

Did not edit. I'm sorry it's 3:am rn.*


*Much later that night*

Dustin eagerly sits on the edge of his bed. He clutches a burnt cigarette between his fingertips, carelessly flicking the ashes on the ground. He stares at the cigs cherry. The red heat burned through the cheap tobacco, but he didn't mind. Whatever gave him his fix for nicotine was good enough for him. The cherry burns quicker with each dramatic puff.

The way the smoke littered his lungs with tar, made him strangely comfortable....

He finds himself wondering if his false father's lungs filled up with tar, or if they burned up right away. Either way sounded painful...

A soft knock barely pulls him away from empty thoughts. A lady of the night trails her hand down the door frame. Her skimpy clothes cling onto her malnourished torso. This disgusted Dustin. He bites the bottom of his lip, containing himself from spitting at her direction.

Before she could say a word, Dustin grabs new clothes off of the bed stand and throws it towards her.

"Change into that." He was short with her. Dustin saw no need to show hospitality.

She picks off the clothes off the ground, her fake nails annoyingly scratch against the ground. She scoffs at them, "What is this? A T-shirt and shorts?"

She brings the clothes closer to her nose, taking in a big whiff. Immediately she's engulfed with used perfume. "Is this like your Ex-girlfriend's or something?"

Without looking at her, Dustin puts his cigarette out in a near by ash tray.

"I guess you could say that.." The lady rolls her eyes at him, not caring for his lack of information.

She makes her way into the bathroom, grunting  under her breath, "I should make you pay extra. Makin me change out of my clothes, ugh..."

He could hear her struggle to get out of her tight clothes. Dustin was slowly becoming more and more impatient..

Fortunately, it doesn't take too long for her to finish. She walks out of the bathroom. The long T-shirt falls past her knees, showing no indication she was wearing shorts. This was much better to look at for him.

"I don't care what your real name is." He stands up, stretching his back in the process, "You'll go by Amy for now."

The lady brings her gross long nail up to her lips, giving him a small mischievous smirk. "Roleplay huh? That's gonna be extra."

"I don't care." He snatches her wrist, leading her back to the bed.

The lady clumsily follows. His sudden strength made her somewhat uneasy. "What's the rush? We have all night."

Without a warning he throws her onto the bed like a sack of potatoes. Her body harshly bounces up and down. For the first time in her life, she was grateful for fluffy mattresses. The same couldn't be said for her head. It had smacked against the bed frame. Fogginess and pain enlighten her entire body.

"Fuck!" She shouts, "Be easy!"

Dustin had already ripped off his shirt, throwing it across the room. Without taking his pants off, he climbs on top of her and pulls her hands above her head. All it took was one hand to squeeze her arms together.

"Wa-wait a second. I need to warm up!" She squeals, slowly realizing the danger she put herself in.

He uses his knees to push himself between her legs, forcing them apart. The lady arches her back, trying to take back some self control. Dustins muscle mass keeps her pinned down, and she soon starts sweating bullets.

He reaches into his back pocket, keeping the same dull expression. The lady see the sliver flicker of a blade and all instincts starts kicking it.

"What the fuck are you doing!" She starts thrashing around.

Dustin presses the tip of the blade into her cheek, stopping all of her movements at once. He tilts his head in amusement..

"If you follow my rules you just make it out of this alive." The blade dances around her face, especially around her temple.

Her eyes quickly become puffy with tears. The corners of her mouth start to shake, to scared to retaliate.

"Your name is Amy." He states, using the blade to push strands of hair away from her face. "So that means, no cussing or dirty talk. You listen to me. If I tell you to do something, you do it without question or hesitation. I won't let you ruin my fantasy."

The cold blade trails down her chest. With ease it cuts through the shirt's fabric, exposing her naked chest. Dustin hated that he had to cut Amy's shirt and shorts apart, but right now he needed this.

"Listen mister. I'll leave. I won't mention this to anyone, just please let me go." Her pleads fall into deaf ears.

He takes the blade and pushes it onto her soft lips. "Shhh.." With pressure he slides it down, leaving a small cut down her lips and chin. Dustin meant to cut her slow, but the blade slipped under her lip gloss. The women starts bawling, which soon leads to screaming bloody murder.

"Now Amy.." He unzips his pants, taking his sweet time, "Tell me you love me.."

Her body starts to violently tremble. Her mind was racing with thoughts. Ideas that could maybe lead to her escape, but that was foolish. He had her at HIS mercy. Unfortunately for her, Dustin didn't understand the concept of mercy.

The tip of his shaft roughly pushes into her. Once his head had entered, he shoved his entire length into her womb. The women jolts her back in immense pain.

"Tell me you love me!" He leans forward, growling into her ear. His hot breath leaves a path of corrupt goosebumps.

She opens and closes her mouth like a fish, trying to find the strength to speak past the pain.

"I love you!" The words rip past her throat, leaving her a screaming mess.

"Again." He grunts, pushing himself deeper. He wastes no time and starts pumping himself inside of her. "Don't stop telling me how much you love me."

She feels his cock ruining her insides. He was pushing her way past her limits. Eyes fixated with horror, mouth stuck open, throat sore from screaming, and her mind racing with torment. 

Dustin kept his eyes close. His imagination was the only thing keeping him going. God how much he wished this was the real Amy. He needed her voice shouting his name in pleasure and pain, chanting how much she loved him. Instead, he's left with his fantasies.

But tonight was a victory. With both of of her parents gone, it wouldn't be too much longer till it's Amy under him...

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