
The Angel Of Death: Her Last Mission //4// K.T FF

chapter: home?

day: 3 1/2

Y/n was up and discharged along with Taehyung. Taehyung didn't dare to wake her up. he just picked her up smoothly. she fitted in his arms so perfectly it was illegal. they could feel the warmth of each other. He looked at her she was drooling and it had hit his sweater he cringed disgusted.

Seo Woo- his best friend took us home. he somehow managed to open the door twisting the key.

the horrid scene replayed in front of him. he took her into my bedroom after kicking his sneakers off. he laid her on my bed gently almost as if he was afraid to hurt her if he let her bounce up a little.

He sat beside her moving her beautiful pink strands of hair out of the way. he felt at peace looking at her glowing face full of beauty.

"i'm sorry." he whispered he couldn't help but to notice he literally reeked of cigarettes.

Y/n fluttered her eyes open. the warmth in her dirt brown like orbs brought comfort and many things into Taehyung's heart that he pushed himself away from Y/n.

"hi," she whispered not knowing what to say.

"i'm so sorry." Taehyung looked at his lap playing with his sweaty fingers. Y/n smiled at him taking his hands in hers Taehyung was surprised by this but let her do it. she put his hand on her cheek feeling his heartbeat the blood flowing throw his body it was like music to her. Taehyung was weirded out but her cheek felt warm against his cold hand so he let her do it.

she place his hand gently back to his lap.

"you are now forgiven." she shot him a small smile.

"w-what?" he stuttered.

she giggled at his stutter finding it cute she held her arm out to ruffle Taehyung's light brown soft looking hair that was screaming to be played with. but before she could even go near his head Taehyung stood up his grip on her wrist tight. his face now stone cold.

his aura grow possessive and screamed 'leave me tf alone before i kill you'

she was confused by it but his grip tighter making her wince softly. as the wince escaped from her pretty lips Taehyung was brought back to reality. he looked straight in her orbs making sure there were no bruises before he realized he was holding onto something.

"shit, i'm so sorry!" he rushed out immediately letting go of her bruised wrist. Y/n stared at her wrist before her warm eyes returned themselves to taehyung she smiled warmly.

"no, no it's ok-" Y/n said calmly it could convince anyone but Taehyung.

"no. it's fucking not." Taehyung was hyervilating he knew it was not ok and that Y/n was too nice to admit it.

"Taehyung," she called ever so sweetly.

"what?" taehyung said still in disbelief he hurt Y/n of all people an innocent person who's probably never even slapped someone before. he hated himself at the thought of it.

"it's gone, see?" Y/n showed him her wrist that was back the glowing of her golden, pale like skin.

he was at relief at once. how did she do it? but he ignored it feeling better he didn't hurt her as bad but he still hurt her.

Y/n wrapped her arms around Taehyung. Taehyung flinched he had never felt warmth like this. he had never received a hug. he never let anyone touch him at all. but when Y/n did it with her smiling lips on his neck and with her kindness it was almost impossible for Taehyung to push her away.

instead he did the quite opposite he wrapped his arms around her waist accepting her warmth. thanking her in his head. Y/n felt the heartbeat in rhythm the blood pumping his bones intact and his strange coldness.

but Taehyung came back to his senses and pushed her away. he scolded himself.

"i-i'm sorry that was just, a bit too much for me." he whispered embarrassed. it was the billionth time he apologized and taehyung barely apologize to anyone.

what if he misled her he thought.

but to Y/n it was a natural act of forgiveness and love.

but she was considerate of Taehyung and nodded smiling sweetly with her forgiving like heart Taehyung needed to control himself.

he could never hurt her, and he made sure of it.

he got out of the room pushing himself away from her. he went into the kitchen to make food for them. all he could think of was her. her smile,her warmth,her lips on his ceck, his breath stroking her lips. he felt like he was going crazy.

he was becoming needy even though he knew he shouldn't.

so he would push her away he wasn't going to let her in.

but he couldn't ignore her.

and he even knew that.

his thoughts were interrupted. by the knock on the door. Taehyung quickly took his apron off and unlocked the door opening it to reveal a smiley girl.

"How are you Taehyungie?" she smiled but it just didn't work out for the poor nervous girl.

"what the fuck do you think your doing here Min Ji?" Taehyung spat out bitterly.

Y/n picked up the noise and also came.

"who's she?" Min Ji said she tried her best to stay calm.

Y/n smiled sweetly before answering what was asked of Taehyung to do.

"My name is Y/n, i'm currently living with Taehyung, he's very nice." y/n smiled a blush naturally coating her soft cheeks as the corner of her lips spread out to a cute smile.

Taehyung stared at Y/n he seemed like he didn't really care at the outside but on the inside his heart was melting at the innocence that Y/n had in her. her heart was so beautiful Taehyung couldn't help but to let a small smile passed his pissed mood. he nodded in approval.

Min Ji couldn't help it she lunged herself at Y/n.


i'm spoiling you guys.


- Author who needs to get some sleep

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