
The Most Eventful Day Of My Life

Days passed by with Noel going out for the investigation early in the morning before I wake up and Hazel locking herself inside her house for most time of the day. Naturally, I got worried about her and tried knocking at her door and calling out her name several times but no sound came from the other side of the door except for what seemed like continuous tapping of her fingers on a keyboard and clinking of cans as it fell on the floor. Those noises were the only evidence that proved her existence inside that apartment which saw no light for more than two weeks. I could have given her space if she was actually working, but as far as I know, she is merely a keeper of the orphanage. She isn't even legally an adult so it won't make sense for her to work on something that requires a keyboard. I wish I could just slam the door open and drag her out of that den to see the light of the day—Obviously it won't kill her to come out once in a while.

But today, I didn't go knock at her apartment door and check on her. I was too occupied with myself that I hardly got a chance to think of anyone else.

I took the thermometer out of my mouth and held it above my face. I squinted and read the temperature on it.

"37.8°C" I sighed and let my arm fall to my side on the bed, "Did I really push myself that hard?"

It was ten past one in the afternoon. Every single muscle in my body was screaming in pain and my whole body was on fire. I worked myself to death these past weeks at the coffee shop. The manager had requested me to take up the work of one of my co-workers who had recently resigned. The shop was short of workers and didn't know anyone better than me to rely on to help them. At first, I was about to deny her request but then—

"See, if you take up Keith's work for the time being, I'll double your pay for this month AND the next! Does that sound like a fair deal to you?"

She'd told those words with such pleading eyes that I couldn't help but agree—actually, that's a lie.

I needed the money. My monthly payment wasn't enough for me to buy myself food and other necessities. I was short of money and they were short of workers. It seemed like a fair idea for her to double the payment for the next month as well, since I was to work double the amount of what I was used to. And not to mention, waitering wasn't what I signed up for. Keith and a few others used to handle the waitering while I and the manager made the coffee that the shop was famous for. So, I've never been familiar with the customers. I've stayed at the kitchen most of my working hours and cleaned up the place after the customers left, so none of the customers have ever seen me. Getting aquatinted with the customers and my 'new' colleagues was a bit of a challenge. Being a waiter requires 'speed' work and great efficiency which I doubted I had at first.

My first day went somewhat like this—

I tied my apron and glanced at my watch. Right about 12, the coffee shop would be bustling with men, women and highschoolers stopping by for a good sip of coffee or having ice creams—the weekends have always been busy and crowded. I took a few deep breaths as the manager kept the cups on the trays and nodded at me with a smile, gesturing me to take them out. I folded my sleeves and carefully slipped the trays onto my hands and hurried out, while making sure not to drop them and cause another great deal of work. I emerged out of the kitchen and searched for the table 6 with my eyes.

The table 6 was occupied by four girls giggling and laughing amongst each other.

I walked up to them with a bright and friendly smile, "Here's your order!"

The girls stopped chatting and stared at me as I gently placed the trays down. I could feel them staring at me top to bottom. As I looked up at them, something bright twinkled in the girls' eyes.

"Is something the matter? Is the coffee not to your liking?" The corner of my lips lowered in concern.

"N-No, it's not that! The coffee is fabulous..and so are you...." There was a tinge of pink on her cheeks as she tugged a lock of her hair behind her ears with a shy smile.

"Is she complimenting me because I made the coffee? That's nice of her.." I thought to myself and flashed a warm smile at the girl for her genuineness.

"Can I ask your name?" Another girl asked enthusiastically.

"It's Ra—"

Before I could finish, the manager called out to me. "Rai! Come back here! You need to take the next order!"

"Yes. I'm coming!" I excused myself and hurried to take the next order.

Right after I was gone, the girls began whispering among themselves.

"Did you hear that? His name is Rai!"

"I thought he was a model the moment I laid my eyes on him! And that smile! It's to die for!"

"He looks like someone straight out of a movie. So charming!"

And that's how they made it a daily routine to come to the coffee shop to admire my coffee.

That obviously had the manager jumping around in joy and patting me on the back when she came to know that I'd secured a regular customer.

"The face did the magic!" — was what she told me when she got to know it. I couldn't understand what she meant but I decided not to pry into it any further.

Everyday seemed more tiring than the previous. I had to wear myself out to get my pay check soon. Because I let my needs blind me, I am lying on my bed with a fever. It isn't that serious but I can barely move a muscle without them paining.

I had to make lunch for myself but I had no idea how I was going to do it. I got up from bed, wincing and struggling, as I put on my jacket. I walked to the nearest convenience store to get some snacks.

"Should I get the instant noodles or the sandwich?" I thought as I looked at the two items in my hands. "I'll go with the instant noodles."

As I turned around and started walking towards the counter, I bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry!" I apologized and glanced at the snacks that had fallen on the ground because of me.

I quickly crouched down and started picking them up.

"Here are your—..." The words stuck in my throat as I stood up and looked at the person.

Her sea green eyes stared back at me through her glasses in shock. Panic surfaced her expression. Even with her loose hoody, she looked dull and tired and skinny. She looked like a whole different person.

"H-Hazel..?" I almost said it as a whisper.

Without a word, she quickly snatched the snacks from my hands, pulled her hood over her head and started running out.

"Hazel, wait!" I called out to her and ran behind her but by the time I reached out, she was already gone.

"Argh!" Suddenly my body ached in pain and I let myself lean against the wall.

"How could she walk!? Was I hallucinating everything because of my fever? I definitely saw her in the store. What in the world is going on with her?"

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