
BTS Jungkook's Ff (Cold ceo)

Jungkook is a CEO of his own company while Yn is a simple girl who has been appointed as Jungkook's secretary now. But suddenly Jungkook makes a deal with Yn and she Agreed for it not knowing the consequences after. Will this deal lead their life to something they didn't expected? Thanks for showing so much love on my fanfic!! If you're liking my writing then please check out my other account @Elsie_ot7army and @Elsieyuji... i wrote many one shot fanfics there :)

LOt7army · Realistic
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23 Chs

Happy ending

It's been 9 months of her pregnancy. Jungkook Never missed a chance to care for her.. The care taker was also taking care of her properly. Her mother also starts living in their house for somedays bcz her delivery date is coming so jungkook Don't want to take any kind of risk....

Now Yoona was in her room. Her mom was feeding her food.

Y/mom: And the last bite..aa

Yoona: Aaa...mmm..Mom no one can beat your yummy foods..

Y/mom: I know dear..Now take a rest..

Yoona: Eomma I'm bored by resting and resting..

Y/mom: But you have to rest Yoona..

Yoona: *sigh* Aish..ok..

Y/mom: *pecks her and her big baby bump* Your grandmother can't wait to see you..

Yoona: *giggle*

Then Her mom leaves from there...

After sometime Yoona wanted to use washroom so she gets up with the support of side table. She wasn't feeling well and feeling dizzy so she took a seat in the bed touching her head. And that's when her water broke and she knew her delivery time came. She immediately screamed. Her mother and the care taker Quickly came upstairs and saw her in pain. Her mom immediately called Jungkook and without wasting anytime he quickly called the doctor and ambulance came and took her. Jungkook was already present at the hospital waiting for her impatiently...

And now Everyone were waiting outside impatiently.. Jungkook was more nervous than ever.. Her mother keep comforting him and she was also praying to god to not cause any problem in her delivery process..

Then after some hours When the doctor came both of them including the care taker ahjumma came and the doctor said...

Y/mom: Doctor doctor... is everything alright?..

Doctor: Don't worry the delivery didn't have any problems.. and congratulations *smile* Mr.Jeon, It's a baby girl.

Jungkook's tears were falling nonstop..and her mom and the care taker ahjumma hugged each other..

Jk: C-can i see my princess and my wife??

Doctor: Yeah you can visit her now.

They all went inside the room and went near her.

Yoona: kookie..

Jk: *hugs her lightly* I love you so much...

Yoona: *pats him*

Y/mom: *clears throat* Son, the baby is waiting to be hold by her handsome father see..

Jk carefully holds the baby and when the baby holds his finger tight that was the best feeling ever.

Jk: Omo omo!! Eomma, Wifey see..she recognised her father..

They all laughed seeing his reaction..Even though he is a father now his behaviour is still cute like a baby. Seeing the scene Infront of her, Yoona wipes her tears..

Ahjumma: Now as everyone is happy let's take a picture of this beautiful moment.

Jk: Ahjumma, You also took care of her like your own daughter you should join us too.

Y/mom: Yeah he is right.. come.

Yoona: Ahjumma.. Our pretty daughter got a pretty grandma.

Then they all together took a picture of this beautiful moment.

*After 5years later*

Yoona: Coming!!! this daughter and father will make me crazy one day..

Jk: I love to tease your mommy..

Aereum: Me too!

Jk: *giggle* High figh

Aerum: High figh!!

Jk and aerum: Mommy!!

Yoona: Aish... Coming coming...

Jk: Hurry mommy!!

Yoona: *glares*

Jk:*nervous laugh*

Aerum: Mommy come it's my special day today..

Yoona: *Picks her up* I know baby let's go now..

it was a special day for Aerum bcz her school's annual functions were going on and she dressed in Princess outfit. Both Yoona and Jungkook sits together feeling proud of their daughter..

Aerum: Good morning everyone..My name is Aereum and I'm a princess..But..if I'm a princess my mom and dad are the king and queen. They are my Whooleeee life!

Jungkook and Yoona got confused bcz that wasn't in her script..

aerum: My mumma and dad are the best parents in the world..I love you sooo much *she did a flying kiss that leaved everyone's reaction in Aww*

Meanwhile teacher Jin: Yes yes that's my student!!

Jungkook and Yoona went to stage and kissed her cheeks from both side And they came down of the stage

Jk and Yoona: We love you too princess!

Aerum: But..

Jk: But?

Aerum: *whispers in Jk's ear*

Jk: *smirks* tell your mom too!

Yoona: what is going on between you both?

Aerum: mommy i want a sibling bcz every friend of mine has a brother or sister but i have none.

Yoona: But you have us.

Aerum: But you're not my sibling.

Jk: *laughs* *pats her* As my princess wishes.

Yoona: *gasp* Jungkook!

Jk: What? she told herself she wants a sibling..we should fulfill our daughter's wish *smirks*

Author: y'all Someone has something to say to my unholy readers.

Jin: yaaah you're not that innocent too y'all are unholy child.

Author: N-no I have done nothing..

Hobi: Oh my hearteu.. y'all need some hobi water. Come to my store named "Free hobi water"

Author: some hobi water juseyo..

Jimin: Oh my single heart!!

Author: I can be your Girl-

Jimin: I'm okay being single...

Author: ouchh! my poor heart...

V: And ladies and gentlemen Namjesus is Coming..

Namjoon: I'm gonna shave your eyebrows off now *evil laugh*

Suga: Can y'all please stop, let me sleep peacefully..

Author: Ok everyone shut up.. let's not disturb Jungkook and Yoona.. and you holy child aerum come with us don't disturb your Appa and eomma.

(I had so much fun writing this ff hope y'all liked my work... Thanks once again for reading my boring story..And i know there were a lot of grammar mistakes as English isn't my first language so i hope you'll be kind enough to ignore those mistakes and forgive me..Love you y'all exams are coming so after they are finished I'll come with an another ff but with a good story.. Bye lovely people..💜✨💜...my new story is available now check it out "Mafia boy×Mute girl" I'll be glad if you check it once)