
Broken heart life of love

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What is Broken heart life of love

Read ‘Broken heart life of love’ Online for Free, written by the author Nidhi_Mehta_0753, This book is a Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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The Two Brothers and The Realm of the Past and Future

This is a story about two brothers, Yin Chae-Yeong and Yang Chae-Yeong, the strongest beings in the 9 realms. The two are complete opposites, but they fight for good against the evil power growing in their world. When the two try and destroy the entity, they have to sacrifice themselves to destroy it and its army. Once they die, they got reincarnated into two high schoolers, coincidentally, their names are still Yin and Yang. The parents of the kids were rich but died in a car crash and their uncle stole all their money not leaving a single penny. The two have also been left with a little sister with an incurable illness. When their parents died, they got dumped by their girl friends and since they couldn't afford their school anymore, they were kicked out of that too. Then a new opportunity showed up, the new hot game Realm of the Past and Future showed up, it was the only way that they could get out of the dumps. When the previous boys went to get the VRMMORPG with all their savings, they died to a car crash. Then, they got reborn by Yin and Yang's souls entering them. "Bro Yin, is that you?" "Oh, Yang! I though we were dead!" "Thats funny, whats this, we are in a place called Earth, what an ugly place compared to all the 9 realms, even the death sanctuary is more beautiful than here, but I can survive." "Whats this brother Yang, something called a VRMMORPG? Wait a minute what are these memories... AHGAGH!" The previous soul's memories entered their heads "So thats how it is.. that bastard uncle, we need to take revenge, become number one in this game, and most importantly, cure our sister." "Yes, let us do all this, once we get out of this hospital..." And that is how the journey of the two brothers began, but what will they do when they realize that The Realm of the Past and Future is not as simple as it seems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, it is me, the author, this novel is inspired by game novels such as RML and Omega Summoner. I made this novel from boredom, please give honest feedback, I hope you enjoy this journey. (Be aware that there will be grammar mistakes) Checkout my new novel! My Charm System!

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