
Bruh Guy Gets Isekai'd

BRUH GUY gets sent to another world he doesn't know about

Vancelament · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 21

The battle between Vince in his Ultra Instinct state and Instructor Kazuki had escalated to an unprecedented level of intensity. Vince, now possessed by this newfound power and malice, attacked with a ferocity and precision that exceeded anything he had displayed before.

Vince unleashed a devastating strike, using the Adamantite Kata: Iron Breaker to deliver a powerful blow aimed at Kazuki. However, to everyone's surprise, Kazuki blocked it casually, as if he was dealing with a mere child. His composure remained unshaken even in the face of Vince's overwhelming assault.

Instructor Kazuki's patience was wearing thin. He had not expected Vince to undergo such a radical transformation, and it left him deeply unsettled. He demanded answers from Vince, his voice laced with frustration and concern.

Instructor Kazuki: "I asked you a question."

But Vince, or rather the entity that had taken control of him, remained eerily silent. It was as though the essence of Vince's being had been overshadowed by this newfound power and malice, rendering him unresponsive to Kazuki's inquiries.

Their battle raged on, with Vince utilizing every technique and skill at his disposal. His strikes came with blinding speed and ferocity, each one aimed at finding a weakness in Kazuki's defenses. The spectators watched in awe and apprehension as the two clashed, their auras clashing with an intensity that sent shockwaves through the arena.

Vince's friends, including Vanessa, could only watch helplessly from the sidelines, deeply concerned for his well-being and uncertain about the entity that had taken control of him. The outcome of this battle hung in the balance, and it was clear that Vince's determination to defeat Kazuki was driving him to his limits.

In the midst of the intense battle between Vince in his Ultra Instinct state and Instructor Kazuki, a sudden change in Vince's aura caught everyone by surprise. With a calm demeanor, Vince nonchalantly put his hands in his pockets, took a deep breath, and released an entirely different energy, one that seemed to shift the very dynamics of the battle.

Kazuki, determined to put an end to this intense fight, charged at Vince with the intent to strike him down. However, what he didn't anticipate was Vince's newfound ability. In an instant, Vince's strikes became nearly impossible to detect, landing multiple blows on Kazuki before he could react.

This mysterious technique, known as Invisible Attacks, was a fighting style that Daniel had once copied from James Lee. It revolved around attacking at an opponent's blind spot or the closest possible distance, rendering the attacks virtually imperceptible. Vince executed this technique with precision, delivering a series of rapid and precise strikes that struck Kazuki from angles he couldn't anticipate.

Kazuki staggered back, taken aback by the sudden onslaught of blows. His defenses were breached, and his aura wavered as he struggled to adapt to Vince's newfound fighting style. The spectators, including Vince's friends and Vanessa, watched in astonishment as the battle took an unexpected turn.

Instructor Kazuki was known for his unwavering composure, but even he couldn't hide the surprise and concern that washed over his face. Vince's transformation and his mastery of different fighting styles were pushing him to the brink of his abilities. The outcome of this battle remained uncertain, with Vince's determination to defeat Kazuki pushing him to his limits once more.

The intense battle between Ultra Instinct Vince and Instructor Kazuki raged on, each moment growing more frenetic and unpredictable. Vince's utilization of Invisible Attacks continued to confound Kazuki, who struggled to anticipate and counter the rapid strikes coming from all directions.

Instructor Kazuki: "Impressive... but not enough!"

Despite the onslaught of invisible blows, Kazuki managed to regain his composure. With his heightened Vandal abilities, he intensified his defenses and started to read Vince's movements more accurately. His Hand Blade attacks became swifter and more precise, clashing with Vince's invisible strikes.

Vince realized that he needed to evolve his tactics once more. Drawing upon his mastery of Shadow Fist Style, he blended speed and misdirection into his attacks. His Eclipse Strikes leaving afterimages that bewildered Kazuki. With each strike, Vince aimed to wear down Kazuki's defenses.

Instructor Kazuki's Hand Blade and Vince's Shadow Fist Style clashed in a spectacular display of skill and power. Their strikes created shockwaves that rippled through the arena, shaking the very foundations of the stadium.

As the battle raged on, Vince's Ultra Instinct state seemed to grow more refined. His movements became even more fluid, and his attacks more precise. He exploited every opportunity to land blows on Kazuki, who found it increasingly challenging to keep up with Vince's speed and adaptability.

