2 V need Help?

RM parks the car and helps Rania, to get on her good side. "The one who needs help is V"

"Taehyung?" She implores. "Give me the details of what happened before, and we can figure this out"

Namjoon gives the details including the time where Taehyung came back sweaty and on the brink of passing out. They enter the BigHit entertainment building and pass by BTS's manager. Namjoon opens the door where the members are sitting around gossiping amongst themselves. Falling silent they look at Rania and some of them get up to greet her.

"Hello boys, heard one of you need my help with the transformation? Was it Taehyung? Where is he?" as soon as she demands it, they lead her to a corner where V is lying, in pain.

"Oh, dear! This looks quite serious" she declares. Turning around she starts handing out a job to each of the members. Well, just J-hope and Suga, who's stunned. "Quickly, I don't have all day!"
