
Her arms

"Lorcan you can't be serious"I say with a shake of my head

"There's no choice but to go it happens every few years and with Alex still out that leaves it down to you we can't risk these alliances"He says

"How are we supposed to do this because i need you with me but so does the pack and don't forget about your mate she needs you to this couldn't be a worse time"I say running my hand through my messy hair trying to figure it out

"Atlas"I look up at Lorcan as he talks"Atlas was raised by Alex's side literally inseparable and so Atlas was trained as an alpha alongside Alex"

"Good that works for the pack but what about you."I state

"I have to come with you and i'll talk to indigo and we will decide whether she comes with us or not" I sigh falling back into the chair and trying to relax as i suddenly feel myself go dizzy

"Emmy" I hear Lorcan say worriedly "Dammit when did you last eat anything this isn't good"

"I'm fine just go talk to your mate i'll grab something just go" I take in a breath as he leaves and i try to focus on the papers in front of me but i give up as it doesn't work so i lean my head back against the chair and close my eyes and elt the world drift away around me.

"Luna Luna wake up" I hear someone say their voice cutting through my sleep and i groan and sit up looking around seeing i'm now lying in my bed in pj's and i look at the woman in front of me expectantly

"You have to leave in an your for the alliance meeting"she says bowing her head and leaving as i throw myself back into the bed letting out a huff as i roll over and limb out of the bed and make my way into the bathroom to get myself ready.

"Oh for heaven's sake people we were supposed to leave five minutes ago come on" I shout from the car window passenger seat and the warrior next to me chuckles as we wait on Lorcan and Indigo.

"Are you always this impatient?" The warrior next to me says

"Hmm usually and who might you be Mr. Driver man?" I ask still watching out the window with an impatient matter.

"Theo, A high ranking warrior here for your protection" I roll my eyes at the cockiness in his voice.

"Oh finally" I say sticking my head out the window glaring at the couple"Lets go people"

(Time skip)

"Luna Emmeline it's a pleasure to meet you and i'm devastated to hear about Alexandra she was a dear friend" The older Alpha said And i give him a warm smile

"Yes we are all hoping she gets better soon but its a pleasure to meet you and sure she will have been sad to miss this" I say shaking his hand

"This is my mate Sarah and my son Fred and then my daughter Allison" I give them a warm smile and a slight wave but my brow furrows as Allison gives me a cold glance.


"We don't really need to change much i just want to be certain that if anything was to happen that you and your pack would be willing to help"I say exasperated as i sit back

"I think we can agree on that" And everything was fine until Indigo burst into the room and we all turn to her and some of the wolves growl in anger at the disruption causing Lorcan to try to defend his mate but no one could be heard over the growls.

"ENOUGH"I growl out in anger and the wolves stop to look at me" She obviously came into the room for a reason and that is my pack member so i suggest everyone goes back to there seat and let us hear her out alright"They all kind of sulk back to their seats

"Emmy its Alex" It's like the world blacked out and a pain went through my chest and it all stopped and then i was running the walls changing around me until i reached the forests outside. I hadn't even noticed that i had shifted into my wolf until i caught our reflection

Kenna what's happening (a/n Kenna is Emmeline's wolf)

I don't know emmy i cant talk to lilura (Lilura is Alexandra's wolf)

I shut off our link trying to focus on the running and eventually i felt the rush as i stepped into our pack lands and as i reach the tree line i shift grabbing some of the random clothes and i step frantically into the packhouse running past onlookers over into the hospital room where my mate should be.

"Where is she?"I growl out looking into the empty room my anger spiking as no one answers me "look im about two seconds away from going nuclear in the middle of this goddamn hospital unless someone tells me where my freaking mate is missing and the last time i saw her she was in a goddamn hospital bed and wasn't functioning"

"Luna she woke up whilst you were gone and she started asking for you and when no one was answering she went slightly off the rails" One of the nurses say to me.

"Why are you still standing there when my currently very distressed and annoyed mate is alone?"I say glaring at the nurse who still stood with her head bowed she quickly moves towards the doors so i follow her and she quickly walks along the corridors until we come face to face with a locked door.

As the door swings open i came hear the angered growls from Alex and i quickly just make my way down the stairs and into the darkened room.

"Alex" My heart dropped as i heard no response "Alex please it Emmy" i feel something brush against my side and i look down to see a wolf and i instantly knew it to be my mate. I drop to my knees and i snuggle my head into her neck and we sit there for a moment until she eventually shifts back into my arms and i couldn't hold it in this ugly sob erupted from my chest and i held onto the nape of her neck and i tried to calm myself down.

"I thought i lost you and and i had to step up and it was so hard because i didn't have you by my side and then i started this weird tradition but i went great"I start rambling choking out sobs as i speak "God i was so lost without you and i..i gosh alex i met my parents and i had all this paperwork and i constantly feel like passing out but i guess that's my fault for not eating and sleeping god i cant sleep without you and you mean everything to me-"

"Baby breathe okay i'm here"

Next chapter