Instructor Kazuki: "You've come a long way, Vince, but so have I!"

With a surge of determination, Kazuki unleashed a powerful burst of his Vandal's energy, enveloping himself in an electrifying aura. His Hand Blade strikes crackled with intense electrical power, adding a new layer of danger to his attacks.

Vince knew that he needed to push himself even further to stand a chance against this formidable opponent. In the midst of the electrified clash, he began to tap into the power of the Divine Devil once more. His aura flared, matching Kazuki's in intensity.

The stadium seemed to tremble as the two clashed, their Vandal-enhanced strikes creating a dazzling display of power and skill. The spectators watched in awe as Vince and Kazuki pushed each other to their limits, determined to emerge victorious in this epic showdown.

The transformation of Vince into Ultra Instinct reached its peak as the Divine Devil coursed through his veins, turning his skin a dark crimson hue. The intense pressure he exuded was palpable, and the very air seemed to vibrate with his power as a fast heartbeat could be heard throughout the arena.

Instructor Kazuki, despite his experience and strength, couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he faced this overwhelming force. Vince's Ultra Instinct had evolved to a level where even Kazuki struggled to keep up.

Vince's counterattack was relentless. His strikes landed with precision and power, each blow infused with the might of the Divine Devil. Kazuki found himself pushed to the limit, struggling to defend against the onslaught of attacks. The Hand Blade strikes that had once been his greatest weapon now seemed feeble in comparison to Vince's newfound strength.

As Vince continued to press his advantage, the spectators in the arena watched in awe and amazement. They could scarcely believe the level of power and skill on display before them. Daren Arie, who had been observing the fight with keen interest, couldn't help but be impressed by Vince's transformation.

Daren: "This is something else... He's on a whole different level now."

The battle between Vince and Kazuki reached a fever pitch. Vince's Ultra Instinct state seemed boundless, his movements graceful and swift. Kazuki, despite his incredible abilities, struggled to land a meaningful counterattack.

Instructor Kazuki found himself overwhelmed by Vince's relentless assault. The barrage of invisible strikes was unlike anything he had ever faced. Despite his formidable Vandal abilities and martial prowess, Vince's speed and precision made it nearly impossible for Kazuki to keep up.

Instructor Kazuki: (Grimacing) "Impressive... but this won't be enough to defeat me."

With a burst of energy, Kazuki increased the output of his Vandal, reinforcing his body with additional strength and resilience. He managed to block one of Vince's strikes, but the force behind it sent him skidding backward.

Vince's relentless onslaught continued, his strikes landing with pinpoint accuracy. Kazuki knew he had to adapt quickly. With a sudden twist of his body, he attempted to dodge one of Vince's incoming attacks, but Vince's speed allowed him to read the movement.

In a split second, Vince adjusted his strike, landing a powerful blow that sent Kazuki crashing into the arena's wall. The impact created a shockwave, and for a moment, it seemed like Kazuki might be down for the count.

However, Kazuki was not one to give up easily. With a fierce determination, he pushed himself off the wall and back into the fight. His Vandal emanated a brilliant surge of energy as he launched a counterattack of his own.

Instructor Kazuki: "I won't be defeated so easily, Vince!"

The battle raged on, with both combatants pushing their limits. Vince's newfound power and speed clashed with Kazuki's unmatched combat experience and formidable Vandal abilities. The spectators watched in awe as the two warriors continued their intense struggle.

Amidst the chaos, Vanessa observed the battle with a mix of worry and curiosity. She couldn't help but wonder what had brought about this dramatic change in Vince and what the outcome of this fierce battle would be.

the battle between Vince in his Ultra Instinct state and Instructor Kazuki raged on, a relentless exchange of blows, blocks, and dodges. Vince, now embodying an otherworldly aura, moved with an eerie grace, his strikes blending seamlessly with the darkness around him.

Kazuki, his face etched with determination, was pushed to his limits, struggling to keep up with Vince's newfound speed and precision. Despite the overwhelming odds, he refused to yield.

The clash of their powers and techniques sent shockwaves throughout the arena, the very air crackling with energy. Vince's invisible strikes continued to land with deadly accuracy, while Kazuki countered with his Hand Blade, each move executed with expert precision.

As they danced through the arena, the battle's intensity grew. Vince's aura flickered and swirled around him like a dark storm, while Kazuki's Vandal surged with electrifying energy.

