
Chapter One

There she was. Sitting alone in the dark room. In the faint moonlight, she caressed the only object she truly cared for; a little doll. To every girl, their dolls are very important to them, but this one had a special meaning to her. Looking at its pale skin, long brown hair, a happy little smile, and pink dress, she wondered what her life would've been like had she not been born so different than her siblings. Isabella thought back to the simpler times. She thought back to the moment everything changed.

When Isabella was born, her parents thought she couldn't have been more perfect, especially for their first daughter. Her mother cradled her while her father was overjoyed to welcome the new member of their family. Soon after the royal parents had met their new daughter, two little boys were brought into the room. The oldest, who was around 5, was beyond happy to meet his new baby sister. The younger boy, age 2, was Charles. He was not thrilled about having a new sister because he wanted a younger brother.

The family gazed at the new baby in awe of how adorable she was. This new baby was truly something special.

"Isabella" the mother said softly, "We'll call her Isabella". With pure happiness in her eyes, she placed a doll that she had made for her new child on the blanket that she was wrapped in. it was a gift she hoped some day her daughter would play with all the time when she got older.

This sweet little infant had light blonde hair, rosy cheeks, and what appeared to be green-ish hazel eyes. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment, the mother thought. This was true until the new baby had started to cry. She seemed to be crying as if she was in pain because it seemed so loud. The wailing of their new daughter made the parents very concerned. Suddenly, sparks of light shot out of her hands, causing the mother to scream. The father instructed the boys to get out of the room. As the mother had screamed, she jumped a little and sent the doll she had made with such love tumbling down to the floor. Along with her feelings about this new child, the doll had lost its significance to the mother,

"How extraordinary! Your child has been born with the gift of magic, Queen Catherine" the doctor excitedly said.

The mother drew in a sharp inhale and said "It is not a gift! It is a curse! Our new daughter is cursed! What an embarrassment! Take her away- immediately. She is a disappointment to this royal family". She had such anger and fear in her voice.

The doctor looked at the father in disbelief. "Agreed, take this child away. She cannot be seen" he said in a clear voice.

"Your majesties- she is still your daughter and is a newborn! You cannot simply leave her and not care for her!" the doctor stated, trying to convince them.

"She shall be cared for by the servants" the mother announced as a woman cautiously took the new baby girl from her mother. "Why would we risk our lives trying to care for her? She is not our daughter until she is no longer cursed. We will not love her unless she is normal".

The woman was ordered to take newborn Isabella into one of the most empty rooms in the family's castle. One where her powers could not damage anything besides what was in the room. It was cold and had stone walls so that her magic could go through the walls. There was a small window on the roof where the light would shine through. A bassinet was placed in the center of the room along with the bare necessities for what an infant would need. As for her parents, they wanted nothing to do with her until she was normal. Servants who were armored were to feed, bathe, and change her.

The kingdom of Arcithera was not to know that King Rowan and Queen Catherine had a daughter who was abnormal.

* * * * * * *

Her whole life, Isabella had felt alone. She was neglected by her parents and hated by her siblings except for her oldest brother. After her birth, her parents were so upset about having a child they thought they didn't deserve that they decided to have another immediately after Isabella. They planned to tell the people of the kingdom that the Queen had lost a child and decided to try to have another right after. After Isabella, the king and queen had one more daughter, Ava.

Daniel, the eldest, is the only one in the family who truly cares about Isabella. Charles is the second child and he despises his magical younger sister. Lastly, Ava was angry at her sister and never understood why she couldn't be like everyone else. Isabella was never accepted for who she was, especially by her parents.

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