


The rooftops of Dunwall became a battle ground as the Leaf ninjas tried to escape from the guardians. The Whalers seeing the guardians quickly ran away not wanting to take them on leaving the Leaf ninjas to face the metal guardians alone. The ninjas quickly found themselves powerless as the guardians actives their music boxes taking away their chakra. And while they had trained without using chakra while on the road to here, they still aren't use to the damaging effects that the music is causing them or how off balance it's making them.

"Run!" Jiraiya shouted to the group feeling the effects of his old age without chakra to help strength his body.

One of the guardians used it's grappling arm on Kiba, grabbing his arm then giving him a shock of electric current enough to knock him out, before pulling him to it. Lee seeing him in trouble ran to save Kiba as Gai yelled for him to stop. Lee punch the first guardian in it's face with all of his strength, breaking his hand. The guardian simply grab his shoulder and shock him till he passed out. (1)

Ino tried throwing bomb tags but without any chakra the tags are nothing more then pieces of paper. The guardian she tried to attack fired a lighting bolt at her knocking her out. Sai pulled out a sword and tried to cut off the arm of the guardian only for it to break on contact. Sai was blasted in return for his trouble making it clear that without their chakra to strengthen them, there's no way they'll be able to cut through the metal bodies of the guardians. The other ninjas threw their throwing weapons at the guardians only for them to bounce off their metal bodies, seeing they couldn't fight them they turn and fled.

The fourth guardian went after the fleeing ninjas who climb down the side of the building. They couldn't just jump off as they're use to as they didn't have any chakra for that. The best they can do is free running down the side of the building. (2)

The guardian grabs the metal rain gutter that the ninjas are using and sent a current through the metal. The ninjas holding onto the metal gutter scream as they got shock and fell to the street below. The ones who fell were quickly help to their feet by the ones who didn't. A loud crash got all of their attention as the guardian walk off the building and landing on it's feet, none worse for wear. The shock absorbers in it's legs prevent it from taking damage from such falls, unless it's higher then it can take that is.

"Get in!" Tenten shouted as she pry open a manhole cover using a sword.

The ninjas scrambled for the open manhole dropping down into the sewer. The guardian fired another lightning blast taking down Hinata and Kurenai. Gai and Kakashi grab some nearby garbage cans and threw them at the guardian. One of the cans landed on top of the guardian but showing the sheer inhuman strength, it easily rips free. Two more guardians joined the one on the ground, forcing Kakashi and Gai to abandon the girls, dropping into the sewers.

The guardians were about to follow the ninjas when they got a transmission and were ordered to bring the ninjas they caught back to HQ. The guardians quickly pick up the down ninjas and carried them to the waiting rail car. Watching this the Whalers decided to go after the ninjas in the sewers before the other parties after the box got there first. Unless the sewer dwellers get them first that is. As everyone knows better then to go down into the sewers that are near the whaling factories. All the bits and pieces of whales that are flush down the sewers ends up feeding many things that have made their homes underneath the streets.

In the sewers -

The ninjas ran through the sewers till they reach a junction where they stop to catch their breath. Grunted breathing alerted them to something coming towards them. Coming out from a large drain was something the ninjas first thought to be a corpse but it was still alive. The man that pop out of the pipe is emaciated in built and dress in rages. He's a Reject, a group of people who live their lives underneath the city never coming up to the surface. They're called rejects as they rejected everything on the surface and live off what they find in the sewers. Tales tell that they're what remains of the people who fled underground during the rat plague and refused to comeback up. They're known for killing people who venture in the sewers and eating them.

More Rejects began popping out of the pipes all around the junction all having their sights set on the ninjas. Their food supply is running low and a large group of people would last them for awhile. Using makeshift weapons of pipes and sharp pieces of wood or metal, attack the ninjas.

The ninjas fought off the Rejects but the rejects fought like wild animals, holding nothing back. The only thing that preventing the Leaf ninjas from falling to the mass attack are their chain mail shirts they're wearing underneath their clothes. They also better trained then the Rejects but with a near miss of a blade to the neck, Gai realized that the Rejects are going to kill them. Their chakra levels haven't recovered from the music yet, left them much weaker then they normally would be. (3)

"Run!" Gai shouted as he uses all of his smoke bombs at once.

The leaf ninjas burst out of the smoke running as fast as they could with the rejects right behind them. Shino and Shikamaru threw bomb tags behind them killing a number of the Rejected but more kept coming. The ninjas stop as a group of Rejected suddenly pop out from a side tunnel blocking their path. Leaving the ninjas who are still recovering their chakra to either fight it out or take their chances on the surface. (4)

A low loud growling suddenly filled the sewer. The growl sent the Rejects running in panic, leaving the ninjas wondering what could cause them to fear. Bursting out of the sewer water a Garm leap out of the water, grabbing a Reject before driving back down into the water. Followed by more Garms attacking the Rejects. The ninjas saw one Reject stab repeatedly at a Garm's throat with the blade just bouncing off it's thick skin.