Suddenly, Vince executed a blindingly fast sequence of strikes, each one aimed at a different vital point. Kazuki struggled to keep up, blocking and evading as best as he could. The spectators watched in awe, their eyes struggling to follow the breathtaking speed of the combatants.

But Vince's relentless assault didn't stop there. He unleashed a series of powerful kicks, sending Kazuki hurtling through the air. Kazuki managed to regain his footing mid-flight, but Vince was already closing in.

With a final, devastating strike, Vince landed a blow that sent Kazuki crashing into the arena floor with earth-shattering force. The ground trembled, and for a moment, all was still.

As the dust settled, Kazuki lay on the ground, battered and defeated. Vince stood, his Ultra Instinct still there. The arena was filled with an eerie silence as everyone watched in disbelief at the outcome of the battle.

Instructor Kazuki had been defeated.

Vanessa, who had watched the entire battle unfold, couldn't contain her shock and concern. She hurriedly made her way to the fallen instructor's side, her gaze alternating between him and Vince, who now stood there with a calm expression, his schlera pitch black and his pupils pure white.

The spectators and students in the arena were left in awe, trying to comprehend the extraordinary display of power and skill they had just witnessed. Vince's transformation into Ultra Instinct and his subsequent victory had left an indelible mark on Vehemence Academy.

The question on everyone's mind now was: What had triggered this astonishing transformation in Vince, and what did it mean for the future?

Instructor Kazuki: ''Looks like i lost my bet.''

Kazuki who had been thought to be defeated casually stood up as he as he calmy looked at vince.

Instructor Kazuki: ''Your one hell of a guy.''

Suddenly Kazuki released an aura that envelopped the entirety of vehemence academy and every instructor felt it as they rushed to the arena even the principle.

Instructor Kazuki: ''Vince, you've earned your spot. I dont know what happened to you but. I know for sure something else is controlling you. Dont worry, i'll put you back to normal.''

Vanessa: ''What do you mean by something is controlling him instructor kazuki..''

Instructor Kazuki: ''Its exactly as i said Student Vanessa.''

Instructor Kazuki's words hung heavy in the air, casting a veil of uncertainty over the arena. The principle and other instructors who had rushed to the scene exchanged concerned glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Vince, still in his Ultra Instinct state, remained silent, his enigmatic gaze fixed on Kazuki. Vanessa, standing beside him, couldn't hide her worry and confusion. She had never seen Vince like this, and the revelation that something might be controlling him added another layer of complexity to the situation.

Instructor Daichi, who had been observing silently, stepped forward, his eyes sharp and analytical. He spoke in a calm but authoritative tone.

Instructor Daichi: "Instructor Kazuki, if there's any doubt about Vince's condition, it's imperative that we investigate and understand it thoroughly. We cannot allow any potential threats to go unchecked."

Principle Hiroshi, a wise and experienced leader, nodded in agreement.

Principle Hiroshi: "I concur. The safety and well-being of our academy and its students are our top priorities. Vince, if there's anything you can tell us, please do so. We're here to help."

Vanessa looked at Vince with concern, her voice trembling slightly.

Vanessa: "Vince, what's going on? Are you okay?"

Vince's expression remained unreadable

However, the situation was far from over. In the midst of this tense atmosphere, UI Vince prepared for the next round of combat against Kazuki. The power gap between them was substantial, but UI Vince had a plan.

UI Vince initiated several binding vows, each one enhancing his abilities and granting him greater strength and agility. The arena buzzed with anticipation as UI Vince continued to adapt and evolve in the face of adversity.

UI Vince: "Binding Vow: I HATE MATH ANYWAY... Binding Vow: The Vow of Borrowed Time... Binding Vow: Overclock... Binding Vow: No Pain?..."

Binding Vow: I HATE MATH ANYWAY - The user will be unable to use reverse cursed technique in exchange for a 300% power boost in cursed energy

Binding Vow: The Vow of Borrowed Time: The sorcerer borrows 20 years of time from their own lifespan, shortening their life significantly, to temporarily gain incredible speed and agility, essentially accelerating their movements. This increases the cursed energy output by 1500%

Binding Vow: Overclock - The moment the user fights someone a counter will start and for the past 4 minutes the user's cursed energy suply will be decreased by 80%, after 4 minutes has passed the user will regain all their cursed energy with an increase of 220%1

Binding Vow: No Pain? - Upon saying 'Null' the user's attack will no longer inflict pain increasing the user's cursed energy increases by 30% this last for 10 minutes

Binding Vow: Revealing one's arsenal - Telling your enemy how your abilities work will increase the power of the user's cursed energy by 120%

As the final binding vow was made, UI Vince revealed a portion of Vince's abilities to his opponent. He did so with precision, sharing enough information to increase his cursed energy's power without revealing the entirety of his arsenal.

