls...were our previous charges. I don't know what they are doing here...but they are obviously in some kind of trouble. We need to help them," Taehyung whispered in their celestial language so the girl that was trying to rush after her friend wouldn't understand. Namjoon grunted and nodded as he helped the girl in and closed the door behind her. "Your friend will be fine. Were you followed, my lady? I'm not sure what kind of help you need, but apparently we are prepared to assist you in any way that we can," Namjoon looked the girl up and down as he tried to determine just what in the world was going on.


Since the day Yoongi and Taehyung got cast out of heaven, the remaining friends thought that the punishment was too harsh, so some of them joined the two on earth. Namjoon was the last one to join the rest of his friends. Before Jungkook joined the rest of the now fallen angels, he stayed back waiting for Namjoon. Namjoon, as the leader was trying his best to reason with the archangels and convince them to take them back but they wouldn't listen. In the end, Namjoon soon followed. The only drawback of falling, was the heavy price of losing their wings and powers. They weren't sure when or if they would return. Lucky for them, they were still immortal and had super strength which aided them in their job as bounty hunters.

It was a rainy afternoon, everyone was doing their own thing. Yoongi, Taehyung and Namjoon were watching something on the television while Jimin sat in the kitchen staring at a glass full of water, attempting to make the water rise out of the cup. Jungkook complained about the rain, it had been raining for the past two days and he just wanted to have a nice sunny day. He said if Jimin still had his powers he would have willed the rain away. Since Jimin had the power to manipulate water. Which is why Jungkook convinced Jimin to try and use his powers, just to see if it would work. But sadly, he failed each time. Jungkook sat there watching Jimin slightly amused. Jin was folding laundry on the living room floor as Hoseok was laying on the floor next to jin, tossing a bundled sock in the air and catching it.

The sound of the doorbell seemed to snap everyone out of what they were doing. Jungkook sat up and watched Namjoon and Yoongi approach the door. No one really comes to find them at their house. Who would be out at this time, especially in the rain Jungkook thought. Everyone suddenly stood up and ran to see what was going on when they saw Yoongi carrying an unconscious redhead.

Jungkook saw Taehyung whispering something in Namjoon's ear and with a confused look on his face he nodded his head slightly, letting in another girl. She was completely drenched, but she didn't seem to mind. She seemed really worried, eyebrows furrowed, her lips in a small pout. "Your friend will be fine." Namjoon spoke to her trying to calm her down. She was really short compared to Namjoon. Her long dark brown hair sticking to her face as her lips trembled. Namjoon told her they were here to help in any way they could. Then lead her to Yoongi's room, everyone followed but Jungkook. He made a quick stop to the bathroom and grabbed a clean towel from a cabinet. Once he entered he walked up to the girl "Here you go." The girl gave him a small smile "Thank you so much." Then she wrapped it around herself.


Something made Tae feel a little bitter inside when Jungkook handed Luna the towel instead of himself. He had been her guardian angel after all. She was his to look after. He should have thought of that first. He was just so surprised at their arrival that he was in a bit of a state of shock. "Thank you," Taehyung mumbled as he slid past Jungkook and over to Luna. "How about I give you some dry clothes to change into. We can't have you catching a cold too, my lady," he didn't wait for an answer and pulled her away gently as he dragged her to his room. He got some dry clothes and another towel and then showed her to his bathroom. "You can shower here and I'll put on some tea. After you're warm you can tell us what you're doing here and how we can help," Tae smiled and wiped some wet hair away from her face before turning away and leaving her to shower on her own.

After leaving Luna, Taehyung went to the main room where Jimin, Jin and Hoseok were waiting to hear what was going on. "Well?" Jimin piped up as he looked to the younger one who just entered the room. "This is kind of hard to believe...but Yoongi's previous charge and mine just showed up at the door. Yoongi's collapsed and seems very ill. Mine, whose name is Luna, is taking a shower and putting on some dry clothes. Then we can figure out what is going on and why they are here." Taehyung finished his explanation and went into the kitchen to put on a pot of tea so everyone that wanted some could warm up. Well, everyone was included, but he was only really worried about Luna and Allyrah, whose name Yoongi had called in a panic as he caught her. This was going to be interesting to say the least.