"Quick run!" Jiraiya shouted leaping across the sewer to the other walkway. He spotted a door and decided that it's better then taking their chances in this deathtrap.

Breaking the lock Jiraiya waved for the others to follow. The Leaf ninjas escape as the Garms attack the Rejects, into the service tunnel.


Kingsparrow Island -

Inside the lighthouse fortress, Spymaster sitting at her desk look over the pictures sent by a transmission from the field guardians. With 6 of the Leaf ninjas captured the rest will come to rescue them sooner or later. Looking at the pictures of the ninjas caught, she learned everything she needed from them. She ordered that the be taken to Coldridge prison and be under heavy guard.

"The Leaf ninjas came here to find out where Naruto is. Ending up having to do a mission for the Shadow Broker, now has most of the underworld after them for the box they're carrying. You four came here to find out where Naruto is, so that you can use him to locate the fox demon," Spymaster said to the four members of Akatsuki who have sneak into the building, crediting their great skills.

"So the rumors are true about you," Madara said stepping into the light followed by, Konan. The other two members are waiting on their boat.

"You two are quite skilled being able to sneak in here without setting off any alarm. But then again all you two did was fly up," Spymaster said learning everything about the two standing in front of her thanks to her power.

"We're here to learn where Naruto is. Tell us and we will leave," Konan said.

"Sorry but you two aren't going anywhere," Spymaster said as she sat up from her desk. She grabs the twin sabers that are on displayed on the wall behind her.

"You really think you can take us on?" Konan ask as she and Madara got ready to fight.

"That's the same thing that Butcher said to me, right before, I cut off his leg," Spymaster said shocking the two ninjas.

Using the shock to her advantage Spymaster hit's a hidden panel on the wall, and the music boxes built in the walls. Weakening the two ninjas Spymaster launches herself over the desk landing between the two. The two attack her with kunais trying to stab her, but to their surprise she easily blocks each of their attacks with ease. In a show of strength she slices through their kunais and cutting into their torsos, leaving deep cuts.

Moving faster then the eye could follow, Spymaster kick Konan into the stone wall. Konan remain on her feet but that only made her an easy target for Spymaster who slams into her using the butts of her swords to ram into her stomach. The impact cause Konan to cough up blood before passing out.

Madara seeing Spymaster's back open, threw dozens of poison tip needles at her. They impact but to his shock she just turn around showing no ill effects. She throws her sword at him making him duck and then roll as the other one impacts where he was standing. Spymaster appeared in front of him and grabs him by his throat and began squeezing cutting off his air. Madara struggled stabbing at her arm with a kunai but all he felt was metal underneath the long sleeve of the arm strangling him. Madara body fell limp once his air supply finally ran out. (5)

The door of her office open and two guardians followed by a couple of watchmen entered the room.

"These two tried to attack me. Take them to Coldridge and there's a boat to the west of here with the two others of their group. Make sure it's taken care of," Spymaster said as she walks back to her desk.

The watch members nodded as they race off to get the word out and the two guardians grab the down bodies of Madara and Konan carrying them out of the room.


Author's Notes -

1 – I don't care how strong a ninja is natural, they only have super strength only using chakra. If real life bare fist boxers have broken their hands punching other people. There's no way a ninja can punch a metal head built to withstand gun fire, would end up with anything but a broken or the very least busied hands. Remember the human hand was never design to be used as a blunt object to fight with, it's design to grab things with to use as weapons.

2 - While in the area effected by the music box, the ninjas are reduce to free running style to escape with. Which means a fall from a two story building while not fatal would result in something breaking. And free runners in real life who don't plan out things usually end up breaking something.

3 - There will be no Mook Chivalry where the group of attackers will politely attack one at a time instead of taking advantage of their superior numbers. If a group all armed with knives attack's a ninja they will attack in mass and the ninja will take some with them but will end up dead.

4 - When magic or chakra is effected by the music box, the ones effected don't recover their energy all at once. It send their energy bar down to zero and they have to recover their energy by resting or taking a spirit potion.

5 - Spymaster not only has the power to learn all the secrets about someone but also their fighting style. Spymaster thanks to her machine body can perfectly copy the fighting style of anyone she fights and is much stronger and faster. And since the ninjas don't have chakra for super strength there's no way even with their skills they can beat Spymaster in a head to head fight. As she can just copy their fighting skill perfectly and she's has a machine body that is far stronger and faster then any flesh one. And no the standard flesh beats machine in a head to head fight won't happen as the guardians and Spymaster's bodies aren't made of weak metals or badly built. It be a normal family car playing chicken with a tank. There is no way any family car would ever be able to out power a tank. The only way to take a guardian down is by using bombs or something big and heavy to crush it. And no the shatter point tap, where something like a tank can be destroyed by one well place tap doesn't work in my fics. Besides as the guardians have music boxes that takes away chakra the ninjas facing them are just normal humans without any powers.


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