UI Vince: "Binding Vow: Revealing one's arsenal."

Ultra Instinct began to explain his ability binding vow, kagune, divine devil. which in total increased his cursed energy by 120% shocking everyone.

With the binding vows in effect, UI Vince ingested an enchanted golden apple, a sign that he was ready to continue the fight. The audience, including the instructors and principle, watched with bated breath, uncertain of what would unfold next in this extraordinary battle between Vince and his enigmatic alter ego, UI.

The arena erupted in chaos as Vince, now in his fearsome Kakuja state, unleashed a surge of dark power. His transformation was nothing short of awe-inspiring, with his height towering above Kazuki. The Kakuja form had digitigrade legs, resembling that of a predatory creature, and feathered spikes sprouted from his back, creating a menacing silhouette.

Behind his original arms were razor-sharp blades, ready to strike with deadly precision. The sheer aura of power emanating from him was palpable, sending shivers down the spines of those present.

UI Vince, now transformed into this formidable state, didn't waste any time. He charged at Instructor Kazuki with breathtaking speed and agility. Kazuki, though experienced and strong, couldn't help but feel a pang of unease in the face of such overwhelming power.

The fight that ensued was nothing short of legendary. Vince's Kakuja form moved with uncanny grace, delivering a flurry of devastating strikes and precise slashes. Kazuki, displaying his incredible hand chops, fought back with ferocity and determination.

The arena itself bore witness to their intense battle, as shockwaves from their clashes rocked the very foundations. Spectators, including the instructors and principle, watched in both astonishment and concern as the two warriors clashed with an unmatched display of power.

Each moment brought forth new surprises, as Vince's Kakuja form revealed its full potential. His additional arms and blade-like appendages added complexity to his fighting style, making it nearly impossible for Kazuki to predict his moves.

The battle raged on, with neither side willing to yield. UI Vince's power seemed limitless, and his determination to defeat Kazuki burned brighter than ever. Kazuki, on the other hand, showed unwavering resolve, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

As the arena became a battleground of titanic proportions, the outcome of this fierce confrontation remained uncertain. The principle, instructors, and students could only watch in awe as the clash of these extraordinary forces continued, each blow resonating with the weight of destiny.

The arena trembled under the might of their battle, dust and debris filling the air as Vince's Kakuja form and Kazuki clashed in a symphony of destruction. The spectators were held captive by the spectacle unfolding before them, unable to look away from the awe-inspiring clash of powers.

UI Vince's Kakuja form displayed unmatched strength and versatility. With four arms at his disposal, he weaved a complex tapestry of strikes, feints, and slashes. His blade-like appendages cut through the air with terrifying precision, leaving trails of destruction in their wake.

Kazuki, a master of hand chops and close combat, met Vince's onslaught with impressive skill. His Hand Blade technique, further enhanced by his Vandal form, allowed him to parry Vince's strikes and retaliate with electrifying counters. Each collision between their attacks sent shockwaves rippling through the arena.

As the battle continued, the very ground beneath them cracked and shattered from the intensity of their clashes. Vince's Kakuja form displayed remarkable speed, darting around Kazuki with unnatural agility. Kazuki, while struggling to keep up, remained resolute, his expression unwavering in the face of adversity.

UI Vince's power, fueled by his Binding Vows and Kakuja form, seemed boundless. He unleashed a barrage of techniques, each more devastating than the last, while maintaining an eerie calmness. His eyes, now pitch black with white pupils, revealed none of his intentions, adding an air of mystery to his actions.

Kazuki, determined to protect the academy and understand the truth behind Vince's condition, fought back with unwavering resolve. He continued to use his Hand Blade technique to the fullest, delivering electrifying strikes that could have felled a lesser opponent.