When Yoongi opened the door he was shocked to see two familiar girls standing in front of him. They were both drenched from the rain, he looked between the both of them but mostly at a certain redhead. Yoongi's heart literally fell to the pit of his stomach. He was worried at how pale and sick Allyrah looked. He was her guardian angel after all. Since being kicked out of heaven, Yoongi and Taehyung haven't heard from the two girls.

Allyrah wobbled on her feet and Yoongi saw her eyes slowly shutting, she was falling. Before she hit the ground he was quick enough to catch her and immediately took her to his room. He could feel her burning up and it didn't help that she was drenched from the cold rain. Yoongi carefully laid her down on his bed and removed her coat. Then ran to his bathroom and filled a small bucket with lukewarm water and grabbed a small towel and a sponge.

By then everyone was in his room, trying to find out what was going on.

Yoongi didn't pay attention to them, he focused on the girl in front of him. He dipped the small towel in the water, then set it on her forehead. With the sponge, he gave her a sponge bath. Trying to help her cool down. Yoongi knew his friends were wondering who these girls were and what they were doing here. Yoongi too, wanted to know the reason they were here and why Allyrah was sick.

Not long after, Luna walked in Yoongi's room, followed by Taehyung. "How is she?" Luna asked worried. Her hair was slightly damp and she wore a white T-shirt and grey sweats.

"Her fever is still there, but she's slowly recovering." Yoongi said looking at Luna, then removed a stray hair from Allyrah's face. "Can you actually help me with something?" Luna looked at Yoongi, ready to do anything to help.

"Can you get her out of her wet clothes" Yoongi stood up and walked to his closet picking out a shirt and sweats. "Maybe being in dry clothes will help her fever come down. I'm going to bring her some medicine. When you're done, you can meet us in the living room and you can tell us what happened."

Luna nodded her head and Yoongi and Taehyung left the room, leaving Luna to take care of her friend. As Yoongi and Taehyung walked to the living room they wondered what was going on and how they found them.


When Luna stepped inside the blonde males room, she saw him put a small towel on her forehead. She was happy to see someone finally helping her friend and hoped that she will wake up soon and that her fever will break. Luna slightly shivered as she felt cold drops of water drip from her hair to her face. Just then one of the guys handed her a towel, she thanked him and wrapped herself up, trying to take in the warmth. Just then someone else approached her. He was really tall compared to her, she looked up at him as he spoke to her. He had blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He had three moles on his face, one under his right eye, one under his nose, and one on his lower lip.

Luna couldn't help but stare at him, he was gorgeous. "He looks angelic." Luna thought. Soon she found herself being dragged out of the room and into another room. She watched as Taehyung grabbed some clothes and then another towel. Then he showed her to his bathroom. "You can shower here and I'll put on some tea. After you're warm you can tell us what you're doing here and how we can help," Taehyung smiled at her then wiped a wet strand of hair away from her face. Luna's heart leaped in her chest for some reason.

Once he left, Luna let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "Calm down heart…." She brought a hand to her chest "Gosh he's gorgeous!" She said to herself, then she took a quick shower. She didn't want to keep the guys waiting and the quicker she explains the situation the faster they will be able to find a cure to help her best friend.

Luna ran a hand through her damp hair, she didn't want it to get tangled later. Once she was dressed in the clothes Taehyung gave her, she stepped out of his bathroom into his bedroom. She exited Taehyung's room and saw him leaning against the wall talking to his friends. Once Taehyung saw Luna he walked up to her. "How are you?"

Luna smiled at him feeling grateful "I'm good, thank you for letting me borrow your clothes." Taehyung smiled down at her "It's no problem, do you want to go check up on your friend?"

Luna nodded her head and Taehyung led her back to Yoongi's room. When she walked in she saw Yoongi sitting by Allyrah's side, it looked like he didn't leave her side since she went to shower.

She asked how she was and Yoongi replied, telling Luna about Allyrah's condition. He then asked her if she could change her out of her wet clothes and soon left the room. Once the door was closed, Luna went up to her best friend and carefully undressed her and replaced her wet clothes with dry clothes. Luna sat next to Ally and held her hand. "Please wake up soon Ally." She pushed a strand of her red hair back, kissed her forehead then walked out of Yoongi's room and made her way to find the seven men. She felt out of place since she didn't know her way around, but for some reason she felt safe and she knew she could trust these guys with her life.

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