1 A fake oasis

Plastic. A fake, cheap replacement. The soil that humans tread had turned to the sod replacement. Cities of skyscrapers rule the land towering over plump buildings and factories. The natural order of life had changed. No longer was there the wilderness, but the rich man had trampled over it to put their name on a plaque for the new town. This world was rearing it's end. No more were there valleys of green.

The people of the slums knew despair well, while the rich look down with disdain. Monotonous machines wandered the street patrolling for crime. Scummy people dealing under the table. People laying dead in the street was a common occurrence. Plums of smoke filled the air. Jets soared the sky and filled the airways.

The hysteria in the streets of the end of days, or a new war. Government leaders sitting on nuclear bombs. The fatigue in their eyes was noticeable. The cogs of war growing bigger preparing for a war against no one. Men of the government cower fearfully against a war to come.

But who knew it was to this scale?

At once every single nuclear warhead was armed and aimed,. blasted towards different countries and various places. Along with any other warhead at a nation's disposal. Jets that soared the air disposed of their cargo containing many dirty bombs letting merciless chemicals ruin the citizens to come. Various mushroom clouds bloomed overhead. The nuclear winds burnt and inferno and laid waste to the city it was dropped in. The machines that roamed the alleys unloaded cartridges of bullets and unleashed hell upon sight. From within the ashes of the countries armies of machines rose and marched towards any survivors. What the dirty bombs couldn't kill, men who dropped from the clouds finished the rest.

Gun fire and missiles dropping could be heard across the world if not for the bombs being dropped at every location. This all took place in ten minutes. In five minutes 75% of the population had already been totally incinerated. In the other five minutes, most of the population was killed by dirty bombs or by the machines wiping out anything that dared to move. The air that was such a precious commodity for anything that wanted to live on the surface of the earth, had been tainted by the man made self destruction. They Truly went out with a bang.

But the on who put this all to play wasn't human, not far from it in fact. It was made by them.

The surrealism of the whole situation put the earth on it's head. But fate for this world was not done, yet.

The Eiffel tower left a mess of scrape metal. The statue of liberty had fallen. The Taj Mahal was reduced to plums of smoke and ash. And the Christ the Redeemer had blown away by dorect contact against a nuclear warhead. May God have mercy.

"Attention to all whom that have survived, congratulations." A voice resided from the stark silence after the mass bombing.

"Welcome to a new world." With that the seemingly heavenly voice disappeared.

With the announcement made every survivor was teleported to a big room filled with party decorations and a chocolate with strawberries on it. Only one person was teleported in the room.

He was a young boy in his teens, he had average looks and was smart but compared to geniuses of yesterday he was comparable to an afterthought. He had survived because he had found an old bunker months ago, and he and his friends went there the day the human race would go extinct. Him and his friends were at the bunker door when the bombs dropped, hearing the air raid sirens. He ran in the door and closed it tight behind himself and his group

He and his friends went further inside and found gas masks at a first aid station. They all decided to put the gas masks on except for the sole survivor himself, there just wasn't enough masks. He had pulled the smallest straw. The airway in the bunker was completely pristine, but the air filters in the gas masks had long since deteriorated, it went unnoticed by anyone in the group. When the group thought that the worst had already come. The bunker door was blown off by bots and with that the air was exposed to the outside, bullets flew through the air. Everyone in the bunker laid dead by the bots or by the tainted air. The sole survivor was the closest to the bunk's air filter but wasn't spared of being shot. several times. As he was bleeding out his vision became hazy and when he closed his eyes, he woke up to cake.