The spectators, including Principle Hiroshi and Vanessa, watched in a mixture of awe and trepidation. The outcome of this battle could shape the destiny of Vehemence Academy and its students. The clash between Vince's newfound power and Kazuki's unwavering determination created a moment that would be etched into the academy's history.

The battlefield was consumed by an overwhelming surge of power as Kazuki unleashed 50% of his strength, causing the very air to crackle with electricity. It was a display of Vandal might unlike any seen before, and the sheer force of it sent shockwaves throughout the arena.

However, UI Vince, determined to prevail, adapted once more, making a binding vow that shortened his own lifespan by 50 years to gain an incredible boost in cursed energy output. His aura flared to life, surpassing even Kazuki's newfound power. With astounding durability UI tanked Kazuki's attack, leaving the spectators and instructors in disbelief.

In a brilliant display of combat mastery, UI Vince performed a swift 360-degree turn, his right blade glowing with malevolent red energy. The Curse of Grim was activated, targeting Kazuki with its deadly effect. The spectators watched in stunned silence as Vince unleashed Demonsbane once more, with an added twist.

UI Vince made a binding vow of sacrifice, a desperate gambit to defeat Kazuki. With this vow, he was willing to sacrifice a limb to release all of his cursed energy into a devastating attack. The resulting strike was cataclysmic, a massive slash that tore through the air with incredible force.

The attack struck true, carving a diagonal slash across Kazuki's torso, causing a massive wound that began to bleed profusely. The instructors, reacting swiftly, moved to protect Kazuki and the students. Instructor Richard, in particular, conjured a protective barrier that managed to intercept the slash just in time, preventing further harm to those present.

The arena was filled with tension and uncertainty as the aftermath of UI Vince's powerful attack settled in. Kazuki, though wounded, remained standing, his resolve unbroken. The principle and other instructors assessed the situation, recognizing the need for immediate medical attention.

As the dust and debris began to clear, Vanessa's worried gaze never left Vince. She could see that something was deeply amiss with him, something that went beyond the power of his newfound abilities.

The spectators, instructors, and even Kazuki himself watched in awe as Vince's left arm began to regenerate before their eyes. It was a sight that defied conventional understanding, a testament to the extraordinary capabilities of his Kakuja form.

Instructor Daichi, who had been observing the battle with keen interest, stepped forward, his expression a mix of fascination and concern.

Instructor Daichi: "This... regenerative ability is unlike anything I've ever seen. It's as if Vince has tapped into a realm of power that transcends our comprehension."

Principle Hiroshi nodded in agreement, his experienced eyes studying Vince's transformation carefully.

Principle Hiroshi: "We must tread carefully. Whatever has taken hold of Vince is far from ordinary. We need to understand the nature of this power and its potential risks."

Vanessa, who had been anxiously watching Vince's every move, couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. She knew that her friend was in the midst of something that went beyond mere strength and combat prowess.

Vanessa: "Vince... Please, come back to us."

As the atmosphere in the arena remained charged with uncertainty, Vince's transformation continued, raising questions about the true extent of his newfound abilities and the mysteries surrounding them.

UI would simply stare at them, knowing full well that kazuki is still able to fight, since the attack only managed to slightly cause him to bleed not fully cut him in half, UI knowing full well it had nothing else left since it used all its cursed energy despite all those binding vows.. Gave up as it deactivated its kakuja, vince's body collapse on the ground

Vince's collapse marked the end of the intense battle, and a wave of relief washed over the onlookers. The arena, once filled with tension and uncertainty, now bore witness to a moment of respite.

Instructor Kazuki, though still recovering from the battle, approached Vince's fallen form with a mixture of concern and determination. He had been through countless battles in his life, but this encounter with Vince had left him with more questions than answers.

Instructor Kazuki: "We need to ensure Vince receives the medical attention he requires. But beyond that, we must investigate the nature of this power that seems to have taken hold of him."

Principle Hiroshi nodded in agreement.

Principle Hiroshi: "I'll have our medical team attend to Vince immediately. As for the investigation, we'll convene a council of instructors to determine the best course of action."

Vanessa, her earlier worry still fresh in her mind, knelt beside Vince, her expression a mix of relief and concern.

Vanessa: "Hang in there, Vince. We'll figure this out."

As Vince was tended to by the academy's medical staff, the mysteries surrounding his newfound abilities and the enigmatic force that seemed to control him weighed heavily on the minds of those who had witnessed the battle. The journey to unravel these mysteries had only just begun.