
BTS One Shots

A bunch of one-shots and drabble for BTS!

electrikfeels · Music & Bands
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24 Chs

2 | Silver Spoon |

"You know who's more awesome than me?" Jungkook asked me.

"G-dragon," I answered, smiling.

"Yes. But besides him, no one else is better than me," Jungkook grinned.

"I guess. But, I mean, if only G-dragon Oppa wanted to date me than he'd be better," I teased.

Jungkook's reaction was quick and he became defensive. "As much as I love G-dragon, I love you more. And you're mine. No one can take you away from me."

"I know, Kookie," I said, lifting myself up a little and kissed his nose.

Jungkook and I were lying on the couch together with 'Who You' by G-dragon playing in the background.

He started singing along because he knew Korean. While me, just English. How boring.

Gosh, isn't my boyfriend perfect? Korean and English speaking, cute as frick, totally an adorable bunny, loves me and can sing and dance. What more can I ask for this guy?

He was like my soulmate.

"Sing 'Stay With Me'," I requested.

"For you," he kissed my forehead.

He changed the song to 'Stay With Me' by Taeyang and G-Dragon, then he starting singing.

I sang the English parts with him, but the rest was all him. I was awestruck by my bunny. His vocals were just on point.

I clapped and cheered for him when the song was over.

"You should audition, I bet you can make it as a singer," I recommended to Jungkook.

"I doubt I would make it," he said, pushing away the subject. But I was persistent.

"Please! You should! You have skills! And they will adore you as much as I do!" I begged him.

"No one will adore me more than you," he said, messing up my hair a little bit.

"I know. But they can come really close," I said.

I put on my best puppy face and kept on begging him.



My bunny agreed.

I grabbed my laptop and searched up for a phone number. I luckily found it within the first five minutes, taking my time and researching the web wasn't really my style.

I called the number and got Jungkook an auditioning time. The manager said that there was a slot available today. I told Jungkook the news, and to be honest it seemed as if I was more excited than he was.

"Do I really have to do this?" Jungkook whined to me.

"Yes!" I nudged on his arm a little bit. "Do you know how much time I've spent on trying to look for the number?!"

Jungkook looked at me and smiled. "A good five minutes?"

I nodded as proudly as ever. "Yes! A good five minutes. I could have been doing something at that time!"

Jungkook made that questioning bunny face of his. "Like what?"

I put on my best cheesy smile. "Loving you!"

Since I was on the floor and Jungkook was lying down on the couch. He got off the couch and went down to hug me.

"Awh, I love you." He kissed my cheek.

"I know you do," I told him, smiling.

I look at the time and I was close to his auditioning time.

"We gotta go. Don't wanna miss your audition," I said.

"Don't wanna," Jungkook muttered.

I practically pushed him in the car. We drove to where they were holding auditions and entered. The place was filled with people. And they all looked nervous.

"You got this," I told Jungkook. "All you have to do is have fun out there and do your very best."

Jungkook pulled me into his chest and held onto my head. "You're my good luck charm."

After waiting for a while, Jungkook's number was called.

"Good luck!" I shouted at him while he walked in.

I patiently waited outside for him to finish. I felt good about this too, I felt like he could get a chance.

Jungkook walked out with a happy smile on his face.

"Did they say anything?" I hurried to ask him.

"They said I have skills, but I was underage." Jungkook was still smiling though.

"I'm sorry." I hugged him.

"It's fine. Let's go somewhere to eat." He suggested.

I agreed.

This time, Jungkook drove. We got take-outs from this Chinese restaurant, but instead of going home, Jungkook drove somewhere else.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Surprise," Jungkook smirked.

That smirk could either be good or bad. I wasn't sure this time.

Jungkook parked the car in front of this secluded wood.

"I thought I meant more to you than this! Why are you killing me? Can I eat my food first??" I was joking as I said this. I knew Jungkook wouldn't kill me. Yeah.

"I'll kill you after you eat," Jungkook said, also jokingly.

"How sweet," I smiled.

From the car truck, Jungkook took out a blanket. I grabbed us take out food. He draped the blanket out on the ground and we both sat down on it.

"This is romantic," I told him.

"Aren't I always?" Jungkook asked.

"Remember that time I got frosting on the nose and you licked it off? How romantic."

He laughed and so did I.

We had a habit of not talking while we ate. It just showed how good the food was. Jungkook would play around sometimes and start a mini food war with me, but only mini.

We finished off our food and threw the trash in the car. I laid down on Jungkook's arm and we both stared at the stars together.

"What if you were secretly an alien?" I asked him.

"What goes on in your head?" He questioned.

"And this is your last month on earth. I wouldn't be able to see you ever again." Instead of looking at him, I looked off into the stars. Actually imagining life without Jungkook.

Jungkook pulled both of us into a sitting position and he pulled me closer to his body. He kept his arm wrapped around me. I placed my head on his shoulder.

"If I was an alien, I would try my very best to return to earth for you," he finally said.

"Just for me?" I asked.

"Only you."

Jungkook looked at me and kissed my forehead. I kissed his cheek.

I used my finger to pinch Jungkook's baby cheeks. "You're so adorable."

He just smiled.

I used my other hand to do the same action on the other side of his face. "My cute boyfriend."

He grabbed both of my hands and I lost balance. It resulted in both of us falling down on the blanket, him on top with me with my wrist in his hands.

"Am I still cute?" He whispered. His face was so close.

"Is this the part where you kill me?" I asked.

He nodded. "I'm going to love you to death."

I smiled at the Taeyang song reference.

"Back at ya."

Jungkook closed the small space between us. And like that, we kissed under the stars.


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.